Workshop 6 Food Cold Chain for Developing Countries

Monday, January 30, 2017: 9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Fundamentals and Applications
Chair: Didier J. Coulomb, Dr.Ing., IIR
Sponsor: Refrigeration Committee
Developing countries have lower refrigeration capacities than developed countries and thus more post-harvest losses. International organizations and private companies need to invest in these countries.

1  International Policy to Build a Sustainable Cold Chain in Developing Countries

Didier J. Coulomb, Dr.Ing., IIR
The FAO and the IIR, in coordination with other United Nations organizations have decided to launch actions in order to increase the capacities of refrigerated storage and transport in developing countries: seminars, publications, financement of infrastructures. This workshop explains the context, the challenges and future actions.

2  Refrigeration Industries Projects in Developing Countries

Jon Shaw, CEng, Carrier
Carrier decided to increase its presence in developing countries and to build a coalition with other companies and intergovernmental organizations such as IIR in order to develop an adequate cold chain in these countries.
See more of: Fundamentals and Applications
See more of: Workshop

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