1 Practical Application of an Absorption Heat Pump to Commercial Water Heating
Commercial hot water heating in the US accounts for 780 Trillion Btu/year of primary energy use, with over half of this amount from natural gas fired heaters. A commercial absorption heat pump could achieve a level of savings much higher than possible by conversion to the best available non-heat-pump gas fired alternatives (instantaneous condensing). The ammonia-water system has the added advantage of zero Global Warming Potential and Ozone Depletion Potential. This seminar presents the development of a practical absorption heat pump cycle with laboratory-measured performance metrics, outlines potential installation layouts, and presents the economic case for adoption in commercial buildings.
2 Using Double and Triple Lift Single Stage Absorption to Save Energy
Utilizing low grade thermal energy and hot water for cooling is a great application for Double and Triple Lift absorbers. This presentation will cover a new Tire Plant in Tennessee that will use 185-131 F hot water to produce 300 tons of cooling. Currently there is a dearth of general understanding of what a double or triple lift unit is and therefore not many applications to date in North America. Traditional and well know single stage absorber cannot use hot water below 190F typically.