Seminar 54 Cutting-Edge Japanese Technologies SHASE Annual Award for HVAC System and Equipment in 2016

Tuesday, January 31, 2017: 11:15 AM-12:45 PM
HVAC&R Systems and Equipment
Chair: Shinsuke Kato, Dr.Ing., University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science
This session introduces three different types of buildings. One is a suburb-type Zero-Energy office building, which introduces PV, biomass generation, lithium batteries, a wood-pellet boiler etc. Another is a medium-sized office building, housing an efficient data center and an experimental R&D facility, where cost-effective ITC technology applications are effectively designed and installed. The third is a dormitory for an oil and petroleum company. A gas-fired cogeneration system is also installed to power an electricity, hot water supply, road heating and bath room dryer system. This equipment is well designed around the BCP (business continuity planning) concept.

1  Symbiosis with Nature and the Achievement of Japan's First ZEB

Naofumi Imaida, Shimizu Corporation
This Project is a wooden office building in the forest at the foot of Yatsugatake. The client spent over a decade selecting this suitable site to ensure symbiosis with nature. An “energy-saving system” using passive methods (natural ventilation, direct solar gain, natural lighting), an “energy-making system” comprising a heat and power generator using renewable energy (solar power, wooden biomass resources) and a micro-grid system with a lithium-ion rechargeable battery are adopted to achieve ZEB. This building has been properly operated by environmentally conscious staff and has achieved a year-round PEB (Positive Energy Building).

2  Implementation of Environment-Friendly Office Building with High-Efficiency Data Center

This office building is the latest energy-saving building in Tokyo. By relocating ICT equipment outside the office to the data center in the building and replacing all desktop PCs with a thin client terminal, we have reduced the outlet and cooling loads in the office. Moreover, we control levels of air-conditioning and lighting using positional information of workers, which is determined in real time by smart phones and beacons. Using these technologies, we have reduced energy consumption per floor area by 60% compared to average office buildings in Japan.

3  Corresponding to BCP and Environment Consideration Method for Company’s Dormitory

Takeshi Kimura, Obayashi Corporation,
This presentation describes a system design against earthquakes and tsunamis using a corresponding Business Continuation Plan (BCP) and a community-open-design in a company dormitory in northern Japan. For BCP, a Cogeneration System was installed in this dormitory to save energy, alongside various creative solutions to use CGS exhaust heat as effectively as possible in daily operation. Operational performance has also been improved with a remote monitoring system.
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