Seminar 17 Energy Management: A Crucial Component of Operations and Maintenance

Sunday, January 29, 2017: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Building Operation and Performance
Chair: John Constantinide, Alpha MRC Architects Engineers
Technical Committee: 7.3 Operation and Maintenance Management
In the overall facility operations and maintenance (O&M) picture, energy management plays an integral role in proper facility management. This role is increasingly valued with a push in the public and private sectors for reduced energy consumption, leading to reduced facility costs and, in the case of equipment replacement, reduced payback periods. Effective energy management in O&M requires calculated and focused strategies with a proper investment of time, funding, and personnel. These strategies and their energy-saving impacts will be discussed by seminar speakers who have worked in institutional settings, providing perspectives from the United States and in an international setting.

1  The OMMP Annual Program and the Impact on Energy Conservation

Terrence Rollins, RHC Global Energy Solutions
This session focuses on “Critical Thinking” and the Principles of the Integrated Design for Energy Efficiency. The Integrated Design Project Team (IDP) early involvement in planning, design, construction, and building operations team members. The goal IDP asset management and energy management program for energy consuming equipment is to operate and maintain the equipment to like new conditions. The benefit of decreased energy use and saving fuel can result in decrease maintenance cost for the owner. The lower operating expenses can be invested back to the owner’s core business.

2  Energy Management in Operations and Maintenance

David Norvell, P.E., University of Central Florida
When considering the entire life cycle of a building, costs incurred during the operations phase have a great impact on the overall success of the project. The presentation covers the necessary components and processes for a successful in-house, energy management program at a tier 1 metropolitan research university. The importance of operations and maintenance staff to the success and sustainment of the program will be addressed as well as the importance of a documented workflow process. The case study shows the effect of policy, procedure, organizational structure, process improvement, and analytics on the overall success of the program.

3  Energy and Resources Conservation through O&M

Mohammad Baig, President of ASHRAE NPC
Energy and resource conservation can only be achieved if building systems are operated and maintained the way they were designed and commissioned. Operations and maintenance (O&M) is usually given the least priority globally, including in Pakistan. What needs to be included in design, construction and commissioning phases in relation to O&M? What is an O&M team and their duties? How should effective O&M can be executed? How can effective O&M enhance the service life of equipment, as well as energy and resources conservation? Lastly, what metrics can be used to note and keep track of a well-executed O&M program?
See more of: Building Operation and Performance
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