2 Development of Equipment Characteristics Databases of BEST Program (LV-17-C026)

Kohichi Shinagawa, NIHON SEKKEI, INC.
Shuzo Murakami, Ph.D., Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation
Hisaya Ishino, Ph.D., Tokyo Metropolitan University
Takashi Yanai, Ph.D., NIHON SEKKEI, INC.
Yukihiro Kawazu, Ph.D., NIHON SEKKEI, INC.
One of the factors for obsoleting a simulation tool is not updating the Equipment Characteristics after the release of the program. For this reason the BEST (Building Energy Simulation Tool) program committee, the section meetings for Equipment Characteristics are held continuously and the BEST program’ Equipment Characteristics is updated frequently. The section meetings are held among the type of equipment, and there are cooperation agreements of Industry Association at the section meetings. The Equipment Characteristics’ databases are made up of two models (statistical model and physical model), and the databases hold three datasets (rated Characteristics, mid Characteristics, dynamic characteristics).

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