5 Reuse of Ablution Water for Mosque Air Conditioning Using Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling Technology in Saudi Arabia (LV-17-C034)

Kostas Vatopoulos, Saudi Aramco
Ayman Youssef, P.E., Saudi Aramco
Adel Hamid, Saudi Aramco
Moe Salem, Air2O Cooling, LLC
There are nearly 60 thousand Mosques spread across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, consuming nearly 3 Terawatt-Hour of site electrical energy, 70% of which is due to the use of mostly inefficient HVAC systems. It is estimated that 20 million M3 of expensively treated water used annually for ablution, 50% of which flows directly to the drain without any contamination. This paper evaluates the potential savings in water and energy of reusing ablution water to run mosque Air-Conditioning systems using high efficiency IDEC technology.

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