3 Risk of Condensation Analysis of Common Concrete Balcony Configurations (LV-17-C063)

Farhad Hemmati, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Ali Vaseghi, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Fitsum Tariku, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Condensation control of thermal bridges has always been a major concern of designers. In building envelope details, highly heat conductive materials and poor thermal insulations create thermal bridging. Condensation occurs when indoor air hits the cold surface of thermal bridging area which is below dewpoint temperature. Condensation could lead to surface staining, mold growth and deterioration of sensitive materials. The goal of this paper is to develop a catalogue and guidelines that allow designers to verify the condensation resistance of selected balconies in different climate zones, and meet ASHRAE and LEED standards and local codes.

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