Seminar 7 Designing for the Future –Planning Today’s Buildings for Tomorrow’s Policies

Sunday, January 29, 2017: 9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Effects of Climate Change on HVAC&R
Chair: Joseph Kilcoyne, P.E., SC Engineers, Inc.
Technical Committee: 1.4 Control Theory and Application
Organizations are choosing to commit to an increasing number of climate and sustainability goals and policies. How can we plan new facilities and modernizations to meet the unknown needs of the future? See how two organizations are meeting this challenge. The first speaks to the lessons learned from a recently completed $1B “hospital of the future”. The second speaker addresses how her private University campus’ new Climate Action Plan has challenged her design teams to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. See how both facilities are leveraging their BAS systems to validate their ongoing performance against policy goals.

1  The Hospital of the Future: Building with Flexibility in Mind

Daniel Farrow, Palomar Health
When San Diego-based Palomar Health (PH) realized that the state’s seismic upgrade requirements would have been cost-prohibitive to implement in their existing Hospital building, Palomar Health took the opportunity to build a new, technologically advanced hospital that would require its employees to reinvent how they deliver healthcare for the 21st century. The presentation summarizes the advanced design methods and constant focus towards flexibility that will enable this hospital to adapt to virtually any code cycle that may be adopted by the State or other Authority Having Jurisdiction.

2  Planning for Climate Change Policies at the University of San Diego

Melissa Plaskonos, University of San Diego
The University of San Diego’s (USD’s) newly adopted Climate Action (CAP) plan sets a framework to reduce USD’s greenhouse gas emissions and contribution to climate change. The CAP sets out a general methodology for establishing short, medium and long term strategic goals and feedback mechanisms to provide performance data, as well as a number of specific recommendations to improve sustainability performance of the University. This presentation showcases how USD is implementing changes in their campus design standards, energy dashboards, and measurement and verification systems to address their building related impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
See more of: Effects of Climate Change on HVAC&R
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