8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Seminar 1
An Assessment of Unconventional Heat Pump Sizing with Variable Capacity Technology
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Walter E. Hunt, Electric Power Research Institute
Technical Committee: 08.11 Unitary and Room Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
Traditional methods for residential heat pump sizing allow for sufficient unit performance and comfortable indoor conditions. Variable capacity heat pumps have the ability to provide a range of sensible cooling, latent cooling and heating output, and therefore have flexibility in how they are sized for a specific application. Unconventional sizing of a variable capacity heat pump may offer energy savings and power demand reduction, while maintaining indoor comfort. This seminar examines two unique perspectives of unconventional heat pump sizing with variable capacity technology.
1 A Potential Solution for a Real-World Utility Issue: Oversized Variable Capacity Heat Pumps
During low winter temperatures, electric resistance heat in aggregate can contribute to peak power events for the electric utility. This study examines the concept of using oversized variable capacity heat pumps to eliminate the need for backup electric heat. Field sites in Orlando, FL served as a basis for the investigation. Results of the field study compare the usage of backup electric heat, annual energy consumption, peak power demand, dehumidification performance, and system cost between the variable capacity and baseline, single speed systems.
2 A Study on Variable Capacity Heat Pump Sizing in Mixed-Humid and Cold Climates
This study aims to explore the most appropriate sizing option for a variable capacity heat pump at multiple residential applications. Two variable speed heat pump (VSHP) models were used in simulations of houses located in the mixed-humid and cold climates to determine the impact that sizing has on comfort, energy use and peak power. A single-speed heat pump sized to the cooling load was used as a reference for each home. Simulation results indicate up to 10% annual energy savings are achievable by sizing VSHPs to the heating load in cold climates, with decreasing savings in warmer climates.
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Seminar 2
Centralized vs. Distributed Geothermal Heat Pump Applications
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Mike Filler, P.E., Trane Company
Technical Committee: 06.08 Geothermal Heat Pumps and Energy Recovery Applications
Closed-loop geothermal heat pump (GHP) systems offer a variety of possibilities that can be optimized to the needs of the building type and owner’s resources. This session offers recommendations for identifying characteristics and design approaches important to good matches of buildings and ground loops. The advantages and disadvantages of centralized GHP systems utilizing chiller(s) are examined and compared to distributed geothermal-source water-to-air heat pump systems.
1 Happy GHP Marriages: Building Types and GHP Loop Options
Closed-loop geothermal heat pump (GHP) systems offer a variety of possibilities that can be optimized to the needs of the building type and owner’s resources. Distributed systems in which several ground loops serve a single building are often a good option for large footprint buildings and owners with minimal maintenance resources, such as K-12 schools. Topics for this session will include building layout, cost of headers and vertical bores, total HVAC component efficiency and demand, load diversity, flow control options, experience and quantity of maintenance personnel, and results from long term field measurements.
2 When Should Centralized GHP Systems Be Considered?
The design process should take into consideration several parameters when determining which is a better fit; Centralized or Distributed GHP Systems. Centralized GHP can provide advantages such as; higher efficiency for simultaneous heating/cooling which is quite common in commercial building; ease of maintenance due to reduced number of moving parts in a central location; greater potential for reduced ground loop size; easier integration with other technology such as thermal energy storage and finally, providing a more “future proof” solution.
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Seminar 3
Control Valves in Hydronics: A Painted Picture
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom C (Hilton Orlando)
Robert C. Walker, Belimo Aircontrols Usa
Technical Committee: 06.01 Hydronic and Steam Equipment and Systems
This seminar proposes to compare design and benefits of pressure independent control valves versus standard control valves. It covers system background, valve design evolution as a result of system requirements and ultimately the benefits provided by the control valves. The presentation ethos/pathos/logos aims to paint a detailed and complete picture of the possibilities of solutions at the disposal of design engineers, contractors and facility technicians.
1 Hydronic Design with Standard Two-Way Control Valves
The design of a hydronic system with a standard two-way control valve with manual balancing valve solution. The discussion will address the need for balancing the system and controlling the load, and address the need for measurement and verification. The two-way control valve and balance valve solution will focus on the control valves responsibility in responding to load variations in the conditioned space as well as responding to variations within the hydronic system. Design considerations will be addressed as will advantages and disadvantages of the design in a typical hydronic system.
2 Hydronic Design with Pressure Independent Control Valves
The pressure independent control valve will be examined as two valves within one body that separate the duties of controlling pressure variations within the hydronic system by way of a pressure controller – a form of pressure reducing valve – and a standard two-way control valve. The advantages and disadvantages of designing with pressure independent control valves, as well as design considerations, will be addressed. These will be highlighted utiilzing the same hydronic system from the initial presentation that addressed standard two-way control valves.
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Seminar 4
Is Recovery Possible? Controls Challenges with Medical Codes and Standards
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Dave Kahn, P.E., RMH Group
Technical Committee: 01.04 Control Theory and Application
Codes and standards establish minimum levels of compliance. Medical facilities have minimum levels understandably higher than many other fields. However, as the world of controls technologies and sequences of operation have advanced, medical construction codes and standards have not kept pace. In many cases, this limits the ability of owners and operators to use newer technologies and controls capabilities to save energy while keeping medical facility occupants safe and comfortable. Speakers present case studies where some of these challenges have been successfully overcome, as well as approaches that can prove new technologies for inclusion in medical codes and standards.
1 Mandatory Energy Waste? This Owner Says NO!
What other codes and standards can be used or evaluated to help in medical facility construction and specification? Several case studies will be presented with examples of surveying the landscape of other codes and standards to determine what should really apply and then creating unique solutions for the medical field.
2 What's in the Way of Better Codes and Standards?
The speaker will help session attendees understand the code barriers that can prevent the application of new technologies in medical construction, as well as the approaches that can be used to prove a new technology for inclusion in a code or standard.
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Seminar 5
Commissioning: Closing the Loop
International Design

Orange Ballroom F (Hilton Orlando)
E. Mitchell Swann, P.E., MDCSystems
Technical Committee: 02.08 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability
Sponsor: TC 1.7
CoSponsor: 07.02 HVAC&R Contractors and Design Build Firms
It is common knowledge in the industry that buildings and systems have become both more complicated and more complex. This complexity often manifests itself in the interplay and display between various systems. Concomitant with this complexity has been the growth in the art and practice of commissioning. This program looks at commissioning from an international perspective. Experienced practitioners from far and not so far afield tell us how they get it done.
1 The Merge in the Middle: Commissioning in Pakistan
Pakistan and its region are home to some of the largest and most complex industrial and infrastructure projects in the world. These projects deliver world class outputs for multinational giants. And when working with giants, time and quality is of the essence. This presentation will highlight some of the challenges and opportunities that can be faced when commissioing large scale industiral projects in a design-build execution model and when energy and resources are pricey and scarce.
2 Running like New Under the Sun: Commissioning in the Middle East
The Middle East, especially Suadi Arabia and the Gulf Coast have been growing in leaps and bounds. Despite the region being an energy bonanza there has been great interest in alternative energy, efficiency and performance. Commissioning is key to those objectives. This program will highlight some of the key features of commissioning in such a dynamic environment.
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Seminar 6
Presenting ASHRAE’s New CHP Design Guide and eTool
Systems and Equipment

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
James Freihaut, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Technical Committee: 01.10 Cogeneration Systems
Sponsor: TC 8.3
CoSponsor: 06.02 District Energy
Historically, combined heat and power (CHP) design guides have focused on design and development features of major system components. Although these elements are critical to develop high-performing and reliable components, they are not of particular interest to an engineering practitioner seeking to understand and apply a CHP system to a specific application. This new ASHRAE design guide, developed by ASHRAE research (RP-1592), provides application and operational information about prime movers, heat recovery devices and thermally activated technologies; technical and economic guidance regarding CHP systems design, site screening and assessment guidance and tools; and installation, operation and maintenance advice.
1 ASHRAE's CHP Design Guide Overview: A Walk on the Thermal Side
This presentation will provide an overview of the Design Guide by highlighting the essence of all twelve chapters. Practitioners with a firm understanding of successful CHP applications will understand that successful CHP is first and foremost reliable economics. This means that matching CHP electricity and thermal production with site loads is essential. Targeting addressable thermal loads then become the primary focus of CHP design. Finally, accounting for the right economic factors will result in a good CHP assessment.
2 ASHRAE’s CHP Design Guide Review: CHP Assessment eTool
The CHP Analysis Tool builds on an analysis engine used in assessing sites for CHP applicability during 10 years of work with the DOE and the private sector. The ASHRAE CHP Analysis Tool has been further developed as part of ASHRAE research project RP-1592 to provide an initial understanding of the CHP potential for a given site. The CHP Analysis Tool provides a consistent and tested means for assessing CHP system economic performance for building with weather dependent and process loads using monthly utility billing data. The results of the analysis are intended to be used for guidance purposes only.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Seminar 7
Energy Submetering Fundamentals: Benchmarking, Baselining and Beyond!
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Joseph Kilcoyne, P.E., SC Engineers, Inc.
Technical Committee: 01.04 Control Theory and Application
CoSponsor: 07.05 Smart Building Systems
Everyone is talking about improving energy consumption. However, if you can't measure it, you can't improve it. In a college setting where an entire campus may be fed from a single electrical or natural gas meter, individual building submetering is essential to identifying big ticket energy waste. This session highlights two different approaches to submetering: one campus which utilized their building automation system and the other which built a network of web-enabled sub meters tied into an energy dashboard. See how each campus is making their metering investment pay back through targeted benchmarking and monitoring-based commissioning.
1 From Submeters to Savings: How the San Diego Community College District Used a Submetering Project to Kickstart an Energy Savings Campaign
Details of a three year submetering project to install web based meters for all campus buildings is presented. The use of this data to target under-performing buildings for energy projects will be presented. Details of how the metering data for multiple uses such as energy dashboards, energy benchmarking, energy project baselining, and monitoring based commissioning will be presented.
2 Leveraging Building Automation Systems to Perform Metering and M&V
This presentation describes the various ways USD utilizes advanced submetering in their building automation system. Initially installed to assist in measurement and verification of energy performance contracts, USD’s building meters are used to track energy project savings in an ongoing retrocommissioning effort. The role that energy tracking has played in USD’s successful and repeated commitment to fund energy efficiency projects will be presented.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 8
BIM Strategies for Energy Modeling and MEP Design Consulting
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom C (Hilton Orlando)
Krishnan Gowri, Ph.D., Autodesk
Technical Committee: 07.01 Integrated Building Design
Sponsor: BIM MTG
CoSponsor: 01.05 Computer Applications
BIM is promoted and marketed by all factions of the design and construction industry as being THE critical component to successful project delivery with promises of streamlined cost and schedule metrics and efficiencies galore. More projects and owners require BIM now than ever before. This session brings together three industry experts to provide ASHRAE members with practical guidance on strategies to successfully implement BIM-based workflow for MEP design and building energy modeling.
1 BIM: An Incomplete MEP Design Solution and How to Complete It
While BIM represents the future of project delivery, the present, especially for MEP trades, requires creativity and imagination to compensate for BIM tools that are currently immature and incomplete. This is compounded by an industry still finding its swim lanes as the BIM centric integrated project delivery system forces all parties to blur their scope lines. This presentation discusses the disconnect between the process and product, the tools and deliverables, the expectations and outcomes. The presentation will also provide guidance on dealing with the uncertainty and fill in the missing pieces to bring the project team together.
2 Effective BIM to BEM through Project Team Collaboration
Project teams are having to use multiple software platforms for various reasons (BIM, energy, daylight, etc…) so one software package may never do it all. But there are commonalities that can be leveraged on each project to ensure successful delivery. Hence, it can be argued that seamless interoperability is unlikely to be universally successful or widely adopted, and may actually stifle creative workflows. Rather, the success of BIM to BEM will need to focus on collaboration that results in a project-specific BIM to BEM workflow between relevant team members. This session will outline a framework for this successful collaboration.
3 BIM to BEM: Early Design Process Collaboration and Application
BIM technology currently has been used not only during construction document stage, but also during initial stage. The good implementation of the BIM to BEM will enhance collaboration process among architect, engineer and energy modeler. However, the application in projects is still limited. The presentation will explore interoperability between BIM and BEM and collaboration among disciplines in early stage. Additionally, how the simulation results can drive better performance building and provide faster opportunities to identify different energy efficiency measures will be highlighted using case studies to show the implementation and lesson learned from the process.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 9
Evaluating Low-GWP Refrigerants for the Air-Conditioning Industry in High Ambient Temperature Countries
International Design
Orange Ballroom F (Hilton Orlando)
Walid M. Chakroun, Ph.D., Kuwait University
Sponsor: UNEP, UNIDO
This session addresses the challenges of high ambient countries in finding alternatives for the widely used HCFC-22 in residential air-conditioning applications. A project was launched to test locally built prototypes running with different low-GWP alternatives. The session discusses the outcome of these tests and a comparison of the results, which by no means endorse any of the tested refrigerants, but shed light on possibly workable refrigerant alternatives for high ambient operation. Other aspects of the project dealing with economics, technology transfer and the challenges of implementation are introduced, including recommendations of further required investigation.
1 Challenges in Promoting Low-GWP Refrigerants in High-Ambient Countries
This presentation intends to offer an overview about the key challenges facing the air-conditioning industry in high-ambient countries in meeting global and national environmental and energy commitments while examining new low-GWP alternatives. The introduction of debates about key definitions like high ambient and low-GWP will be also discussed as part of different perspectives and views. The presentation will also include the driving forces and key objectives of the UNEP-UNIDO PRAHA project and its relation to other testing and research work.
2 PRAHA Methodology: Building and Testing Prototypes and Related Research
The core component of UNEP/UNIDO project for promoting low-GWP alternatives in high-ambient countries is building and testing prototypes by local OEMs with the support of several international technology providers. The presentation introduces the findings of the testing of the prototypes developed under the project for four different categories of air-conditioning applications using four different types of alternative refrigerants. Detailed background on the testing methodology, design limitations and the criteria for selecting the capacities, refrigerants and design parameters are included in the presentation. The presentation also reflects the technical challenges the project faced while building and testing the prototypes.
3 PRAHA Beyond Testing: Other Work and Key Findings
PRAHA project went beyond building and testing prototypes, with alternative refrigerants, that can work efficiently in high-ambient conditions. This presentation introduces the work and findings for assessing the impact of relevant energy efficiency standards on the process of refrigerant selection, examining the economic factors that could affect the decision of adopting low-GWP alternatives, understanding barriers to ease the technology transfer and facilitate transferring the sound use of alternatives in the air-conditioning industry. The presentation also includes key findings and outcomes about examining how using the district cooling applications can reduce dependency on high/higher GWP alternatives and promote not-in-kind technologies.
4 Concluding Messages: Potentials and Remaining Work
The main objective of PRAHA project is to assist the process of decision making at government and industry levels in high ambient countries. This presentation includes the key messages concluded from PRAHA project concerning many policy and technical aspects that need to be considered by the respective decision makers at both levels. Discussion includes key recommendations related to comprehensive risk assessment, the need of the servicing sector, the introduction of relevative standards and codes, and and the introduction of incentives for the industry and end-users.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 10
Legionella Codes, Standards and Guidelines
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Erica Stewart, Kaiser Permanente National EH&S
Technical Committee: Environmental Health Committee
Sponsor: SSPC188
CoSponsor: 09.06 Healthcare Facilities
This seminar covers international and domestic codes, standards and guidelines for the management of Legionella in building water systems. The Health Safety Executive of the UK and Public Works and Government Services Canada have issued regulations for managing Legionella; in June 2015 ASHRAE published a standard for risk management of Legionella at the same time the American Industrial Hygiene Association released a guidance document for the recognition, evaluation and control of Legionella.
1 Latest Developments in the Control of Legionella in the UK
The UK has had a number of serious Legionella outbreaks over the past five years. After a major inquiry that managed to identify the causes, a guide was written and a program of information dissemination ensued. Unfortunately there have been further outbreaks and further guidance. The Health and Safety Executive has now published HSG 274, the Approved Code of Practice - ACOPS - which is the most definitive document and is a UK legal requirement. This presentation will describe the approach and the detail which this guide goes into to ensure high levels of protection.
2 Public Works and Government Services Canada MD15161: Control of Legionella in Mechanical Systems
Legionnaire’s disease is again a topic of great interest to IAQ practitioners as the incidence of this disease worldwide is on the rise. Public Works and Government Services Canada has issued a guidance document , MD 15161, on the design, operation and maintenance of building water systems in order to prevent the growth of Legionella bacteria. This presentation will focus on the inspection of building water systems, the evaluation of their associated risks and the creation of a Legionella bacteria control management plan (LBCMP) for any given building.
3 ASHRAE Standard 188-2015 Legionellosis: Risk Management of Legionella for Building Water Systems: Common Mistakes in Addressing Legionella Risk
While the risk management approach and water management program outlined in ASHRAE Standard 188-2015 will go a long way in preventing Legionnaires’ disease, there are many common mistakes and misconceptions that can subvert a successful program. The basic principles underlying the key elements of Standard 188 will be reviewed as well as the common assumptions and measurement errors that can lead to missed opportunities to implement effective controls. Case studies will be presented that exemplify both successful and failed programs.
4 AIHA Guidelines for Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Legionella in Building Water Systems
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) published a guideline for the “Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Legionella Hazards in Building Water Systems” in June 2015. This guidance updates and expands upon information previously used to conduct environmental source assessments for Legionella during outbreak investigations. It also provides a framework for competent professionals to establish a proactive assessment strategy of hazard assessment and longitudinal monitoring of building water systems. The intent is that they use it to develop evaluation and assessment strategies for Legionella and shift to a proactive approach that may reduce the impact this disease has on public health.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 11
New CFD Techniques for Design of Air Distribution Systems
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Atila Novoselac, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Technical Committee: 04.10 Indoor Environmental Modeling
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a powerful modeling tool, widely applied in HVAC design. However, it could be computationally expensive and complex, and new techniques and models are needed for application in standard design practice. The building modeling community has been developing methods that are fast and accurate enough to be used in early stage of the design or even in real time control systems. This seminar presents application of coarse grid CFD, fast fluid dynamics (FFD) and reduced order modeling (ROM) on real problems, such as air distribution in buildings and data centers. It considers speed improvement and accuracy.
1 Coarse Grid CFD for Fast Modeling of Indoor Environments: Why NOT?
Large-scale CFD analysis requires extended time and computing resource, and in recent years reduced order modeling techniques are developed. Among many of these techniques, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) stands out as a preferable method. POD allows the processing of large amounts of high-dimensional data with the aim of obtaining low-dimensional descriptions that capture much of the analyzed phenomena. Here, we discuss how POD is used to overcome the issues addressed from the traditional CFD method and show how POD can be used for data center analyses. Both CFD and POD methods are compared in terms of running time and accuracy.
2 Reduced Order Modeling of Airflow and Thermal Fields in a Data Center
It is challenging to properly control the ventilation in a complex built environment, such as a data center room and aircraft cabin. The ventilation effects depend on both an indoor airflow distribution and HVAC system. This presentation introduces a coupled simulation of three-dimensional indoor airflow and building HVAC system. The indoor airflow is simulated by a fast fluid dynamics program, while the HVAC and control system is modeled with a Modelica language. We will introduce the principle of the coupled simulation and demonstrate its usage for the ventilation control.
3 Faster and Simpler CFD for Data Center Applications
Traditional CFD methods have proven useful, though slow and complex, for data center applications. Alternative, simpler technologies are becoming available which trade varying degrees of accuracy for speed and simplicity. Potential flow modeling (PFM) offers nearly real-time steady-state modeling for practical applications and is best suited for estimates early in the data center design cycle. The fast fluid dynamics (FFD) approach includes all of the physics of traditional CFD methods while being simpler to code and delivering an order of magnitude speed improvement for transient applications. This presentation discusses PFM and FFD in the context of data center applications.
4 A Fast Coupled Simulation of 3D Indoor Airflow Motion and HVAC System for Ventilation Control of Complex Environment
Major CFD computational penalty is caused by high requirement on spatial mesh resolution and this presentation shows the theory and practical feasibility of using coarse-grid CFD. It utilizes numerical viscosity induced by coarse CFD grid, coupled with simplest turbulence model. Case studies show that a uniform coarse grid can be applied, along with a constant turbulence viscosity model, to reasonably predict general airflow patterns. Such predictions is not as precise as fine-grid CFDs, but the accuracy is acceptable for indoor environment study at an early stage of a project. The computing speed is about 100 times faster than fine-grid CFD.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 12
Operations and Maintenance for Optimal Performance of Efficient HVAC&R
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Mina Agarabi, P.E., Agarabi Engineering PLLC
Technical Committee: 07.03 Operation and Maintenance Management
Energy efficiency measures (EEMs) have been shown to reduce energy costs significantly, but the impact of operations and maintenance (O&M) on EEM energy savings is not well understood. An investment in advanced technology that ignores O&M and staff training can end up as a costly mistake and cause new problems. This seminar's purpose is to present O&M methods for optimal performance of advanced technologies in HVAC&R. Case studies are presented of successful and unsuccessful O&M for efficient HVAC&R.
2.00 Advanced Technologies Alone Are Insufficient to Deliver Energy Savings
High-efficiency equipment does not automatically mean high performance. A brand-new multifamily building in New York City had all the bells and whistles: condensing boilers, multi-sensor BMS, and photovoltaics, among others. Unfortunately, the building was not able to reap any of the benefits. This presentation will answer the following questions: 1. Why is advanced technology alone insufficient to deliver energy? 2. Is it possible to obtain acceptable energy savings with less-advanced technology? 3. When does it make the most sense to use advanced technology? 4. How can I increase the probability of obtaining promised performance out of advanced technology?
3.00 Case Study: Lessons Learned after Advanced Technology Project Implementation
A mixed-use NYC high-rise was built in 2000 with advanced technology. An energy audit revealed that the BMS had unsupported controllers, an inadequate graphics card, sensors out of calibration and settings errors. Benchmarking confirmed that O&M was inadequate and equipment was not operating as designed. Additionally, staff were not adequately trained in the use of the equipment or the BMS. As a result, the building's energy performance was worse than that of many 100-year-old steam-heated buildings. This presentation will cover the lessons learned from this case study. Moving forward, what options are the most cost-effective way to achieve the intended performance of this building?
1.00 Operating Practices to Maximize the Energy Savings Potential of VFDs
Over the last twenty years, variable frequency drives have become a widely accepted technology, consistently installed in new projects and retrofitted into many old buildings. However, the energy savings potential of this technology is greatly limited by lack of training on their capabilities at the building level. Especially where VFDs have been retrofitted onto old buildings, we often find them being used only for softstart or not at all. This presentation provides examples of a number of cases in which the potential of VFDs has not been maximized, and recommends adjustments to installation, training and operational practices that could address these issues.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 13
Updates and Perspectives on the New Version of ICC 700, The Residential Green Building Standard
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Jeff Inks, Window and Door Manufacturers Association
Technical Committee: 02.08 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability
Sponsor: Residential Buildings Commitee
ASHRAE has entered a partnership with NAHB and ICC to revise the 2012 version of ICC 700. The revised version of the standard includes some significant changes intended to increase its adoption and use. This seminar discusses key changes to the new version of the standard. ASHRAE involvement and feedback on the partnership with NAHB and ICC is also provided. Application of the standard from a user's perspective is discussed.
1 The National Green Building Standard ICC-700: A Residential Building Game Changer
Until recently, residential buildings lagged in green certification because the cost-benefit analysis is different than for office buildings. ANSI approval of the National Green Building Standard (NGBS) opened the door to cost-effective, credible, marketable green certification for homes and apartments. The green housing market is poised to double from what it was in 2013—going from $37 billion (27% of market) to $90 billion (up to 33% of market) by 2016. This presentation will describe the NGBS and the NGBS Green certification program, as well as emerging green building trends with the development of the 2015 NGBS sponsored by ICC/ASHRAE/NAHB.
2 ASHRAE's Partnership and Involvement with the National Green Building Standard
ASHRAE has been a leader in the green and sustainable buildings, developing a variety of “better-than-code” standards, historically focused on commercial building performance. As part of its increased commitment to residential building performance initiatives, ASHRAE partnered with ICC and NAHB in the revision to the 2012 Residential Green Building Standard. Drawing from experience with 189.1 and a number of building performance topics, ASHRAE delegates participated in development and deliberations on hundreds of proposed changes to ICC 700. This presentation will report on how the next edition of ICC 700 aligns with ASHRAE’s mission, technical rigor and professional standards requirements.
3 Pre-Qualification of Products and Systems with the National Green Building Standard
The National Green Building Standard is unique among sustainable building standards in that it has a pre-qualification process for materials and products that contribute towards points within the standard. The benefit of pre-qualification for builders is that it streamlines the writing specifications and verification of compliance with the standard. The benefit for a manufacturer is demonstration of product benefits. This presentation will describe the pre-qualification process and the technical data needed for validation.
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Seminar 14
First Time at an ASHRAE Conference and Meeting
Fundamentals and Applications
Orlando Ballroom V (Hilton Orlando)
Jennifer E. Leach, P.E., Cummins-Wagner Co, Inc.
Technical Committee: Conferences and Expositions Committee
First time at an ASHRAE Conference? Did you know there is an ASHRAE meeting, too? Been coming for years, but still confused? What is a TC? What is a Standing Committee? Who can attend what? What is the AHR Expo? And why is all this happening at once? This crash course provides you with an introduction to the ASHRAE Conference activities and allows you to have your questions answered.
1 The Ins and Outs of ASHRAE
Many of you may be familiar with ASHRAE at the Chapter level. This seminar covers the structure of the Society from committees to councils and everything in between. We love our acronyms and when we’re done, you’ll finally know what they all mean and how you can get involved.
2 Make the Most of Your Conference Experience
Now that you’ve got your bearings and know the difference between a TC and a TG, this seminar tells you about the softer side of ASHRAE. You’ll find out what social events you shouldn’t miss and how to make the most of your conference experience.
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Seminar 15
Acoustics in Multi-Family Residential Environments
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Chris Papadimos, Papadimos Group
Technical Committee: 02.06 Sound and Vibration Control
Proper acoustics for multifamily residential projects are important to address and typically required for compliance with building codes. Achieving a suitable acoustic environment requires an integrated approach and encompasses various aspects of the design and construction process. This seminar covers the key focus areas, such as sound isolation from exterior to interior and between units, noise control for mechanical and plumbing systems, and includes case studies with lessons learned and the latest industry trends.
1 Plumbing Noise Control Essentials for Multi-Family Residences
Plumbing noise is a common complaint in residential settings and difficult to correct after construction since remediation often involves tearing out walls, floors and ceilings. Despite the obvious potential for impact between occupancies, plumbing noise is largely ignored by building code and consequently receives limited priority during design and construction. While appropriate solutions are widely available, successful outcomes require coordination between multiple disciplines and trades in order to maintain cost effectiveness without unacceptable risk. This presentation will emphasize the practical side of plumbing noise control and cover key essentials to help design and construction professionals better avoid plumbing noise problems.
2 Sound Isolation Between Multi-Family Units
The presentation will discuss the modern construction materials and techniques that lead to good sound isolation in multi-family residential developments. Theoretical, lab and real-world tested sound and impact isolation data will be presented for various construction elements and partition configurations. Examples of construction challenges that result in less than optimal sound isolation also will be presented.
3 Using and Understanding AHRI 275: Application of Outdoor Equipment Sound Ratings
This session provides an in-depth look at AHRI 275: Application of Outdoor Unitary Equipment A-Weighted Sound Power Ratings. This looks at sound propagation from rooftop and ground mounted units, the effectiveness and installation of noise barriers, and issues that arise with wall installations. This session provides a summary for design-build engineers, contractors, and mechanical engineers that need to do basic radiated sound estimates.
4 Ensuring Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery Systems Are Quiet
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) systems, provide a controllable method of ventilating dwellings while delivering energy savings. They are particularly useful for ventilating homes in noisy areas or high-rise buildings where open windows are not workable. However, they can be a source of noise, particularly if they are not located and installed carefully. Drawing on a range of large residential projects, laboratory testing and on-site measurements, this session will present the acoustic advantages and pitfalls with their use, and will give real advice to engineers, architects and contractors on how to specify and configure these systems for quiet operation.
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Seminar 16
Making the Commercialization of Low-GWP Refrigerants a Reality
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom C (Hilton Orlando)
Edward Hessell, Ph.D., Chemtura Corporation
Technical Committee: 03.04 Lubrication
Sponsor: TC 3.3, MTG.LOW GWP
CoSponsor: 03.02 Refrigerant System Chemistry
The transition to lower global warming potential refrigerants such as HFOs, carbon dioxide and propane creates a number of design and operational challenges to compressor and system builders. Lubrication is one of the fundamental issues that must be addressed for any refrigerant change. This seminar presents examples of the lubrication challenges faced by the industry from three different perspectives; the compressor/system builder, the refrigerant manufacturer and the lubricant manufacturer. Examples are presented of strategies used to ensure that the transition to low GWP refrigerants results in refrigeration systems with the best possible properties of energy efficiency and long term reliability.
1 Energy Efficiency Performance of New Low-GWP Replacements for R-404A as a Function of Lubricant Structure and Refrigerant/Lubricant Properties in a Commercial Refrigeration Unit
Lubricants optimized for R-404A refrigerant may not be the best choice for the new low GWP alternatives. In this study, selected low GWP alternative refrigerants to R-404A are evaluated with several synthetic POE lubricants of systematically varied chemical structure and correspondingly varied compatibility with these refrigerants. The results of laboratory and full system tests are correlated to the measured thermo-physical properties and miscibility of the refrigerant/POE mixtures. Combining the property information with full system test data allow for analysis of the impact of refrigerant-lubricant mixture properties on system performance.
2 Lubricants for Low GWP Refrigerants: Still Slippery on Both Sides
The commercial transition to low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants that can benefit environmental impact does not preclude the need to consider the interactions/stability between the lubricant and refrigerant. Dealing with some low GWP refrigerants, it becomes even more essential to investigate and understand these interactions due to potential property differences these refrigerants have over refrigerants used today. This presentation will outline key interactions that need to be studied along with examples of lubricant options for some low GWP refrigerant candidates. Low GWP refrigerants based on various natural and synthetic chemistries will be assessed.
3 Challenges for Equipment Manufacturers in Adopting Low-GWP Refrigerants
Low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants have been studied by the HVAC&R industry extensively with limited success in finding optimal design compatible replacements for all product segments. New ultra low GWP olefin refrigerants such as HFOs are being considered by themselves or blended with traditional refrigerants to optimize design attributes for equipment manufacturers, but there can be compromises that develop in other design attributes. This presentation will provide a summary of the design trade-offs when considering new refrigerants and the product differences associated with new lower GWP refrigerant products that are being introduced by the HVAC&R industry.
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Seminar 17
Integrating ASHRAE Standard 189.1 and IgCC Compliance Requirements: Options and Issues
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Neil P. Leslie, P.E., Gas Technology Institute
Technical Committee: 02.08 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability
By agreement with ICC, ASHRAE Standard 189.1 provides the technical content of the next version of the International Green Construction Code. IgCC and Standard 189.1 have many similar provisions but also have major differences in some of the compliance requirements and calculation methodologies. This seminar provides an overview of the agreement between ICC and ASHRAE and its implications for future revisions to Standard 189.1. Key differences in the energy performance requirements between IgCC and Standard 189.1 are reviewed, along with options for updates to energy performance provisions within Standard 189.1.
1 Overview of the 189.1/IgCC Alignment: Who's Doing What
In order to increase the impact of Standard 189.1, the IgCC and LEED, an MOU was signed in 2014 by AIA, ASHRAE, ICC, IES and USGBC to align these three efforts. Since then, these organizations have been working to implement the MOU. At the same time, the Standard 189.1 committee has been revising the 2014 standard to reflect new technical information, including the consideration of approaches used in the IgCC that are different from those in 189.1. This presentation will clarify what these organizations have agreed to and how the 189.1 committee is working to support that agreement.
2 ASHRAE Standard 189.1-2014 Energy Cost and Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance Requirements and Rationale
Standard 189.1 energy performance compliance requirements include energy cost performance and CO2 emissions compared to a baseline building using energy modeling rules and other underlying assumptions. This approach was intended to account for the economic interests of the owner as well as the environmental impact of the proposed building while being sensitive to local conditions and building characteristics. This presentation will review the underlying assumptions, key variables and metrics, and rationale for selection of performance requirements that differ from those in the 2015 version of IgCC.
3 IgCC Source Energy and GHG Emissions Performance Requirements and Rationale
The IgCC Sustainable Building Technology Committee concluded that the needs of the environment, the jurisdictions adopting the IgCC, building owners and design teams would be best served by a methodology for calculating building energy use that, as closely as possible, reflected the actual energy use of the building and the emissions resulting from that energy use. This presentation will discuss the process and rationale that led IgCC to adopt the zEPI scalar as the energy efficiency compliance metric and calculate source energy and regional emissions based on the EPA e-GRID database of power generation environmental characteristics.
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Seminar 18
Integrating Cutting-Edge Technology: Renewable Energy and Thermal Energy Storage
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Geoffrey C. Bares, P.E., CB&I
Technical Committee: 06.09 Thermal Storage
Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar continue to increase their share of the national electrical power supply. The variable nature of energy production from renewables has made electrical grid stability a critical issue, with energy storage identified as a key part of the solution. Find out how mature and reliable thermal energy storage technologies can facilitate the fast-evolving integration of renewables into our energy supply, to the benefit of both building owners and power suppliers.
1 Distributed Energy Storage: How It Increases the Value of Renewables
Renewables integration into the electric grid was relatively inconsequential when the percentage was small. With the penetration of solar PV and wind growing, the impacts of unpredictable availability are starting to show and the need for storage on both sides of the electric meter is becoming very apparent. A situational overview and a few case studies will be shared.
2 The Challenge of Intermittent Renewable Energy: Comparing Energy Storage Options and Exploring TES Solutions
This presentation provides an overview of the impact of intermittent renewable energy technologies (notably solar and, especially, wind power) on the electric power grid. Multi-hour energy storage (ES) technology options are described; and their technical and economical characteristics are compared. The use of cool thermal energy storage (TES), in both demand-side (electricity user) and supply-side (electric utility generator) applications, is examined, with performance and economic results highlighted. Examples illustrate the varied means by which TES can expand the use of renewable energy resources.
3 Impacts of Increasing Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation and Opportunity for Increased Use of TES
The demand for electricity in many locations is strongly driven by building air conditioning systems, which experience their peak in the afternoon period during hot humid days. It seems reasonable to assume that utilities would benefit from increased renewable energy deployment to meet electric loads from air conditioning because solar energy output is high when air conditioning demands are high. This presentation explores this thesis in more depth and describes why renewable energy technologies alone cannot cost-effectively meet utility loads. Thermal energy storage is shelf-ready technology that will be instrumental in shifting electric loads from air conditioning to periods of time when renewable energy is available.
4 Grid-Interactive Electric Thermal Storage: Linking Thermal Energy Storage to Real-Time Grid Needs
Grid-interactive electric thermal storage (GETS) space and water heaters have an innovative communication and control system, when aggregated; provide ISO’s, utilities and aggregators the ability to precisely vary consumer energy usage to the real-time needs of the electric grid. With rapidly growing amounts of renewable energy, aggregated GETS systems with real time control are a low cost energy storage solution that provide precise visibility, measurement and controllability for these aggregated energy storage assets. This system of grid-edge storage provides electric grid managers the ability to integrate, manage and fully utilize renewable energy generation.
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Seminar 19
Standards Application: Legionella in Building Water Systems
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Erica Stewart, Kaiser Permanente National EH&S
Technical Committee: Environmental Health Committee
Sponsor: SSPC188
CoSponsor: 09.06 Healthcare Facilities
This seminar presents three aspects of implementing a water management plan in health-care operations, from the facility manager and infection preventionist's point of view. In healthcare organizations the water management team is a multidisciplinary group whose differing roles and responsibilities are critical to successful implementation of a plan. A roundtable discussion of the challenges and successes of implementing a plan that follows ASHRAE Standard 188P follows a brief introduction of each area of expertise.
1 The Facility Manager Perspective
Healthcare facilities managers are already required under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Conditions of Participation to identify and manage all facilities related risks to patients and staff. Many facilities have already adopted an “all hazards” approach that uses an interdisciplinary team to identify and categorize risks from a probability and severity perspective, and to manage those risks deemed most critical through appropriate mitigation strategies. Development of a risk matrix and a mitigation prioritization strategy will be discussed. Additionally, resource requirements and the methodology to demonstrate compliance to activities having jurisdiction will be described.
2 The Infection Preventionist Perspective
Infection prevention programs provide internal expertise to assist in preventing the spread of infection within health care facilities among patients, staff and visitors. Examples of Legionella outbreaks associated with health care will be provided to illustrate potential risk factors within these settings. To provide a broader perspective beyond Legionella on causative pathogens for health care associated infections (HAIs), the current incidence of HAIs in the U.S. will be described. An illustration of how the risk assessment process and water management plan outlined in Standard 188 may assist health care organizations in prospectively preventing infection occurrence also will be discussed.
3 The Industrial Hygienist Perspective
It is a common misconception that the expertise of the industrial hygienist (IH) on a water management team is solely to collect environmental data. The education, training and experience of the IH places him/her in a unique position to contribute to the design of the risk assessment process and sampling plans, and assist in the identification, implementation, and evaluation of control measures. The presenter will provide a review of considerations for all phases of the risk assessment process including design, implementation, interpretation, and control. “Lessons learned” will be presented using examples from water risk assessments in actual healthcare settings.
3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Seminar 20
Highlights from the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration
Cutting-Edge Technologies
Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Van D. Baxter, P.E., Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Technical Committee: Refrigeration Committee
Sponsor: U. S. National Committee for the IIR (USNC/IIR); 3.1; 8.11; 10.7
CoSponsor: 02.05 Global Climate Change
The seminar's goal is to bring to ASHRAE members the technical highlights of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration held August 16-22, 2015 in Yokohama, Japan. The seminar starts with an overview of the Congress program. This is followed by three keynotes from the Congress dealing with latest issues/developments related to low-GWP refrigerants, microchannel heat exchangers and heat pumps in smart energy systems.
1 Overview of the 24th IIR Congress
The IIR Congress is organized every four years and gathers refrigeration researchers from all over the world. The 24th Congress program included over 700 talks in 122 technical sessions and 14 workshops covering technologies from low-temperature liquefaction to refrigerated storage to heat pumping and energy recovery. Refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pumping topics dominated. The presentation highlights the latest research and engineering results, and coinciding and diverging technical opinions. The audience will learn about the state of the art of these technologies and promising technical solutions for ‘improving the quality of life while preserving the earth.'
2 Hitting the Bounds of Chemistry: Limits and Tradeoff for Low-GWP Refrigerants
We explore possible low-GWP refrigerants by defining optimal thermodynamic properties and comparing those to properties estimated for a database of millions of compounds. We find that the optimal characteristics are quite rare; additional fluids are eliminated because they are unstable or toxic. We then estimate the cycle performance of the remaining candidates and apply efficiency as an additional screening criterion. The result is a handful of low-GWP candidates, and even these present tradeoffs. We argue that these represent all the viable candidates for single-component, medium- and high-pressure refrigerants—in other words, we have hit the limits of what chemistry allows.
3 New Developments in Microchannel Heat Exchangers
Over last twenty years microchannel heat exchangers (MHX) have dramatically increased their presence in energy conversion systems: from aircraft and automotive applications and expanding to residential and industrial refrigeration and air-conditioning. This presentation presents major issues impacting application of MHX as evaporators: 1) condensate retention/removal, 2) frosting/defrosting and 3) refrigerant distribution. The physics of the issues are discussed along with directions for mitigating them. Particular attention is given to refrigerant distribution and potential of Flash Gas Bypass to improve it. In addition, quantification of vapor flow reversal in MHX tubes is presented along with system improvements obtained by its removal.
4 The Role of Heat Pumps in Smart Energy Systems
It seems to be clear that heat pumps have a unique role in the energy system of the future. Barely any other energy technology can provide net primary energy savings, economic benefits to the users and reduced climate impact at the same time. The benefit of heat pumps are achieved in several ways; by system integration capabilities tying together different parts of an energy system for enhanced overall energy efficiency, by storage of heat to offset peaks and, if efficient enough, providing the most efficient way to heat buildings from a net primary energy perspective.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 21
Demand Response Using Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems
Systems and Equipment

Orlando Ballroom V (Hilton Orlando)
Harshal Upadhye, Electric Power Research Institute
Technical Committee: 08.07 Variable Refrigerant Flow
Demand response (DR) is defined as changes in electric usage from their normal patterns for the benefit of electrical grid in lieu of financial incentives by utility companies. Traditional DR mostly turns off the HVAC system completely or changes thermostats settings. Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems with their superior controls on compressors, fans and expansion valves can provide the kW reduction with minimal impact on customer comfort. This seminar provides an overview of DR capabilities of VRF systems and the benefits of providing DR with such systems.
1 How VRF Systems Can Help the Integrated Grid
This presentation will focus on the high level need for HVAC equipment, particularly VRF systems, to participate in activities like demand response and help the grid operators manage the increasingly complex integrated grid. With numerous new energy sources coming online at a rapid pace, like solar and wind, managing the elctric grid has become a significant challenge. This presentation will set the stage for the remaning three presenters by elaborating on challenges.
2 Potential for Demand Response Using VRF Systems
Southern California Edision (SCE) has many HVAC demand response programs. VRF systems offer interesting alternatives that traditional HVAC systems cannot offer. This presentation focuses on the potential based on conditions in California mainly from a program standpoint considering installed tonnage and various services offered by the VRF systems. An aggregated approach , i.e. collecting all VRF systems together as a single load will also be discussed.
3 For Demand Response, VRF Is More Than On or Off
Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems are primarily associated with energy efficiency (EE) and superior customer comfort. The higher energy efficiency is achieved by utilizing variable speed compressors, modulating fans, electronic expansion valves and multitude of refrigerant management features. VRF systems, with their modulating components, onboard instrumentation and communications capabilities, are great candidates for implementing both EE and DR at the same time. This talk highlights the features of one of the manufacturers technical capabilities and how the existing features can be utilized to provide unparallel customer comfort as well as grid services to further improve reliability of our electrical grid.
4 VRF Demand Response: Review of Global Case Studies and Results and Future Opportunities
Variable refrigerant flow systems are perfect candidates for providing energy efficiency and demand response at the same time. This talk will elaborate on some existing DR enabled installations around the world including the US. Data gathered from various sites will be used to showcase the capabilities of the VRF systems for providing DR.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 22
Innovative Design, Materials and Manufacturing Techniques for Heat/Mass Exchangers
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Omar Abdelaziz, Ph.D., Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Technical Committee: 01.03 Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
CoSponsor: 08.04 Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Transfer Equipment
Recent innovations in heat and mass transfer equipment result in continued improvement in the tradeoff between pumping power and heat transfer augmentation. However, such designs require advanced manufacturing techniques, such as additive manufacturing. The major limiting factors of the additive manufacturing are the low thermal conductivity of the metal used, feature size resolution of 150 micron or more, and build time. In this seminar, internationally renowned experts present their activities through CFD modeling, shape optimization, additive manufacturing of surfaces with disruptively high airside heat transfer coefficients with low pumping power penalties, and additively manufactured heat pipes.
1 Numerical Study on Air-Side Performance for Round, Oval and Flat Tube Heat Exchangers with a Different Configuration of Fins
This seminar presents numerical investigation of air-side heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics for several different fin-tube type heat exchangers. Three different types of tube geometry and four different fins are considered. The CFD analysis is conducted by using commercially available software (ANSYS Fluent 6.3) for Reynolds number range of 35 -200, with the corresponding face velocity range of 0.3-2.0 m/s. After verifications of CFD results using available experimental data, a series of parametric study for design parameters of fin geometry has been conducted. The CFD results are reported in terms of Colburn j- and Fanning friction f-factors.
2 Tube Shape Optimization for Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers
It is well known that in heat exchangers for HVAC&R applications, the air-side is the dominant resistance. Significant effort has been devoted to improving the heat transfer performance of air-side surfaces. Conventional heat exchangers use round tubes or flat tubes but other shapes are seldom explored. In this seminar, an approach for shape optimization is presented that allows for full topology optimization of the heat exchanger tube for a given application. A prototype is fabricated using 3D Metal Printing technique and its performance is measured in the laboratory. The comparison of predicted vs. measured performance is presented and conclusions drawn.
3 Impact of Additive Manufacturing on Next Generation Thermal Management Systems
Increased pumping power penalty and manufacturing costs are among the major limiting factors for further enhancement of heat transfer coefficients for single phase and phase change processes. To develop next generation heat/mass exchangers that have better overall performance and can meet size, weight, and pumping power constraints while being cost affordable, one needs to utilize innovative designs, materials and manufacturing techniques. In this presentation we will review progress achieved in Phase I of a government-sponsored project in which a team of collaborators from academia, industry and sponsoring government agency achieved new levels of heat transfer performance on the air side.
4 Additively Manufactured Heat Pipes
The majority of metal 3D printing machines use low thermal conductivity raw materials such as titanium alloys, cobalt chrome alloys and steel alloys. Thus any parts built will have limited heat transfer capabilities unless action is taken to deliberately enhance this characteristic. One such action is to embed heat pipes into the part as it is being built. This talk introduces a number of additively manufactured heat pipes designs and compares their performance to off-the-shelf units.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 23
Metrics Matter: How Should We Judge Energy Performance?
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Richard Sweetser, Exergy Partners Corp.
Technical Committee: 02.08 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability
Sponsor: Residential Buildings Committee
CoSponsor: 01.10 Cogeneration Systems
Determining a building's energy performance for benchmarking, code compliance and investment decisions is extremely complicated. The choice of metric, methodology and values all matter if the primary intent of the initiative is to be achieved equitably in a competitive marketplace. This seminar compares and contrasts different metrics and approaches used by ASHRAE and other organizations, including metrics based on end use loads, site energy, energy cost, primary energy and greenhouse gas emissions. Benefits and challenges with each metric are explored, and options for reconciling differences among the metrics are examined.
1 Site Energy-Based Metrics Are Useful and Easy to Use
Site energy is a useful metric for a variety of purposes in examining building energy performance. It is the only metric that is measured directly at the building, and therefore provides an easy way to calculate energy consumption and evaluate the impact of changes in energy consumption associated with more efficient equipment. This presentation will illustrate the use of the site energy metric in Standard 100-2015, and describe its value in determining building energy performance.
2 One Metric May Not Be Enough, but Some Are Better Than Others
When trying to judge a building's energy performance considering both economic and environmental factors, one metric may no longer be sufficient. It may be more useful to consider multiple complementary metrics, while finding a metric that provides a good compromise solution for many purposes today. This presentation will hypothesize why the TDV and emissions metrics may be the most useful over time for societally beneficial decisions. In the meantime, the use of a metric such as normalized modified end use loads may provide a good enough compromise to satisfy competing stakeholders in the residential marketplace.
3 Primary Energy, Energy Cost, and GHG Emissions All Make Sense
The choice of metric is critical when evaluating and comparing a mixed fuel building's energy performance with an all-electric building's energy performance, or for comparing competing energy investment options for new buildings and replacements. This presentation will explore the benefits and limitations of different metrics that may be useful for such comparisons and decisions, including energy cost, primary energy, and environmental emissions metrics. It will also provide an overview of different methodologies and values to implement these metrics to ensure the most equitable treatment of different competitive design and investment options.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 24
Back to Basics: The Science, Application and Art of Load Calculations
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Glenn Friedman, P.E., Taylor Engineering
Technical Committee: 04.01 Load Calculation Data and Procedures
Science: New ASHRAE Load Calculations User’s Manual and the current overview of load calculations. Application: Zoning and load calculation basics—what do you do early in design when you don’t have all the answers? Art: Case studies, horror stories, what to watch for and odd-ball cases.
1 Science: New ASHRAE Load Calculations User's Manual and the Current Overview of Load Calculations
The ASHRAE Load Calculations Application Manual has been updated to include results from more than
four years of ASHRAE research. This presentation will give an overview of the state-of-the-art with an
emphasis on the new methods and data in the 2nd Edition of the Load Calculations Application Manual.
four years of ASHRAE research. This presentation will give an overview of the state-of-the-art with an
emphasis on the new methods and data in the 2nd Edition of the Load Calculations Application Manual.
2 Application: Zoning and Load Calculation Basics: What Do You Do Early in Design When You Don't Have All the Answers
Air conditioning system sizing is an important aspect of the early building design process. Calculating cooling and heating loads can be challenging when all of the details regarding building construction and function are not well-defined. Making reasonable decisions and assumptions in the schematic design phase of a project is critical to selecting and applying proper HVAC solutions. This presentation will provide some guidance on these decisions and how they impact the building design process.
3 Art: Case Studies, Horror Stories, What to Watch for and Odd-Ball Cases
Load calculations require application of engineering judgment gained by experience, hard knocks and bullets dodged. Understanding the impact of each assumption is key to reaching a reasonable result within time constraints of modern fast-track design processes. Young engineers need to be able to recognize results that look unusual - and be able to backtrack and find their mistakes, not blindly use results because the computer says so.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 25
High Performance Residential Building Applications and Issues
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Lew Harriman, Mason Grant
Sponsor: Residential Buildings Committee
CoSponsor: 01.12 Moisture Management in Buildings
The energy efficiency levels of new homes built in the U.S. have improved significantly in the past decade with developments in building science and improved construction practices according to the United States Department of Energy (DOE). This seminar provides updated design guidance for energy-efficient homes from DOE's Building America program to achieve zero energy ready performance. It also explores issues with depressurization and humidity loads with tight, efficient envelopes, and the potential impact on gas appliances along with ventilation strategies for a healthy indoor environment.
1 Advanced Technologies from the Building America Program
Residential energy codes have rapidly advanced, and many builders offer “Net Zero Energy” or "Zero Energy Ready" homes. But as homes get more efficient, risks of design and installation defects increase. Increased insulation can elevate moisture risk inside wall assemblies. Increased air tightness can lead to IAQ problems without proper ventilation. Lower envelope loads reduces HVAC system air flow and can lead to poor comfort control. Energy efficient homes must also be high performance homes. This presentation will describe innovative solutions for high performance homes and retrofits under U.S. DOE’s Building America program that minimize risks and maximize comfort.
2 Natural Gas Appliances Operating Under Depressurized Conditions in High Performance Houses: Issues and Solutions
The energy-efficiency levels of new homes built in the U.S. has improved significantly in the past decade with developments in building science and improved construction practices according to the United States Department of Energy (DOE). The improvement in the building thermal envelope and several other factors can cause the house to operate intermittently at a negative pressure. Natural gas appliances can vent properly at a negative pressure, but some appliances only operate within limits. This presentation explores the operating limits and provides data on performance from recent laboratory testing of appliances under depressurized conditions.
3 Ventilation Strategies for High Performance Homes
Part of the energy performance increase in new homes and homes being retrofitted is due to reducing the air leakage through the building envelope. However, a high performance home should still have good indoor air quality and therefore requires ventilation to remove pollutants from individual sources, such as in kitchens and bathrooms, generated by occupants and their activities and from building materials and furnishings. This seminar will discuss how to apply ASHRAE 62.2 in high performance homes and show how to improve upon the basics required in the standard through selection of different ventilation approaches and equipment.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 26
Achieving Comfort and Energy Savings Using Desiccant Technologies
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom F (Hilton Orlando)
Michael Sherber, P.Eng., SavageALERT, Inc.
Technical Committee: 08.12 Desiccant Dehumidification Equipment and Components
The purpose of this session is to inform practitioners about the latest developments in desiccant technologies.
1 Achieving Comfort and Energy Savings with Desiccant Technologies
This seminar discusses the use of dry and liquid desiccant technologies and how to apply them creatively for the treatment of outside air. This includes a design that utilizes a combination of cooling tower water, chilled water and hot water that modulates with the outside air loads to either cool or heat the liquid desiccant to provide dehumidification or humidification of the outside air. Then, waste heat or onsite power generation to regenerate the liquid desiccant solution. A comparison of the technologies will be presented and the opportunities for both to provide comfort and energy savings to meet ventilation codes.
2 Modeling and Design of Liquid Desiccant Heat Exchangers
Liquid desiccant heat exchangers (LDHX) can improve the performance of many HVAC systems by replacing traditional finned-tube coils. Adding LDHX technology to a vapor compression system effectively raises the evaporator temperature, while still delivering dry air. It also enables separate control of sensible and latent cooling, ensuring occupant comfort in humid climates. This presentation will discuss (1) background on an innovative LDHX design, including a comparison to other liquid desiccant options, (2) modeling and laboratory testing of the LDHX modules, and (3) modeling of a 20-ton dedicated-outdoor air system using these LDHXs.
3 Designing Air Conditioners with Liquid Desiccant Heat Exchangers
Air conditioners are made more energy efficient and can provide better humidity control by integrating liquid desiccant heat exchangers. This is the second demonstration of this particular liquid desiccant technology, with lessons learned from the first demonstration being applied to the second demonstration. The new system was completely re-designed from the ground up and has been reduced in size by over 50%. Furthermore, the new design reduces energy use by more than 33%, making the cooling cycle one of the most efficient options available today. This presentation will discuss the system’s new design, cycle improvements, and field test results.
4 Electricity-Producing Air Conditioners
Generation of electricity and air conditioning, one as a byproduct of the other, has the potential to enhance energy efficiency in buildings. In this seminar the potential for integrating fuel cell power systems with liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems is presented. This seminar will point out mutually enhancing features of liquid desiccant and fuel cell systems; provide a state of technology review; and provide details on integrated system performance in various climate and integration conditions.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 27
The Drive to Regulate HFCs: A Patchwork of New Global HFC Rules
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Eric Sturm, Trane
Technical Committee: 02.05 Global Climate Change
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) were introduced as replacements for ozone-depleting substances. The use of HFCs and their replacements are critical to ASHRAE members because they are used as refrigerants in air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. A global effort is underway to manage HFCs under the Montreal Protocol, but several regional programs have emerged that will affect the way consumers and firms select, purchase, use and service HFCs. This seminar provides an introduction to new HFC requirements in the U.S., Canada and Japan occurring in 2016. The framework and implementation of each program and its impacts to ASHRAE members are discussed.
1 The U.S. and Australia: A Comparison of Two Fluorocarbon Control Mechanisms
The U.S., joined by Canada and Mexico, have offered proposals to revise the Montreal Protocol to include a phase down of HFC refrigerants. It is believed that such an amendment would allow the orderly reduction of high GWP materials which are potentially negatively impacting climate change. In addition, Australia has implemented a GWP control mechanism that has since been rescinded. We will discuss and compare these two concepts.
2 HFC Regulation North of the Pine Curtain: Understanding the Proposed Canadian HFC Regulation
In response to the U.S. EPA SNAP “De-listing” rule and in support of the North American Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has released a proposed rule to gradually reduce HFC use in Canada over the next 20 years, and to disallow the use of specific HFCs for some applications that are important to the HVAC&R industry on a shorter term schedule. This presentation will provide a summary of the proposed rule, examine the implications to certain product sectors and to the availability of refrigerants in the market place, and make comparisons to other HFC reduction schemes.
3 Japan’s Implementation of “the Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons”
The Japanese government is taking a bottom up approach to reduce HFC consumption in Japan that is opposite of the EU approach. This presentation will explain the merit of this approach. In addition, it introduces how Japanese HVAC&R related academia and industries are cooperating to respond to the new regulations. In Japan, implementation of lower GWP HFCs already started in mass production base from smaller products. The total sales of products with A2L refrigerants exceeded 5 million. The presentation will also include projected HFC consumption reduction impacts.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Seminar 28
Introduction to Biomass Heating and Hydronics for Young Engineers
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Benjamin Bell-Walker, Biomass Thermal Energy Council
Technical Committee: 06.01 Hydronic and Steam Equipment and Systems
CoSponsor: 06.10 Fuels and Combustion
In recent years, the fastest-growing fuel source for residential heating has been biomass, especially wood systems. However, many system designers and specifiers are unfamiliar with biomass heating technologies and are often unable to provide guidance for someone pursuing biomass hydronic heating. This workshop is intended to introduce young engineers to specific challenges and design considerations in the use of biomass as heat source for hydronic systems. The first part of the workshop provides an overview of common biomass feedstocks. The second part discusses system design issues such as thermal storage, boiler sizing and fuel storage.
1 Biomass Feedstocks: Properties and Principles
This presentation will begin by eliciting audience feedback about their experience with and impressions of biomass hydronic heating systems. After this, a quick survey of the most common biomass feedstocks and system types will familiarize the audience with those they are likely to encounter. Then we lead in to a discussion of the essential differences between biomass and fossil fuels in terms of performance, especially turn down ratios, ash and moisture content, advances in emissions control, and storage and supply issues.
2 Biomass Hydronic System Design Considerations
This presentation will provide a look at some of the most important design issues that come to the fore when implementing a hydronic biomass boiler system. Segueing from fuel supply and storage considerations (the topic of the first part of the workshop), we will proceed to discuss boiler sizing and thermal storage in biomass systems. Advantages of multiple-boiler systems for varying load profiles will also be discussed. When these issues are understood, biomass hydronic systems are at their most efficient and provide an excellent alternative to fossil fuels or other renewable energy sources such as solar thermal for heating purposes.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Seminar 29
Modern Absorption Systems and Application for Both Cooling and Heating
Systems and Equipment

Orange Ballroom C (Hilton Orlando)
Ersin Gercek, P.E., Real Engineering Services LLC
Technical Committee: 08.03 Absorption and Heat Operated Machines
This session on absorption systems explains the working principle and an overview of the cycle, classification and types of absorption chillers and heat pumps. It also provides an overview of what makes modern absorbers different from those of the past. A case study is added where an absorption chiller is coupled with a CHP plant at a large retail store to increase energy efficiency and resilience.
1 Modern Commercial/Industrial Absorption Capabilities as Showcased in a Big Box Retail Store Application
An overview of what makes modern absorbers different from absorbers in the past. How these differences result in a wider suitable application range to solve problems and provide solutions to the HVAC and CCHP marketplace. A recent project for a retail big box store will be covered that does a good job of highlighting these changes and how the store's HVAC, domestic hot water and “sub-cooling” of the low temperature refrigeration is accomplished by the absorbers in a fully integrated CCHP system. This store can also operate with or without the local electric grid.
2 Lithiumbromide Water Absorption Heat Pumps for Heating Applications
This presentation on absorption heat pumps (Lithium Bromide-Water) explains the working principle and an overview of the cycle, classification or types, energy balance, construction/illustration of the equipment, technology benefits and constraints, coefficient of performance, crystallization, lift, applications and application considerations.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Seminar 30
New Bi-National GLHE/GSHP Standards and Translating GLHE Standards to Code: Good, Bad or Really Ugly?
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Lisa Meline, P.E., Meline Engineering Corporation
Technical Committee: 06.08 Geothermal Heat Pumps and Energy Recovery Applications
Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) and ground heat exchanger language is finally being included into national and international codes and standards. This is quite a coup for the GSHP industry. Eventually, these standards find their way into code formulated by independent code authorities. These codes are adopted by the regulatory authorities. We, as engineers, must design to both the standards and the code. What happens if standards and code conflict? What is the general impact of this conflict? How do we change or modify the code? Standard to disaster or standard to a well-designed system?
1 Ground Source Heat Pumps Get Bi-National Attention!
ASHRAE as well as other professional organizations have been working with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) to revise CSA448 such that it will be a viable standard in the United States as well as Canada. The revised standard will be entitled, “Design and Installation of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems for Commercial and Residential Buildings.” This presentation will provide an overview of the standard and will discuss the benefits to ASHRAE members on both sides of the border.
2 Conflicting Codes and Standards: What Happens Now?
Standards are written by a group of knowledgeable individuals from industry, academia, or other similar sources. Standards are adopted under ridged rules set forth by ANSI or other nationally recognized certifying body. Eventually standards find their way into code formulated by independent code authorities. These codes are adopted by the regulatory authorities. We, as engineers, must design to both the standards and the code. What happens if standards and code conflict? What is the general impact of this conflict? What do we, as engineers, need to do? How do we change or modify the code?
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Seminar 31
The Impacts of Operable Windows on Building Performance
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Liping Wang, Ph.D., P.E., University of Wyoming
Technical Committee: 07.05 Smart Building Systems
Operable windows provide occupants with the ability to control local environments and satisfy human expectation to access outdoor environments. Operation behaviors or strategies for operable windows have substantial impacts on the indoor environment and building energy consumption. Facility managers complain about operable windows left open in buildings with conventional HVAC systems. However, optimum control strategies of window operation reduce energy consumption for buildings via mixed-mode ventilation. This seminar presents recent research efforts on operation strategies for various types of building ventilation systems and thorough case studies on operable windows for LEED Platinum high performance buildings in Midwestern United States.
1 The Impact of Operable Windows on a High Performance Office Building in U.S. Midwest
This case study evaluates how the operable windows improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality for a state government office building. The IUB-OCA building is certified as Energy Star 100 and LEED Platinum. The measured energy use intensity is 21.5 kBtu/ft2-yr. One of low-energy sustainable design features is the operable window. The building automation system identifies favorable outside conditions and notifies occupants to open or close windows. The associated zone’s heat pumps are automatically shut down when windows are opened. The study analyses the impact of the operable windows on heat pump energy savings and occupant satisfaction through natural ventilation.
2 Window Operation and Its Impact on Building Energy Consumption for a Medium-Size Office Building
This study focuses on the investigation of the impacts of window operation on building performance for different types of ventilation systems including natural ventilation, mixed-mode ventilation, and conventional VAV systems in a medium-size office building. A building performance simulation tool—EnergyPlus—is used to simulate window operation for each system type. The investigation included the interaction between conventional VAV systems and window operation as well as control strategies for natural ventilation and mixed-mode ventilation. The results highlighted the impacts of window operation on energy use and comfort and identified substantial energy savings with mixed-mode ventilation during summer for various climates.
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Seminar TC
Study to Identify CFD Models for Use in Determining HVAC Duct Fitting Loss Coefficients
Fundamentals and Applications
Lake Nona A (Hilton Orlando)
Stephen A. Idem, Ph.D., Tennessee Tech University
Ahmad K. Sleiti, Ph.D., P.E., Qatar University
Technical Committee: 05.02 Duct Design
OPEN SESSION: no badge required; no PDHs awarded; presented during the TC's meeting. The presenters give a report the final results from RP-1682. From 10:00 – 10:30, Dr. Idem presents “Study to Identify CFD Models for Use in Determining HVAC Duct Fitting Loss Coefficients: Experimental Results.” From 10:30 – 11:00, Dr. Sleiti presents “Study to Identify CFD Models for Use in Determining HVAC Duct Fitting Loss Coefficients: CFD Model Results."
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Seminar 32
Educational Facility Design From an International Perspective
International Design

Orange Ballroom F (Hilton Orlando)
Dawen Lu, P.E., Lu + Smith ENGINEERS, PLLC
Technical Committee: 09.07 Educational Facilities
The UK and China both have a tremendous amount of existing school buildings stock and demands for new school buildings. While these buildings being upgraded and built, unique challenges and opportunities are presented. Some of them are very applicable to the school building construction in North America.
1 HVAC Design for Educational Buildings in the UK
The UK has embarked upon an ambitious program to rebuild its aging stock of schools and universities through a combination of refurbishment, upgrade and new build. Whilst the driver has been to transform education for the better, key issues have been to improve IEQ for better productivity and reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. This presentation shows how the HVAC approach has evolved to deliver to ambitious targets and to proactively support education through knowledge having, exemplar construction and student portals into BMS.
2 Optimizing Central Energy Plant: A Case Study on a School Project in China
According to local resource conditions to determine a viable energy utilization program, the use of energy prices, energy demand system parameters such as initial investment, life-cycle cost analysis of possible options to obtain energy priorities. Area-based annual hourly load demand, the study area energy characteristics. Comprehensive energy use characteristics and regional energy characteristics, the development of complex energy utilization program, the life cycle cost analysis of different energy matching mode to determine the proportion of all kinds can be assumed for energy.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Seminar 33
Should You Use Your Building Automation System to Commission Your Building Systems?
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Chad Moore, P.E., Engineering Resource Group
Technical Committee: 01.04 Control Theory and Application
With the availability of large amounts of building automation system data and the advent of automated building system commissioning tools, will the need for laborious human-based commissioning be replaced with automated commissioning? This seminar debates the advantages and disadvantages of both traditional component/building system commissioning and autonomous, model-based commissioning.
1 No Amount of BAS Data or Digital Processing Will Replace Human Commissioning in the Field
Automated testing is the execution of a human's test. It must include the obvious parameters that define components and thermal and fluid exchanges expected in design. Nodes of protection, assure equipment can recover from a fault, require real external actions to be detected not simulated within the BAS. Load response can be digitally simulated and evaluated to preset acceptance criteria. Commissioning one device with human flexibility a repetitive system is continually reviewed by occupants for comfort. Discontinuities created by energy saving modes require real events to confirm operation within the limits of the physical world.
2 Autonomous Model-Based Commissioning Pros and Cons
Many building automation systems allow for 3rd party software to interact with them directly through published APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Automated commissioning uses these APIs to autonomously drive passive (read-only) and active (read-write) commissioning tests of HVAC systems in existing buildings and during construction projects. This presentation will define the concepts and system architecture that support automated commissioning and explore the pros and cons of this novel approach to component and system testing. The presentation will also introduce the Structured All-Purpose Language for Testing which can be used to define tests in a formal way suitable for automation.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Seminar 34
Hydronic Systems: Doing More with Less
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Julia Keen, Kansas State University
Technical Committee: 06.01 Hydronic and Steam Equipment and Systems
Sponsor: Student Activities
This session illustrates doing a better job serving the needs of most commercial buildings by utilizing “Low Flow/High Delta” water-based systems. Water has a high affinity for energy and should be used in a much wiser fashion. This presentation illustrates how to use water-based systems to transfer energy more efficiently, save operational expense, help control systems operate with greater ease and open other benefits to the overall building design and operation. Lessons learned are illustrated on the application of “Low Flow – High Delta” water-based systems.
1 The Fundamentals of Low Flow and High Delta
This session illustrates doing a better job serving the needs of most commercial buildings by utilizing “Low Flow/High Delta” water based systems. Water has a high affinity for energy and we should be using it in a much wiser fashion. This presentation will illustrate how to use water based systems to transfer energy more efficiently, save operational expense, help control systems operate with greater ease, and open other benefits to the overall building design and operation. Lessons learned will be illustrated on the application of “Low Flow – High Delta” water based systmes.
2 Lessons Learned in Low Flow Applications
This session illustrates doing a better job serving the needs of most commercial buildings by utilizing “Low Flow/High Delta” water based systems. Water has a high affinity for energy and we should be using it in a much wiser fashion. This presentation will illustrate how to use water based systems to transfer energy more efficiently, save operational expense, help control systems operate with greater ease, and open other benefits to the overall building design and operation. Lessons learned will be illustrated on the application of “Low Flow – High Delta” water based systems.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Seminar 35
The Internet of Everything: How Smart and Connected Sensors Will Transform the HVAC Service Industry
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Stephen Roth, P.E., Carmel Software Corp.
Technical Committee: 01.05 Computer Applications
CoSponsor: 07.03 Operation and Maintenance Management
This seminar discusses how the Internet of Things (IoT), which has been popularized by consumer devices such as fitness trackers, can be applied to HVAC maintenance and operations. Specifically, this seminar focuses on how light-weight sensors can easily be installed inside HVAC rooftop units to measure a wide variety of conditions and how these sensors can better aid in fault detection and diagnose equipment issues. This seminar also focuses on how much of the data from these sensors is being collected by remote, “cloud-based” databases so it can be further analyzed by mobile-based applications.
1 Using Simple Internet-Connected Sensors to Monitor HVAC Equipment
Light-weight, Internet-connected sensors are able to better monitor HVAC equipment, including economizers. Why maintaining economizers are the low-hanging fruit for improving rooftop unit energy efficiency and why over 50% of economizers are not functioning properly. How Internet-connected HVAC sensors with fault-detection and other diagnostic capabilities are able to better monitor economizer usage and aid in both installation and maintenance. What is being done with all of the data provided that is being transmitted to the "cloud" by these Internet-connected sensors?
2 Using Mobile Apps to Conduct HVAC Maintenance and Operations
Mobile software applications can work with Internet-enabled HVAC sensors to help HVAC technicians better install and maintain them. This paper shows how mobile apps can help technicians install Internet-enabled airflow, temperature, pressure, and other types of sensors. A step-by-step installation process shows how mobile apps can aid in fault detection and diagnose issues with HVAC equipment based upon data received from the sensors and mobile apps can better aid technicians in addressing these issues by displaying a decision-tree user interface.
2:15 PM-3:45 PM
Seminar 36
HVAC Pumps: New ECM Motor and Control Technologies
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Jason A. Atkisson, P.E., Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
Technical Committee: 06.01 Hydronic and Steam Equipment and Systems
Electronically commutated motor (ECM) technologies have been used for years in wet running heating circulator pumps, with noted energy savings. These technologies are now available on pumps for general HVAC applications. This seminar describes the energy saving potential of ECM technology when used on general HVAC pumps and how it is applied in heating and cooling applications.
1 Energy Saving Potentials By Using ECM Motor Technologies for HVAC Pumps
ECM motor technologies have been used in wet running heating circulator pumps for years with substantial energy savings. These technologies are now being used on pumps for general HVAC applications. These new pumps with ECM motor technologies also include many new control options which reduce the energy usage of the pump and can contribute to the energy optimization of the overall HVAC system. This presentation gives an overview of these new technologies and the energy saving potentials.
2 Combined Delta T and Pressure Controlled Secondary Pumps with ECM Motor in a Large Residential Heating System: A Case Study
Hydronic single-pipe heating systems have been used for decades and are renowned for their economic design and simple installation. However, when a high delta T or a particularly low return water temperature is required, single pipe systems often fall short of achieving a high system efficiency. The use of traditional differential pressure controlled pumps is ineffective, as the single pipe systems are designed for constant flow. Therefore, a new approach is needed. This presentation provides a case study from an installation in Denmark where a temperature controlled pump has been used as the tool for obtaining higher system efficiency.
3 Use of ECM-Driven Large Circulators in HVAC Cooling System Applications
Advances in integrated variable speed drives and controls in ECM driven large wet rotor circulators make them an ideal fit for large residential and small commercial two pipe cooling applications. This presentation will look at various ways to employ these pumps in primary-secondary and primary-secondary-tertiary pumping systems utilizing combinations of the T, DT, and DP functions of the circulator to effectively and efficiently cool and dehumidify the building.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 37
Best Practices in Manufacturing, Field Installation and Servicing Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems
Systems and Equipment
Orange Ballroom C (Hilton Orlando)
Georgi Kazachki, Ph.D., Dayton Phoenix Group, Inc.
Technical Committee: Refrigeration Committee
Sponsor: TC3.3, 9.3, 10.3, 10.7
CoSponsor: 08.11 Unitary and Room Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
The efficient, reliable and environmentally sound operation of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems depends to a large extent on the presence of moisture, non-condensables, contaminants and refrigerant leaks. Good practices have been established over the years, yet time and cost-reduction pressures often lead to questioning some of these practices, such as minimizing component exposure to ambient before assembly and installation, brazing with inert gas, leak elimination and deep evacuation before charging with the proper amount of fresh refrigerant. This seminar illustrates the best practices with respect to the system chemistry and material compatibility in refrigeration systems.
1.00 Using a Protective Atmosphere During Brazing of HVAC&R Copper Tubing and Its Effect on Braze Quality and System Contamination
Brazing is a practical, fast and relatively low cost joining method. Both aluminum and copper heat exchangers and many miscellaneous component connections are brazed. In addition, field service repair often requires re-brazing that can take place under less-than-ideal conditions. However, to achieve a reliable and leak-free braze joint, adequate surface preparation and proper control over heating parameters are required. Unfortunately, if inadequate brazing techniques are used, thermal degradation at the interior surfaces of tubing can take place. The degradation can lead to the formation of scale that may dislodge and cause contamination of bearings or valves in the HVAC&R system.
2.00 Effects of Process Lubricants for Fin Stamping, Tube Bending and Construction of HVAC&R Systems
To guarantee long equipment life, the construction and assembly of heat exchangers, piping, valves and compressors requires metalworking fluids compatible with the refrigerant and lubricant without cleaning prior to final brazing or assembly. The movement of the industry to chemically unstable low GWP refrigerants and aluminum heat exchangers has necessitated the development of new metalworking lubricants and additive packages. Continued interest in developing environmentally friendly materials with low VOC, no wax formation, and excellent compatibility when tested by ASHRAE Standards 86 and 97 continues to drive the manufacturing market to search for the next generation of sustainable metalworking fluids.
3.00 Impact of Refrigeration System Commissioning on Energy Usage and System Reliability
There is growing pressure on installation contractors to get refrigeration systems up and running with as little on-site work to keep projects within budget. Unfortunately, this trend can result in systems that meet the immediate need to keep the product cold but are not optimized to minimize life cycle operating costs, including energy usage and maintenance. An installation plan that includes measures to correctly setup the refrigeration system can result in both significant energy savings as well as superior reliability. This discussion will focus on several high priority areas that have historically proven to provide the most benefit.
4.00 Practical Impact When Servicing Air Conditioners/Heat Pumps Using A2L Refrigerant HFC32
More manufacturers are commercializing air conditioners and heat pumps using HFC32 refrigerant because of its environmental, energy efficiency and economic benefits. This presentation explains points to consider for installation and service practices when changing over from HCFC22 or R410A to HFC32. The presentation covers aspects such as the impact on tooling, refrigerant cylinders, working pressures, safety requirements as well as the impact on recovery and reuse. The information is intended for installers and service technicians but is also useful for training centers, associations and policymakers involved in training and certification schemes for people working on equipment containing a refrigerant circuit.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 38
Cooling with the Sun: Solar PV Cooling
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Janice Means, P.E., Lawrence Technological University
Technical Committee: 06.07 Solar Energy Utilization
Solar photovoltaic (PV) applications for providing building comfort cooling have now become a viable economic alternative. The speakers address various opinions and techniques to best apply solar PV for handling cooling loads.
1 Introduction to Solar PV Cooling and Comparison with Alternatives
The use of solar photovoltaics (PV) to provide comfort cooling will be presented. The cost of solar PV installations has fallen, making the solar electricity competitive. This discussion will cover techniques to best apply solar PV energy to cooling loads. The "total solar cooling efficiency" of different methods will be compared for both solar PV and solar thermal. Specific applications, i.e., PV driven air conditioning and heat pumps, energy storage, load mismatch, and PV with energy efficiency, will be discussed. The shading effect of roof mounted PV arrays on HVAC systems and building loads will also be discussed.
2 Case Studies for PV Cooling
While photovoltaic (PV) electric generation can be used for any type of load, peak generation often coincides with building cooling needs. This presentation demonstrates how buildings with different types of mechanical systems match the PV output on an hourly daily, monthly and yearly basis. Based on this data, a discussion on what it would take to get these buildings to net zero energy and to the considerably more challenging goal of creating a micro-grid by adding an energy storage device and disconnecting from the utility. The economics of PV cooling will be compared to the thermal cooling technologies.
3 Unitary Rooftop Air-Conditioning with Solar Photovoltaic Power Input
Unitary rooftop equipment is commonly used for cooling in low-rise commercial buildings. As PV module prices have dropped, feasibility of using solar for reducing purchased electricity has improved. The simplest systems are utility-interactive. There is a good coincidence between solar power availability and air conditioning power requirements since solar gain and outdoor temperature are inputs to building load. Many low-rise commercial building have significant available roof area for solar PV arrays. These relationships support the idea of using solar PV to drive rooftop air conditioning equipment ito reduce purchased energy and the electrical demand on the utility grid.
4 Double-Skin’s Integrated PV for Buildings Cooling and Heating Deep Energy Refurbishment: Total Performance Prediction
Double-skin’s solar PV integration has been illuminated as a cost-effective HVAC refurbishment for worldwide implementation. The second facade as a glass skin is well suited for implementing PV elements. The presentation review: mathematical modelling of PV integrated double skin’s facade’s buildings physics (including construction structures relevant heat and mass transfer phenomena, energy conversion processes and balances); related HVAC’s cooling and heating dynamics and loads calculation method development; as well as prediction of PV electricity production and HVAC (including cooling) energy demand satisfaction via building’s performance co-simulation (coupling the CFD simulated air-flow within the double skin’s facade and facade/building energy simulation).
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 39
Cutting-Edge Japanese Technologies (System and Equipment) SHASE AWARD for System and Equipment in 2015
International Design

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Shinsuke Kato, Dr.Ing., University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science
Sponsor: SHASE
If you have an old building, there are two possibilities to treat it. One is to demolish it and another is to retrofit it. This session introduces best practices in both cases. One is an environmentally friendly closed type demolishing method which was adapted for two skyscrapers in Tokyo. Another one is the retrofit project for large office complexes, whereby the water transport system for district heating and cooling was significantly improved. The third one is a medium-sized office building, in which an expanded BEMS, “Building Energy and Interactive Communication System (BEICS),” has been introduced.
1 Development and Application of an Enclosed Demolition Method with Environmental Consideration for High-Rise Buildings
This method features an “enclosed demolition space” constructed on top of the building, where all demolition work is carried out. This helps exclude noise propagation and prevents dust from being scattered throughout the city neighborhood. In addition, it can achieve a better work environment. There are trade-off relations among these factors, so it is important to design natural ventilation appropriately. Two demolition projects helped prove the ability to reduce noise levels (by 20dB), prevent the dispersion of dust (by about 80%) and improve the thermal environment (by minus 2 degree in WBGT).
2 Energy-Saving Retrofit of Facilities in the Large Compound Building
In a large compound tenant building, within which a district heating and cooling system is introduced, we focused on the considerable water transport consumption and reduced it. We investigated the existing facilities and determined the situation. The method used for water transport was changed from direct to indirect method as well as a planned reduction in energy by devising pump selection and control. Moreover, the management company, designers, builders, manufacturers collaborated on a plan and helped reduce the large conveyance energy of 74%.
3 Green Building Renovation of H Office Built 35 Years Ago in Osaka: Equipment System Considering Occupants’ Behavior
For this renovation, several energy-conservation measures with adequate effectiveness and proven performance were installed. In addition, when planning this retrofit, we implemented thermal sensation votes and occupant detection devices to control the air-conditioning system based on occupants’ behavior. An expanded BEMS, the purpose of which was to enable interactive communication between occupants and facility managers, was also established to consider the occupants’ lifestyle. Furthermore, a cooling room was installed near an entrance to remove body thermal storage after outdoor activity in summer. Consequently, this renovation achieved 28% energy-conservation.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 40
Delivering Building Performance Through Collaboration and Integration
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Tim Dwyer, CEng, UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE)
Sponsor: CIBSE ASHRAE liaison committee
CoSponsor: MTG.BIM Building Information Modeling
With an ever-increasing demand for more stringent building environmental requirements, collaboration across the building ’team’ is critical to deliver effective buildings that meet standards and performance metrics. Successful projects do not come from 'silo' working practices and increasingly the engineer will be the lead for interdisciplinary design solutions that benefit from the integrating tools and technologies as well as timely, and properly informed, client communication and interaction. Illustrated with real-world examples, this seminar explores how such enlightened thinking and collaborative methods can deliver truly high performing buildings.
1.00 Integrating Performance Goals into the Design Process
More stringent performance goals of energy efficiency, health and wellness are extending the conventional scope of design teams, which increases the risk of failing to deliver these needs. Work methods such as 'fat in the design' and following a silo mentality are no longer acceptable and can lead to failure in budget, operations and quality. Increasingly the engineer will lead interdisciplinary design solutions - formulating a plan for design, construction, commissioning and operation - including architecture, building operations and post-occupation. This presentation will show that planned and programmed communication with all building stakeholders can deliver successful integrated solutions.
2.00 Communication, Communication, Communication: The Only Way of Achieving High Performance Building Projects
Building projects require many parties to succeed and even then an educated building occupant may struggle to understand and use design features. Communication is increasingly important in project delivery - although if everything is done for the client's benefit why can each party appear so antagonistic? And in international projects even 'simple' industry terms can have different interpretations. Through examples of international projects (China, Middle East, Far East, USA, and Europe) communication (or the lack of communication) resulted in problems and success stories. The main case study will be a 500+ metre high Indonesian net-zero building.
3.00 Delivering Performance
Wherever in the world, built environment professionals should have a common cause – to deliver effective buildings that perform as the client expected. Buildings, whatever the use, demand enormous resources throughout their life - and, in many cases, will waste a large proportion. To maintain reputation and risk, many design for conditions that rarely occur, employing unrealistic 'safety' margins delivering compromised installations that often lack proper commissioning due to over-running programmes. Through real-world examples this will show how, by 'putting its head above the parapet' collaboratively working across the whole supply chain HVAC&R professionals can deliver truly effective buildings.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 41
Residential Smart Appliances: Enabling Electric Grid Resilience and Demand Response
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Joshua Rhodes, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Technical Committee: 07.05 Smart Building Systems
In the face of challenges regarding the stability and reliability of the electric grid, and growing interest for energy-reducing solutions, significant advances in residential appliances are being made to meet these needs. Much of the 38% of total electricity use and up to 50% of peak electricity loads contributed by residential buildings in the United States are associated with residential appliances. This seminar covers recent efforts to develop, test and implement advanced residential grid-connected solutions. This diverse set of solutions includes kitchen appliances, as well as HVAC systems, water heaters, batteries, electric vehicle charging stations and photovoltaic systems.
1 Using Connected Devices in the Home to Provide Grid Services
As more distributed energy resources are installed, the electric grid needs to become more nimble to support and take advantage of these renewable but intermittent sources of energy. Many smaller loads could be controlled to provide stability to the grid and allow more clean sources of energy to be added to the grid, but the extent to which specific devices can help the grid is not yet known. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Electric Power Research Institute are characterizing the grid services of five connected devices: PV inverter, electric vehicle charging station, community-scale battery, pool pump, and thermostat.
2 Demand-Response Performance of GE Electric Resistance and Sanden Unitary/Split-System Heat Pump Water Heater
The use of heat pump water heaters (HPWH) in the residential sector will provide theoretical energy
savings of up to 63% per water heater over a typical electric resistance water heater (ERWH). However,
to a utility, energy-efficient technologies are the most desirable when they provide grid stability and
control benefits through demand-response (DR) capabilities. This presentation will discuss the DR
performance of various HPWHs compared to an ERWH as demonstrated by experiments using the side-
by-side PNNL Lab Homes. Experiments included testing each water heater for two typical
types of DR events: peak curtailments due to oversupply, and balancing reserves.
3 Residential Grid-Connected Smart Appliances: Laboratory Vs. Field Performance
One of the benefits of the smart grid is the ability to leverage grid-connected, demand-response (DR) ready appliances to help consumers better manage their energy costs and electric utilities better manage their power distribution. This presentation will examine the field performance of DR ready refrigerators, clothes washers, and dishwashers in three blocks of homes over a period of nearly two years, and compare their performance with a series of DR testing conducted in the laboratory prior to their field deployment.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 42
Trending Research and Advances in Simulation
Systems and Equipment

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Reinhard Radermacher, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Sponsor: Publishing and Education Council
This session offers presentations based on a select group of recently published papers from the ASHRAE journal, "Science and Technology in the Built Environment," regarding new research in refrigerants with low global warming potential, response strategies for variable air volume (VAV) HVAC systems and fast fluid dynamics.
1 Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of Ancillary Service Demand Response Strategies for VAV HVAC Systems
Output variability and low generating inertia associated with solar and wind electric power generation increase the requirement of grid-scale flexibility services, called ancillary services. Commercial buildings consume a significant portion of electricity in the United States and can help provide demand-side ancillary services through use of their HVAC systems. In order to investigate the performance of a common commercial HVAC system while providing ancillary services, a dynamic model of a representative variable air volume system was developed. The model has been used to simulate and evaluate the provision of spinning reserve and regulation ancillary services using common demand response strategies.
2 Accelerating Fast Fluid Dynamics with a Coarse-Grid Projection Scheme
Fast fluid dynamics (FFD) is an intermediate model that can provide fast and informative building airflow simulations. To further increase the computing speed of FFD, this study proposed applying the coarse-grid projection (CGP) scheme in FFD, which solves the momentum equation on the fine grid level and the pressure equation on the coarse grid level. Through validating the CGP scheme with building airflows of varying complexities, this study found that it could significantly accelerate simulation speed of FFD while not causing negative impact on the simulation accuracy.
3 Performance Ranking of Refrigerants with Low Global Warming Potential
This presentation describes an evaluation of the cycle performance of thirty-nine refrigerants identified in the AHRI low global warming potential (GWP) Alternative Refrigerants Evaluation Program (Low-GWP AREP) in a typical air-conditioner. A methodology was developed using weighting factors to rank the alternative refrigerants either emphasizing the importance of large COP or the importance of reduced system size. The two ranking methodologies produced different rankings of the alternative refrigerants; however, the top three ranked refrigerants had at least two refrigerants in common with each other.
9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Seminar 43
Cutting-Edge Japanese Technologies (Cutting-Edge Technologies) SHASE AWARD for Non-Industrial Buildings in 2015
International Design

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Shin-ichi Tanabe, Ph.D., Department of Architecture, Waseda University
Sponsor: SHASE
This session introduces three newly constructed buildings. One is the headquarters building of a major construction company, introducing various technologies such as ceiling radiation panel cooling, desiccant air-conditioning system and so on. The second is a university campus where CO2 emissions were reduced by 40 percent over other similar campuses. Major measures included large-scale thermal storage tanks and low-temperature low-volume air distribution units. The third one is owned by a life insurance company, featuring the installation of a large-scale central VOID (40 x 40 meters) and an air-type panel cooling system as well as others.
1 Urban High-Rise Office Building That Contributes to a Sustainable Society
The concept of a sustainable society and urban regeneration was pursued with three keywords in this project; the global environment, human beings and local connections. Various new environmental technologies were also installed to maximize the reduction in CO2 emissions and improve workplace productivity. The most remarkable feature was the installation of a ceiling radiant air conditioning system of 30,000 sqm which is the largest of its kind in Japan. This building was designed mainly with radiant air-conditioning as part of efforts to achieve net ZEB (Zero-Energy Building) in the near future. On completion, continuous measurement and evaluation have been conducted.
2 Energy Conservation Application on University Campus in Japan with TES
This university campus is the latest urban campus designed on the concept of saving energy and CO2 emission, power load leveling and high-performance disaster-prevention, as a top-class low-carbon campus among science and engineering universities. In this campus, newly developed technologies, proven technologies and experimental trials have all been adopted. At the planning stage, we focused on its specific "usage of facilities" in science and engineering universities, unlike liberal arts colleges and office buildings.
3 Office Building with a Large-Scale Void
This building is a complex facility of office and training accommodation for a life insurance company. The greatest feature of this building is a massive void (40m×40m), which is located in the center of the floor (100m×100m). Office spaces are arranged around this large void. This building introduces natural light and natural ventilation that utilize a large void. It plans to minimize the skin load while introducing natural light and wind, air-conditioning and ventilation plans to realize a large space office, conducted the air-type radiation panel by the equivalent temperature control. As a result, we realized 1,185MJ/sqm this year.
9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Seminar 44
Energy Savings Technologies for Hospitals
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Jeremy Fauber, P.E., Heapy Engineering
Technical Committee: 09.06 Healthcare Facilities
New and existing hospitals regularly have an EUI above 200 kBTU/sq. ft. due to continuous operation and code requirements. The first step toward net zero energy usage for hospitals is a reduction in the quantity of energy required to operate the facility. This program reviews a new facility that achieved an Energy Star rating of 97 and strategies for reducing energy usage in existing buildings, including a waterside economizer system that utilizes energy recovery.
1 Design Highlights of an Energy Efficient Community Hospital in Clay County, Florida
The new St. Vincent’s Medical Center Clay County was a collaborative effort between the design team, the commissioning team and the owner, Ascension Health. From the beginning of the project, Ascension Health was an advocate of achieving optimal energy efficiency at the facility. TLC provided mechanical engineering services and designed high-performance energy-efficient systems. The St. Vincent’s Medical Center Clay County earned the Energy Star® rating of 97, which means the facility is performing in the top 3 percent of its peer facilities in the country for energy efficiency.
2 Improving Chilled Water Plant Operation
Many facilities require chilled water year round to serve fan coils or process loads. This typically requires running a chiller year round or purchasing additional equipment to produce chilled water through free cooling cycles. We will explore other opportunities for producing chilled water with and without implementation of cooling towers, heat exchangers and heat recovery chillers.
3 Reduction of Energy Usage through Controls Tune-Ups and Retro-Commissioning
Many existing facilities, such as hospitals, operate inefficiently due to sequence and operational overrides that try to fix an issue at one point in time. As time goes on, many of these temporary “fixes” end up being permanent, building operation keeps deviating away from the original design intent, and typically ends up using a lot more energy. Through retro-commissioning and controls tune-ups, these facilities can identify issues and provide a permanent solution.
9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Seminar 45
Indoor Environmental Quality
Systems and Equipment

Orlando Ballroom V (Hilton Orlando)
Reinhard Radermacher, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Sponsor: Publishing and Education Council
This session offers presentations based on a select group of recently published papers from the ASHRAE journal, "Science and Technology in the Built Environment," regarding new research in UV-photocatalytic oxidation, and emissions from ozone reactions with human-worn clothing.
1 Evaluation of UV-Photocatalytic Oxidation of Light Alcohols at Sub-PPM Concentrations
This article reports the outcome of an experimental study on the evaluation of photocatalytic oxidation reactions of light alcoholic volatile organic compounds with nano TiO2 catalysts at different indoor air conditions. The removal efficiencies of tested individual volatile organic compounds and their by-products were compared at three different parts per billion-level challenge concentrations. Acetaldehyde and formaldehyde were identified as primary by-products, and no significant catalyst deactivation was found during the experiment. The reaction pathways and the selectivity of the reactions were investigated at different relative humidity levels.
2 Numerical Modeling of VOC Emissions from Ozone Reactions with Human-Worn Clothing in an Aircraft Cabin
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are indoor air pollutants with many adverse health effects for humans. Ozone reactions with human surfaces are an important source of VOCs in aircraft cabins. This investigation developed empirical models for computing the emissions of several major VOCs from ozone reactions with human-worn clothing. The empirical models were used to compute the contributions of human surfaces to these VOCs in an aircraft cabin mockup under different environmental conditions after they were compared with the corresponding experimental data. The models can determine ozone-initiated VOC concentrations in the breathing zones of the passengers.
9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Seminar 46
Orlando’s Energy Plan: Now and in the Future
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
John Constantinide, Alpha MRC Architects Engineers
In every major American city, buildings account for the majority of energy use and air pollution – even more than the transportation or industrial sectors. If cities want to be more competitive and more resilient against unexpected energy and economic challenges, they must find ways to boost the efficiency of their building stock.
This presentation will unveil the investments that Orlando is making to optimize our use of natural resources, an overview of City Energy Project initiatives, and share what the City of Orlando is working on to become a national leader in energy efficiency for new and existing buildings.
1 Orlando’s Energy Plan: Now and in the Future
In every major American city, buildings account for the majority of energy use and air pollution – even more than the transportation or industrial sectors. If cities want to be more competitive and more resilient against unexpected energy and economic challenges, they must find ways to boost the efficiency of their building stock. This presentation will unveil the investments that Orlando is making to optimize our use of natural resources, an overview of City Energy Project initiatives, and share what the City of Orlando is working on to become a national leader in energy efficiency for new and existing buildings.
2 Orlando’s Energy Plan: Now and in the Future (2)
In every major American city, buildings account for the majority of energy use and air pollution – even more than the transportation or industrial sectors. If cities want to be more competitive and more resilient against unexpected energy and economic challenges, they must find ways to boost the efficiency of their building stock. This presentation will unveil the investments that Orlando is making to optimize our use of natural resources, an overview of City Energy Project initiatives, and share what the City of Orlando is working on to become a national leader in energy efficiency for new and existing buildings.
9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Seminar 47
The Campus Planning Question: To Centralize Energy or Decentralize?
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Tim M. Anderson, P.E., Applied Engineering Services, Inc
Technical Committee: 06.02 District Energy
This seminar focuses on campus energy planning to centralize or decentralize. A short introductory presentation is provided naming the key issues on the topic, such as energy efficiency, maintenance and operational cost. Two case studies follow to present a central campus plan and a decentralized campus plan. The case studies include the key decisions made at the beginning stages which swayed the owner's decision.
1 A Case Study in Central Plant Design
This brief presentation introduces the topic of the seminar - centralized vs decentralized heating and cooling. Major topics that will be addressed include: Background - History of centralized (district) energy systems. District Energy System Summary - Description of a district energy system along with its strengths and weaknesses. Decentralized System Summary - Description of a decentralized energy system along with its strengths and weaknesses. Current Trends - Briefly describe the current industry trends that is seeing some district energy systems being replaced with decentralized system.
2 Two Case Studies in Centralized Vs. Decentralized Energy Approach
Centralized energy systems supply steam, chilled water and/or hot water to multiple buildings on a campus. Decentralized energy systems supply utilities to a smaller group of buildings. Key factors that need to be considered when determining if a centralized or decentralized energy approach should be used for a multi building campus are: Existing Building Systems. Existing Central Plant Equipment. Existing Campus Distribution. Campus Thermal Profile. Capital, Operating and Maintenance Costs. Future Campus Building Expansion Plans. Carbon and Energy Footprint. Life Cycle Cost Analysis. The presentation will present two case studies with a comparison of a centralized vs. decentralized energy approach.
3 A 20-Year Decision: The Next Heating System for a Veteran’s Home Campus
The Indiana Veterans Home is an active short-term care/independent living facility for retired veterans located in West Lafayette, IN. The site was originally constructed on 1896 and utilizes steam for heating. The current steam system age is approximately 40 years old and in need of repair. Options considered in a study for a heating replacement included a steam system replacement, conversion to centralized heating hot water, decentralized heating hot water and conversion to a geothermal heat pump. This presentation focuses on factors to consider when looking at centralized vs. decentralized solutions for a campus heating system.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Seminar 55
Don't Call it a Comeback! The New and Improved Design-Build Survival Guide
Design Build

S331BC (Orange County Convention Center)
E. Mitchell Swann, P.E., MDCSystems
Technical Committee: 01.07 Business, Management & General Legal Education
CoSponsor: 07.02 HVAC&R Contractors and Design Build Firms
Long ago in a land not too far away, TC 1.7 published the ASHRAE Survival Guide to Design-Build. Well, since that time, the design build (DB) delivery method has exploded. In Atlanta we listened to the members share their questions and sorrows with DB. In this seminar the speakers give the audience a first look at the new, improved and updated Design-Build Survival Guide.
1 The Design Build Survival Guide 2015
The ASHRAE Design Build Survival Guide was first published in 2004. Maybe it was a little bit ahead of its time, but you won't see many areas of the country or project types where design build has not been discussed if not actively pursued as a delivery process. This seminar will take the input gathered from ASHRAE members in Atlanta and present a draft of the new, updated Guide for the membership.
2 The Design Build Survival Guide II: The Contractor's Story
The ASHRAE Design Build Survival Guide was first published in 2004. Maybe it was a little bit ahead of its time, but you won't see many areas of the country or project types where design build has not been discussed if not actively pursued as a delivery process. This seminar will take the input gathered from ASHRAE members in Atlanta and present a draft of the new, updated Guide providing persepctive from the construction\contractor point of view too.
11:15 AM-12:45 PM
Seminar 48
Advanced Non-Vapor Compression Cycles
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom F (Hilton Orlando)
Omar Abdelaziz, Ph.D., Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Technical Committee: 01.01 Thermodynamics and Psychrometrics
Cooling technology requirements have moved beyond our basic needs for comfort and food safety, and their new development should meet extra requirements, such as compliance to new efficiency standards and legal codes on refrigerant. ASHRAE members have demonstrated a lot of development in these aspects for vapor compression technology, but what is happening to other alternatives? In this seminar, the new breakthroughs of three alternative cooling technologies—electrocaloric cooling, magnetocaloric refrigeration and elastocaloric cooling—are explored for their potentials to meet the new challenges. The presentations also cover their theories and experimental results, including potential commercial development.
1 Electrocaloric Cooling: Present Advances and Future Perspectives
Electrocaloric effect (ECE) is the ability of a dielectric to change its temperature and entropy as an electric field is applied and released. It provides an effective means to realize solid-state cooling devices that are environmentally benign and potentially highly energy efficient. Recent breakthroughs are presented in ferroelectric materials exhibiting giant electrocaloric effect, where an adiabatic temperature change DT > 40 oC has been obtained in several nano-structured ferroelectrics. EC cooling devices based on these new materials, as well as challenges and future perspectives are discussed.
2 Magnetocaloric Refrigeration, Potentials, State of the Art and Challenges
ORNL is collaborating with GEA on developing the world's first magnetocaloric refrigerator. The technology could yield energy savings of 25% over baseline vapor compression systems. A drastic upgrade in refrigerator design using magnetocaloric materials (MCM) eliminates the need for refrigerants but creates new challenges ― one is how to transfer heat to or from the solid MCM material using a heat transfer fluid. In this presentation, the basics of magnetocaloric refrigeration and the performance potential will be discussed, followed by describing state of art systems. The technical challenges and potential solutions for this emerging technology will also be reviewed.
3 Testing Results of Compressive Elastocaloric Cooling Prototype
Elastocaloric cooling has been recognized as a potential alternative and supplementary technology to the state-of-the-art vapor compression cooling systems. It is based on the elastocaloric effect found in shape memory alloys associated with the solid-solid martensitic phase transformation induced by stress. The fundamental thermodynamics of the martensitic phase change process will be introduced. Elsatocaloric cooling material following the single stage Brayton cycle and the system design will be presented. With the commercially available nickel-titanium tubes, we will demonstrate two compressive elastocaloric cooling prototypes developed in University of Maryland. Experimental test results and potential performance improvement methods will be presented.
11:15 AM-12:45 PM
Seminar 49
Cooling with the Sun: Solar Thermal Cooling
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Vinay Ananthachar, P.E., Northeast Utilities
Technical Committee: 06.07 Solar Energy Utilization
Peak cooling demand in summer is associated with high solar radiation availability. This offers excellent opportunity to exploit solar energy with thermal technologies to cool the building efficiently. The presenters discuss the basics of solar thermal cooling and case studies of actual solar thermal-assisted air-conditioning installations, PV/thermal desiccant dehumidification systems and solar-assisted absorption cooling. The learning outcomes are to identify the main components of a solar thermal air-conditioning system and understand the process flow of a thermally driven chiller.
1 Introduction to Solar Thermal Air-Conditioning
Solar thermal cooling technology has incredible potential because the demand for cooling and supply of energy (sun energy) coincide. Solar radiation is at its peak, especially during the summer time where the need for air-conditioning is the highest. A well designed and installed solar thermal system can provide heating, cooling and domestic hot water. Thermally driven cooling technologies use harmless cooling fluids (usually water) compare to conventional cooling systems. This presentation will discuss the different components of a solar thermal cooling system, and will introduce the different types of technologies for thermally driven chillers as well as solar thermal collectors.
2 Design and Actual Performance Benchmarks of Solar Thermal-Assisted Air-Conditioning Installations
Peak cooling demand in summer is associated with high solar radiation availability. This offers an excellent opportunity to exploit solar energy with heat-driven cooling technologies, i.e. closed cycle systems (absorption and adsorption) and open cycles (e.g. desiccant systems). Practical insight as benchmarks from actual solar thermal assisted air-conditioning installations will be provided. Overview will include information on common systems, types of collectors, area/kWc, initial cost, design and actual thermal COP, auxiliary energy and water consumption. Monitoring data and experience from actual installations could provide some practical benchmarks to facilitate concept design and first cost estimates and further support standardized configurations and solutions for strengthening market development.
3 Solar-Assisted Absorption Cooling for Distributed Tri-Generation: A Case Study
Gas fuelled tri-generation system is optimized by implementing solar assisted absorption cooling, heat recovery, thermal energy storage using ice; building's - thermal mass control via PCM, energy efficient lighting and daylighting control. Several packages of energy efficiency improvement measures are analysed, with the reference to the total installed power, cooling and heating energy demand, annual electricity and total energy demand, different control algorithms, as well as related investment and operational costs. It has been shown that, even for low gas prices and modest increase of electricity prices in the region, the optimal tri-generation system encompasses the solar assisted absorption cooling.
4 PV/Thermal Desiccant Dehumidification Demonstration at the Orange County Convention Center
One of the four 10 kW systems on the South Hall of Orange County Convention Center in Orlando is a combined PV/thermal (PV/T) system where ambient air is drawn under the PV modules – improving their efficiency – and then ducted into a South Hall mechanical penthouse to regenerate a desiccant for dehumidification of a separate outside air supply to the building. The combined system was modeled by a graduate student for various absorber, regenerator, desiccant tank, and PV/T sizes to determine appropriate component sizing to meet a given ventilation load in seven locations across the US.
11:15 AM-12:45 PM
Seminar 50
Double Skin Facade Design and Application
International Design

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Steven T. Taylor, P.E., Taylor Engineering, LLC
Technical Committee: 04.01 Load Calculation Data and Procedures
CoSponsor: 06.07 Solar Energy Utilization
Large glazed façade results in high building heating and cooling loads, and thus significant financial and environmental burdens. Double skin façade (DSF) is one potential response to these problems. This seminar explores DSF dynamics, design, modeling, case studies, seasonal control strategies and energy efficiency. This session provides ASHRAE members with a fundamental understanding of DSF principles, challenges, key influential factors, evaluation criteria, and design and modeling approaches.
1.00 Thermal Performance of Double Skin Façade with Buoyancy-Driven Airflow
This talk reviews the main parameters for double skin façade (DSF) design. It introduces an integrated and iterative modeling process for analyzing the thermal performance of DSF cavities with buoyancy-driven airflow by using an energy simulation program (BESP) with a CFD package. The model and the modeling process were calibrated and validated against the experiment. Correlations were developed that can be implemented in a BESP, allowing to keep the accuracy gained from CFD without the computation time. The correlations are valuable for “back of the envelope” calculation and for examining accuracy of zonal-model-based energy and airflow simulation programs.
2.00 Double Façade Influence on Heating and Cooling Load: Three Models for Calculation of Interspace Temperature
Heating and cooling load calculations are presented for a double facade building located in South-East Europe. The analyzed construction of a double façade is the one mostly used in building practice: the outside façade is entirely glazed envelope, the inside façade is a combination of windows and walls. The analysis treated different façade orientations. The calculations were performed using three thermodynamic models: the model developed by authors and two models used in practice. The calculations were performed for different orientations of the facades, during sunny and cloudy days in summer and winter conditions, as well as for different glass properties.
3.00 Assessment of Climatic Parameters Inside Experimental Room Equipped with Box Double-Skin Facade
The next generation of windows and glazing technologies for buildings, such as the one presented in this study have potential to reduce energy consumption in office buildings and in the residential sector. The research aims to highlight the interior comfort conditions for an office space equipped with a box double-skin facade placed in Brasov, Romania. Interior comfort conditions are evaluated by analyzing important parameters such as CO2 levels, natural lighting, noise and ventilation. The conclusion is that to overcome the mere role of thermal/noise insulation system, a double skin facade is mandatory to have a BMS, that enables a complex control and efficiency.
11:15 AM-12:45 PM
Seminar 51
Electronic Cigarettes: An Emerging Issue for ASHRAE
Fundamentals and Applications

Orlando Ballroom V (Hilton Orlando)
Wane A. Baker, P.E., CIH, Trane / Ingersoll Rand
Technical Committee: Environmental Health Committee
Over the past several years, use of electronic cigarettes has risen sharply. Debate continues regarding the efficacy of e-cigs as a smoking cessation technique, the health risks associated with “vaping” and the impact of secondary exposures indoors. This seminar provides an introduction to these electronic nicotine delivery systems, summarizes the related research conducted to date and offers insights on their relevance for ASHRAE members.
1 A Medical Toxicologist's Perspective: Miracle or Menace?
While the intent of electronic cigarettes is to promote smoking cessation, studies suggest that the opposite is occurring. Additionally, the lack of regulations has resulted in an increase in unintentional exposures in young children and nicotine use in adolescents. This presentation will provide an overview of electronic cigarettes including discussion of the device, its intent, its toxicity and state and federal regulations that may impact its use.
2 AIHA White Paper Findings: Emissions, Exposures and Health Risks
Research indicates that e-cigarette emissions contain much more than nicotine, including aerosolized flavorings, propylene glycol, thermal degradation products and other contaminants that could present health hazards. Because e-cigarettes are a potential source of indoor air pollutants, AIHA recommends that their use in the indoor environment be restricted at this time. The FDA currently regulates only e-cigarettes that are marketed for therapeutic purposes, but has proposed a rule extending its tobacco product authorities to cover additional products such as e-cigarettes. This presentation will summarize the AIHA White Paper, along with research and regulatory and industry recommendations published subsequent to its release.
3 Potential Impacts of Vaping on Occupants of the Indoor Environment
The rapid growth of e-cigarette use has raised questions about their impact on the indoor air quality of offices and public spaces. The dearth of available information reveals them to be sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate aerosols that have not been fully characterized. E-cigarettes primarily emit propylene glycol, glycerin and nicotine in addition to diethylene glycol, nitrosamines, 1,2-propanediol, acetic acid, acetone, isoprene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propaldehyde and various flavoring compounds into the indoor air at varying levels.
4 How Do Current Standards Deal with Smoking?
ASHRAE publishes many documents which relate to indoor air quality. Smoking has a significant impact on indoor air quality, so how do these documents deal with smoking? This presentation will identify the various ASHRAE documents and discuss the different ways they deal with smoking. Will they all need to be modified for e-cigarettes?
11:15 AM-12:45 PM
Seminar 52
Peak Envelope Cooling Loads: How Did We Get to Today? Is This Where We Want to Be?
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Sponsor: Historical Committee
CoSponsor: 04.01 Load Calculation Data and Procedures
This seminar reviews the peak envelope cooling loads in the U.S. and Australia and relates the historical development of the methods to the methods that are being taught to today’s engineers and architects, including: the Total Equivalent Temperature Difference/Time Average method (TETD/TA), Cooling Load Temperature Difference/Cooling Load Factor/Solar Cooling Load (CLTD/CLF/SCL) and Radiant Time Series (RTS) methods. The presentations include a brief history, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
1 History of Peak Envelope Cooling Load Methods in the U.S.
This presentation provides a historical discussion of peak envelope cooling load calculation methods from the 1800s until the present. The discussion focuses primarily on U.S. analysis methods, and includes a discussion of the engineering-based methods that can be traced, either directly or indirectly to textbooks in the 1800s by Professor Eugene Peclet, at the College of Marseille in France, and Professor Hermann Rietschel, Professor of the Technical University of Berlin, Charlottenburg Germany.
2 Overview of Peak Envelope Cooling Load Methods Using the RTS Method
This presentation will discuss the development of the Radiant Time Series (RTS) Method for performing design cooling load calculations is derived from the heat balance method. In the current ASHRAE Handbook, the RTS method has replaced all other simplified (non-heat-balance) methods such as the Cooling Load Temperature Difference/ Cooling Load Factor/Solar Cooling Load (CLTD/CLF/SCL) method, the Total Equivalent Temperature Difference/Time Averaging method (TETD/TA), and the Transfer Function Method (TFM).
3 An Architect's Perspective of U.S. Envelope Peak Cooling Load Methods
This presentation addresses an architectural perspective of the design cooling load calculation methods presented in the current ASHRAE Handbook. Earlier versions of these methods allowed architects to extract desirable design moves from the data presented--leading to the potential for better initial design decisions. The current methods, although representing an advance in accuracy, are generally not usable by an architect in conceptual or schematic design decision making.
4 Overview of Australian Envelope Peak Cooling Load Methods
This presentation will provide a brief historical perspective of the air-conditioning industry and cooling load calculation in Australia. It will look at the landscape of education and course work available; and will also review the basis of most popularly used cooling load calculation software used in Australia. Finally it will address the question of “Is this where we want to be?”
1:00 PM-1:30 PM
Seminar TC
The Latest Technologies and Solutions in Building Automation—An Open Session for YEA Members
Cutting-Edge Technologies
Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Frank Shadpour, P.E., SC Engineers, Inc.
Technical Committee: 01.04 Control Theory and Application
OPEN SESSION: no badge required; no PDHs awarded; presented during the TC's meeting. This seminar focuses on the latest available technologies and solutions in building automation systems. It addresses topics such as wireless technology, dashboards and continuous commissioning, plus a number of other innovative solutions for today's green, sustainable buildings. This seminar is highly recommended for Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA). Ron Bernstein, Member, RBCG, LLC, Encinitas, CA, presents “What's on the Horizon for Building Automation Controls: Whole Building Integration, Cyber Security and Iot Cloud Apps.” Chad Moore, P.E., Member, Engineering Resource Group, Jackson, MS, presents “Future Applications of Controls—Today.”
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Seminar 56
Avoiding Pesky Pitfalls Integrating Seismic and Sound Control
Design Build

S331BC (Orange County Convention Center)
James Liston, Suffolk Construction Company Inc.
Technical Committee: 02.07 Seismic and Wind Restraint Design
Sponsor: 7.02 HVAC&R Contractors and Design Build Firms
CoSponsor: 02.06 Sound and Vibration Control
This session presents the advantage of integrating seismic compliance and sound control early in the design build process. Design of building systems for seismic, wind, sound and vibration control is generally delegated to some point later in the project. After all, it is not exactly essential to the design of the HVAC, controls, electrical or other systems. But what happens when this seemingly non-essential item is overlooked until late in the game? Now the cost to meet code compliance and/or owner demands becomes more than budgeted. The speakers discuss how to avoid these pitfalls.
1 Taking the Evil Out of Necessary Evil of Design for Seismic Compliance
Design of HVAC&R systems for seismic and wind compliance is required by code. At least 38 states have seismic requirements and all 50 have wind requirements. The cost and headaches often associated with implementing the requirements needed to be in compliance has earned seismic/wind design a “necessary evil” label on many jobs. This session will discuss how early planning can make compliance more cost effective and less hassle.
2 Preventing Sound and Vibration Problems
No matter how advanced the design, mechanical equipment will contribute to objectionable vibration and noise in buildings. Building owners’ and tenants’ increasing demand for a comfortable and productive workspace, and the increased presence of sensitive, high-tech equipment requires vibration and noise control issues be considered. Implementing sound design from the start provides better results and is very cost effective. Trying to patchwork noise problems late in the project can be very expensive. This session will examine if, why, or when noise and vibration from HVAC&R equipment causes a problem in buildings, and some practical guidelines to prevent costly errors.
1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Seminar TC
Building Integrated PV (BIPV) Standardization is an International and Global Need
Standards, Guidelines and Codes
Orange Ballroom F (Hilton Orlando)
Marija Todorovic, P.Eng., University of Belgrade
Technical Committee: 06.07 Solar Energy Utilization
Sponsor: 4.1 Load Calculation Data & Procedures, 1.9 Electrical Systems
CoSponsor: 07.01 Integrated Building Design
OPEN SESSION: no badge required; no PDHs awarded; presented during the TC's meeting. The objective of this forum is to discuss international BIPV as matured cutting-edge technology aimed at determining relevant tasks and a working plan for preparation of an International BIPV standard that is globally acceptable concerning BIPV technologies, technical requirements of both buildings construction industries and of the electronics industries, developed as a scientifically and technically sound hub. All relevant data and measuring-technical specifications enable globally correct national “top-down” insertions. ASHRAE TC’s could have a crucial role in international BIPV standardization. Prof. Dr. Stephen Wittkopf, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts presents “Singapore and Swiss BIPV Case Studies and Visual Standards”. Dr. Şiir & Prof. Birol Kilkis, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey & Baskent University present “Comparative Evaluation of Energy and Exergy Efficiencies of BIPV Systems. Dr. D. Charlie Curcija, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab presents “FLEXLAB Testbed Measurement of the Energy and Daylighting Performance of Glazing-Integrated BIPV Façade.” Dr. Francesco Fontini, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland presents “BIPV Technical Standards-Developments within the European Union/Switzerland.”
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Seminar 53
Fellows Debate: Commissioning Is Not Part of the Construction Contractor’s Turnover Package
The Great Debate
Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Larry Spielvogel, P.E., Consulting Engineer
Sponsor: College of Fellows
CoSponsor: 01.07 Business, Management & General Legal Education
The design and construction marketplace has and will change. Clients want buildings that work. Commissioning is vital to prove that the building performs satisfactorily. Practice posits that commissioning takes place during the whole construction period and does not finish until at least one year after turnover to the owner. It is also argued that formal documentation and proof of performance is required as part of the turnover documentation. Alternatively this cannot happen in a organically growing building—things are always changing. Both sides of the argument must be understood to write good work scopes and contract documents.
1.00 Fellows Debate
These are session slides for the session chair to present at the beginning of the presentation.
2.00 Speaker 1
This is speaker 1.
3.00 Speaker 2
This is speaker 2.
4.00 Speaker 3
This is speaker 3.
5.00 Speaker 4
This is speaker 4.
6.00 Speaker 5
This is speaker 5.
7.00 Speaker 6
This is speaker 6.
3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Seminar 54
Cold Climate Building Design Guide Best Practices
International Design

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Frank Mills, Low Carbon Design Consultants
Sponsor: Cold Climate Design MTG
The ASHRAE Cold Climate Building Design Guide is being rolled out in Orlando and the speakers provide an overview of the guide, as well as best building practices. The guide was developed by an international group of ASHRAE members.
1.00 Best Practices of Utilities in Building Design for Cold Climate Applications
When designing the utilities for buildings in cold climate applications, there are important considerations that need to be taken in order to ensure the systems equipment operates efficiently and safely. Issues such as reliability, redundancy, freeze protection, adequate fuel storage, and back up heating systems are just some of the possibilities if a designer is unaware of the concerns. With the experience and knowledge of others described within the cold climate design guide, designers can learn the various strategies used to safeguard equipment against cold climate conditions and allow the equipment to work seamlessly.
2.00 Best Practices HVAC Equipment Design Cold Climate Applications
HVAC equipment design varies around the world relative to the environment the equipment is located in. When designing HVAC equipment in cold climate applications, there are important considerations that need to be taken in order to ensure the equipment operates correctly and safely. Issues such as frozen coils and frosting heat wheels are just a couple of possibilities if a designer is unaware of the concerns. With the experience and knowledge of others described within the cold climate design guide, designers can learn the various strategies used to safeguard equipment against cold climate conditions and allow equipment to work seamlessly.
3.00 Best Practices HVAC Controls for Cold Climate Applications
Building Control systems ensure that HVAC systems operate in a safe and efficient manner while maintaining the required building environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, pressure and ventilation. Each Building control system is custom designed to meet the unique requirements of the building. When designing a control system for a cold climate it is important to consider the effects of the cold on the building, the building occupants and the HVAC equipment and to incorporate appropriate cold climate control strategies in the control system design. Common cold climate design strategies are presented and best practices and lessons learned are discussed.
4.00 Best Practices HVAC Design for Cold Climates
This presentation will highlight fascinating design challenges unique to the arctic environment as well as provide practical, field proven HVAC system design solutions. Applications include designing for high winds, drifting snow, and extreme cold temperatures. Though originally designed for cold climates, attendees may find the presented solutions applicable for extreme conditions in other climates as well.
3:45 PM-5:15 PM
Seminar 57
How Does the Criterion Engineer’s Role Affect the Design Build Contractor’s and Design Build Engineer’s Roles during All Phases of a Design Build Project?
Design Build

S331BC (Orange County Convention Center)
Alonzo Blalock, P.E., Jacobs Engineering
Technical Committee: 09.01 Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems
Building owners will often retain a criterion engineer (CE) to establish the initial design criteria for a project. The CE will create documents that will be handed off to the design build contractor. After this, the role of the CE can vary. The direction of the project can be very dependent on the CE involvement after bridging documents are completed. This seminar discusses the issues that can arise as the owner and design build contractor interpret the bridging documents and how open or closed a line of communication is with the CE during all phases of a design build project.
1 Criterion Engineer’s Role in a Design Build Project
For an effective and complete project, it is the role of the criterion engineer to not only provide the basis of design and program requirements such that a “qualified” DB contractor can bid, design and construct the project, also, the criterion engineer must review and verify the contractors design to assure that it meets the basis of design and program requirements. In addition the responsibility of the criterion engineer is to confirm by review items, in order to assure that the owner has received the quality and type of project as contracted, by the engineer providing construction observation and administration.
2 Who Holds the Risk: The Criterion Engineer, the Design Build Contractor or the Design Build Engineer?
What is the contractor to quote if the criterion engineer requests an incomplete system that may not be correctly sized for the project? The contractor is at risk to deliver a complete system, with all operational components from abridging documents that are purposely incomplete. This contractor is responsible to hire the design build engineer of record, responsible for a complete functional system after he has quoted a fixed cost for the system. In this example, relationships clouded best practice.
3 How Can the Design/Build Engineer Effectively Work with the Criterion Engineer on a Design/Build Project?
The relationship between criterion engineer and design build engineer is a critical link on a design build project. The role of owner’s advocate will shift from criterion engineer to design build engineer during the project’s timeline. This presentation will discuss how factors such as communication between the criterion engineer and design build engineer, the criterion engineer’s project involvement after bridging documents have been issued, liability and risk levels, relationships with the building’s owner, and changes in the building’s design influence the design build engineer’s decision making process.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 58
Considering Occupancy Behavior in Design and Operation for Residential Buildings
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Bing Dong, University of Texas at San Antonio
Technical Committee: 07.05 Smart Building Systems
Building energy consumption is a systematic procedure comprehensively influenced by not only engineering technologies, but also cultural concept, occupant behavior and social equity, etc. People spend more than 90% of time in buildings and as a result occupancy behavior becomes a leading factor that affects building energy consumption, particularly in residential buildings, but it is quite often oversimplified. Hence, having a better understanding, description and model of occupant behavior in residential buildings can improve the accuracy of building simulations and guide the design and operation of buildings. This forum is part of IEA EBC Annex 66 activities.
1 Logical, but Not Predictable: A Story of Three High-Rise Residential Building Occupant Studies
This talk discusses major findings from three in-depth residential occupant studies that were conducted over the past two years. The objective of the studies was to shed light on the complexities of occupant behavior by performing long-term monitoring with interviews and surveys. The first study looked at the effect of billing schemes on occupant control of indoor temperature. The second study examined window shade use and found patterns are significantly different than in office buildings, but that occupants seldom move their shades. The third study examined the comfort and purchase decisions of modern, highly-glazed apartment buildings.
2 Occupant Control Behavior of Low-Temperature Air Source Heat Pump in Chinese Rural Housing: What Does It Mean to Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption?
In rural China, household heating using solid fuel significantly contributes to both indoor and regional emissions of pollutants such as carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). This study presents the first results from an intervention study currently conducted in Beijing suburb, China. The purpose of this particular effort is to quantify the effectiveness of using a split-type, low-temperature air source heat pump as an alternative way of clean heating in rural households. Several “representative” occupant control modes were summarized, all based on residents’ own use pattern without much instruction.
3 Beyond Technology: Improving Occupants' Energy Efficiency Behaviors through Social-Psychological Analysis
Improving energy efficiency behaviors requires the consideration of technology improvement and human factors. While a growing number of recent studies have focused on the importance of environmental behaviors, little attention has been paid to a comprehensive set of social-psychological factors associated with occupants’ energy conservation and demand response behaviors. Moreover, appliances and facilities are often shared among coworkers, which inhibit the development of a sense of individual responsibility. Gaining a deeper understanding of the social-psychological factors influencing energy efficiency behaviors in both public or residential buildings is especially relevant for policy and academic conversations about mitigating global climate change.
4 Investigation of Occupancy Behavior in Residential Buildings
Previous research studies show that occupancy behavior accounts for about 30% of the variance in overall heating consumption and 50% in cooling consumption in residential buildings. Overall energy savings of 10–20% due to simple behavioral adjustments are a reasonable expectation. Unfortunately, there are few studies have focused on the specific case of behavior in low-income housing, where unique individual energy behavior, demographic and socio-economic factors come into play. This presentation investigates occupancy behavioral energy usage in low-income families through real-time measurement. The behavioral aspects are presented in terms of thermostat schedules, occupancy presence and major appliance usage.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 59
Simulation Calibration Methods: Which Should I Choose?
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Jaya Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D., Montana State University
Technical Committee: 04.07 Energy Calculations
This seminar presents the different techniques that are available for calibrating simulation models. The seminar also presents the ongoing research that has been conducted to develop methods to test calibration techniques.
1.00 Calibration of Building Energy Simplified Simulation Models: Approaches and Applications
Simplified simulation models can be used for determination of effectiveness of energy-conservation measures in design stage as well as assessing performance optimization measures in retro-commissioning process. This presentation will deal with the general approaches that are followed to calibrate simplified simulations – auto and manual. The presentation will also show some examples on how the calibrated simulation can be used in practice.
2.00 Bayesian Calibration: Calibrating Energy Models with Uncertainty
Bayesian calibration is one of many methods that can be used for calibrating building energy models. In Bayesian calibration, modelers start from an assumption that parameters to be calibrated are uncertain through assignment of probability distribution functions. The Bayesian calibration algorithm adjusts the parameter probability distribution functions by comparison of model predictions to measured data. The posterior parameter distributions parameters are statistically more consistent with the measured data than the prior distributions with the probability distributions representing the confidence of the values of the input parameters given both the model of the buildings and the observed values from the building.
3.00 A Method of Test for Evaluating the Efficacy of Model Calibration Techniques
This paper summarizes a method for testing model calibration procedures. We call this a pure test method because it tests only the calibration procedure and not the correctness of the associated simulation program. This is accomplished by using the simulation program (used with a calibration method) to generate synthetic/surrogate building energy use data for a pre and post retrofit test case. Thus the “correct” inputs are precisely known and the calibration technique can be tested for closure on the correct pre-retrofit model input values and the post retrofit energy savings along with the usual “goodness of fit” criterion.
4.00 Autotune Calibration and Trinity Test Evaluation
Autotune project has developed and tested automated tuning methodologies that enable building energy models to reproduce measured data by systematically adjusting input parameters so they match the real building. Research addressing practical considerations related to data integrity, application of domain-agnostic, multi-parameter, optimization techniques and testing methods are discussed. A standard method of test for calibration tools is being developed and an online Trinity Test web service implements one of the methods recommended to allow determination of whether the inputs set by a calibration algorithm are the correct values for the given building.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 60
Do You Know What You Are Breathing? Contaminants of Emerging Concern
Fundamentals and Applications

Orlando Ballroom V (Hilton Orlando)
Kyung-Ju Choi, Clean & Science
Technical Committee: 02.03 Gaseous Air Contaminants and Gas Contaminant Removal Equipment
Sponsor: SSPC 62.1
CoSponsor: Environmental Health Committee
Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), such as phthalates, organophosphates and siloxanes, are contaminants of emerging concern. Such chemicals are widely used as plasticizers, insecticides and flame retardants in building materials and consumer products used in households, such as antiperspirants, skin- and hair-care products, cosmetics and detergents. SVOCs are becoming more of a concern due to their widespread usage and potential health effects, such as endocrine disruption and cancer. The health effects of a specific SVOC depend on its chemical nature and the degree of exposure, which can occur through a combination of ingestion, respiration and skin absorption.
1 Emission and Transport of Phthalates in Indoor Environments
Phthalates have been used pervasively as plasticizers in consumer products and building materials. These semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are ubiquitous in indoor environments. We developed a novel, rapid, small-chamber method to measure phthalate emissions. The mechanisms governing emissions of phthalates from polymeric materials were further elucidated through systematic chamber studies. We then extended the mechanistic understanding of emissions to an actual indoor environment through a fate and transport model and assessed the exposure of building occupants.
2 SVOC Transport in the Vicinity of Human Body
Many semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) including phthalates and PAHs have been linked to adverse health effects such as endocrine disruption and cancer. Due to widespread use of synthetically produced plasticizers, insecticides, and flame retardant indoors, large amounts of SVOCs persist indoors for relatively long periods (>1 yr). This study investigates inhalation vs. dermal uptake to human surface considering air flow and SVOC transport in the vicinity of a human body. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of pollutant dynamics around a human body, breathing zone concentrations and SVOC uptake by human surface were estimated for an occupant in ventilated room.
3 Contaminants of Emerging Concern: Siloxanes and Indoor Air Quality
Siloxanes are common ingredients in consumer products like antiperspirants, skin and hair care products, cosmetics and detergents, and are being promoted as green dry cleaning solvents to replace toxic chlorinated solvents. The wide applications have caused elevated concentrations of siloxanes in our environments, and the indoor levels are usually much higher than outdoor air. Some siloxanes are regarded as potential endocrine disrupting compounds. The sources, indoor and outdoor air concentrations, and the health and environmental effects of siloxanes will be presented and future research needs will be discussed.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 61
Improving the Efficiency of Low-GWP Commercial Refrigeration Systems
Systems and Equipment
Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Shitong Zha, Ph.D., HILLPHOENIX
Technical Committee: 10.07 Commercial Food and Beverage Cooling Display and Storage
Sponsor: MTG.LowGWP
CoSponsor: 03.01 Refrigerants and Secondary Coolants
Commercial refrigeration systems are searching for low-GWP refrigerant options due to the environmental responsibility and governmental regulations to limit the use of high-GWP refrigerants. Energy efficiency is very important in the refrigerant transition. The seminar covers commercial refrigeration systems using both natural refrigerant and low-GWP synthetics. How to increase R744 system efficiency when it operates at elevated ambient temperature? What is the R744 system with ejector technology? What is the Hybrid Geothermal R744 system? How to change the equipment design and control of low-GWP synthetics refrigeration to improve energy efficiency?
1 Commercial Refrigeration Applying R744 Refrigeration Technologies: A Global Perspective
Energy efficiency, heat recovery and cost efficiency of commercial refrigeration systems still have a large development potential for systems applying R744 as the only refrigerant. The system architecture has to be in the focus with respect to increase the system efficiency when these units are operated at elevated ambient temperatures. The objective of this work is to investigate the energy required for different R744 commercial refrigeration systems at various locations in all the global continents compared to a HFC404A configuration.
2 Energy Efficiency Improvements for Refrigeration Systems with Low-GWP Refrigerants
Due to the recent governmental regulations to limit the use of high GWP refrigerants, new lower GWP refrigerants are currently under evaluation by the industry. These new refrigerants exhibit promising thermal performance when compared to widely used refrigerants such as R404A. In this presentation, thermal properties and actual system performance data for non-flammable and mildly-flammable low-GWP refrigerants are discussed in details, showing energy efficiency and environmental benefits of using these new refrigerants in commercial refrigeration. In addition, changes in equipment design and control to further improve energy efficiency are explored, with focus on systems with moderate glide refrigerants.
3 Hybrid Geothermal R744: An Alternative to Transcritical Booster Technology
It is well know that when dealing with R744 high ambient temperatures can create design issues including loss of efficiency or reliability. Currently a majority of the design effort is being focused on adapting the refrigeration circuit design to adapt to higher ambient conditions. What if we could de-couple the impact of ambient temperature from the system entirely? This seminar will explore a case study of an operating hybrid geothermal transcritical CO2 installation from design, installation and through first year of operation.
4 Beverage Vending Machines: An Alternative Refrigerant to “Chill out” with
Refrigerants are essential to multitudes of HVAC&R processes in the commercial sector. Although meant to be contained within various equipment types, their usage inevitably leads to leakage, which may directly contribute to ozone depletion and/or global warming. In response, CO2 rose as a viable alternative in refrigerated beverage vending machines. Simultaneously, federal regulators continue to update minimum/high-efficiency standards for equipment efficiency, and are additionally exploring a proposal for prohibiting certain high-GWP refrigerants. This presentation will discuss the findings of a high-level evaluation, conducted by TTC, on the efficiency and performance of a CO2 vending machine and the applicable standards.
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Seminar 62
Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems: Best Practices for System Efficiency and Longevity
Systems and Equipment
Orange Ballroom B (Hilton Orlando)
Mike Gallagher, P.E., Western Allied Corp.
Technical Committee: 07.03 Operation and Maintenance Management
This seminar covers best practices in variable refrigerant flow (VRF) from the perspective of the manufacturer (OEM), facility manager and service contractor. Installation, operation and maintenance of VRF systems are discussed, including: skill requirements for VRF systems compared to conventional systems, installation best practices, manufacturer specific training, utilizing manufacturer service tools for ongoing maintenance and commissioning. A case study is presented from the owner's perspective at a hotel where VRF systems were recently installed to replace conventional systems.
1 VRF Training: Perspective from the Original Equipment Manufacturer
This presentation will cover the training needs for personnel involved installing and operating VRF systems, to include: Emphasis on skill requirements for successful install and operation of VRF systems compared to conventional systems, installation best practices, manufacturer specific training, and using manufacturer service tools for operation and maintenance. The presenter will also touch on manufacturer training available and how OEM service tools can be used for VRF system maintenance and ongoing commissioning.
2 VRF Maintenance: Perspective from the Original Equipment Manufacturer
This presentation will cover unique operations and maintenance characteristics of VRF systems that result in specific revised or additional tasks beyond the familiar needs of DX split systems. First there will be a brief overview the unique hardware, software and control technologies used in VRF systems that distinguish them from conventional DX split systems. Next the seminar will highlight periodic operation & maintenance functions unique to VRF systems that must be incorporated in a maintenance program.
3 VRF Operatiions and Maintenance: Perspective from the Facility Manager
This presentation will look at the owner's VRF operation and maintainance (O&M) requirements at a hotel facility with multiple types of HVAC systems. Presenter will discuss start-up of VRF systems, which replaced conventional systems as part of a phased renovation. Discussion will include: operations and maintenance requirements for VRF systems compared to conventional systems. Presenter will discuss lessons learned from VRF system installation and start-up as it relates to facilities managers.
4 VRF Maintenance: Perspective from the Service Contractor
This presentation discusses aspects of VRF system operation, maintenance and repair that are unique to the HVAC service industry. The presenter explains how to avoid VRF failures through the proper care and feeding of a VRF system. While many maintenance tasks in VRF are similar to a convention system, there are differences that require a greater depth of knowledge on VRF. A service contractor’s view and lessons learned.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Seminar 63
Cybersecurity for HVAC Automation Systems
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Mike Galler, National Institute of Science and Technology
Technical Committee: 01.05 Computer Applications
Cybersecurity of HVAC controllers and networks has become a topic of increased concern, especially in light of some recent highly publicized security-related incidents (i.e. Stuxnet and similar) in the industrial controls sector. This seminar provides a range of information related to HVAC cybersecurity.
1 IEC 62443: Industrial Network and System Security Applicability to the Built Environment
Cyber security means many things to many people. Banking, government, utilities all have their own standards and terminology. All have the same goal to prevent disruption of operations, loss of sensitive data, and protection of life and property. But many of these standards are IT centric and are difficult to apply to the building control environment. One standard designed explicitly for automation is IEC 62443: Industrial Network and System Security. This presentation discusses how this standard can be applied to the automation ion the built environment, and how it differs from other cyber security standards.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Seminar 64
Pursuing Energy Efficiency May Put Your Data Center IT At Risk
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Nick Gangemi, Northern Air Systems
Technical Committee: 09.09 Mission Critical Facilities, Technology Spaces and Electronic Equipment
Reducing the environmental impact of data center cooling and the cost of operation is rightly high on the agenda. However, from a business perspective, it is important to recognize that actions to save energy may impact how much IT can be installed and whether it will be resilient when redundant cooling systems fail. Similarly, deployments of IT Equipment, and their in-cabinet configuration, may impact IT resilience, future install capacity and energy efficiency. This seminar addresses how IT and Facilities Management can work together to balance all 3 parameters and meet the business need.
1 A Holistic Approach to Characterizing Mission Critical Facility Cooling Performance
The main challenge in understanding cooling performance in a legacy data center is the invisible transport medium (air). This seminar describes a comprehensive experimental characterization of a new data center lab. Airflow and temperature measurements are utilized to understand the facility’s performance at different operational stages. Since the facility houses a wide range of different IT equipment (servers, switches, storages, blades), it is important to understand the airflow demand of each. The IT was tested and flow characterized. The characterization data is integrated via compact models into a full CFD simulation. Measured data from the facility are used for validation.
2 Analysis of Cooling Performance of an Enclosed Hybrid-Cooled Server Cabinet
Localized hybrid air-water cooling in server cabinets remove heat using a self contained system that does not interact with the room level air cooling system is one approach to more effectively control the cooling when there is wide variation in the amount of dissipation in neighboring racks. This seminar describes an experimental test and CFD validation of a commercial hybrid-cooled enclosed cabinet. The model includes fans and channels and the heat exchanger box and uses experimentally measured flow curves for the IT equipment. A sensitivity study was applied to the validated model to investigate the effect of leakage on cabinets performance.
3 Filling the Engineering Gap: Balancing Data Center Availability, Capacity and Efficiency
DCIM provides tools to bridge the gap in terms of process and data communication between facilities and IT, but there is still a gap in terms of the engineering consequences of actions. This presentation will give examples of how common practices, at both the rack and the room scale (including the impact of choosing to co-locate different types of IT), can impact availability, capacity and efficiency in different ways. Metrics will be used to quantify the impact of proposed changes so that the business can make IT deployment and infrastructure decisions in a holistic way to fit its needs.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 65
Compression Challenges for Low-GWP Refrigerants
Systems and Equipment
Orange Ballroom D (Hilton Orlando)
Georgi Kazachki, Ph.D., Dayton Phoenix Group, Inc.
Technical Committee: 08.01 Positive Displacement Compressors
Sponsor: Refrigeration Committee
Advanced methods for modeling the compression process with low-GWP refrigerants and the associated challenges are discussed and illustrated on existing and new compressor designs.
1 Design Improvements of the Spool Compressor Using Comprehensive Modeling Techniques
The development of spool compressors for various applications is investigated. Using comprehensive modeling techniques it is shown how the various trade-offs in compressor design can be mitigated prior to extensive design and prototyping effort being expended. The study focuses on air-conditioning applications and the practical limitations associated with the comprehensive modeling approach.
2 Design Improvements of the Spool Compressor for Various Working Fluids Using Comprehensive Modeling Techniques
An in-depth analysis of the comprehensive model results of a spool compressor on various low-GWP refrigerants is presented. The heat transfer, leakage, and frictional components are explored independently. This analysis aims at demonstrating how the comprehensive modeling tools can be used to make more informed design decisions when comparing performance with various working fluids.
3 Modeling of an Oil-Free Carbon Dioxide Compressor Using Sanderson-Rocker Arm Motion (S-RAM) Mechanism
A simulation model to predict the performance of a prototype CO2 compressor is presented. This prototype compressor employs the Sanderson-Rocker Arm Motion (S-RAM) mechanism, which converts the rotary motion of the shaft into a linear reciprocating motion of the cylinders. The piston stroke can be variable by changing the incline angle between the connecting rod and compressor main shaft centerline. The compressor model is mainly composed of two main sub-models simulating the kinematics of the drive mechanism and the compression process. A valve sub-model is included in the compression process model.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 66
Energy Performance Run By Data
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom C (Hilton Orlando)
Karel Kabele, Dr.Ing., REHVA
Technical Committee: 07.06 Building Energy Performance
Sponsor: REHVA
A consistent strategy for energy saving and sustainability should benefit from the all the opportunities opened by scientific and technological development. One of the biggest challenges in a building is to find the right equilibrium between the energy demand and the well-being provided to occupants. The evolution of information and communication technologies, together with the decrease of the cost of sensors and monitoring systems, opened new perspectives. Nowadays the decision-making process is much better informed and based on performance indicators, which are widely used in energy and environmental rating systems for buildings. The experiences of European leaders will be presented
1 Data Driven IEQ Control in Low Energy Buildings
Energy performance of buildings has an impact on the quality of the indoor environment. Nevertheless, the technical building systems can ensure the desired state of the internal environment, occurs in many low-energy buildings the deterioration of subjective perception and dissatisfaction of users. The paper focuses on issues related to the design of concept and controll of heating and ventilation systems in low energy residential and school buildings, and its impact on the quality of the indoor environment.
2 Affordable IEQ Monitoring Solutions for Small and Medium-Size Buildings
It is presented a case study of a building where an IEQ monitoring system has been installed. The architecture of the monitoring system is based on sensing systems from different manufacturers, but having in common a USB digital output. The data communication, as well as the developed softare codes to ensure the data processing, collection and display are also presented.
3 Occupant Behavior Monitoring and Engagement: Low Investment Measures to Optimize IEQ and Save Energy in Buildings
The most important types of interactions of occupants with the building façades or control systems are defined. The models available to integrate human behavior on simulations are explained. Results of the different studies, both field works and simulations, are presented and discussed. The corrective measures to improve the indoor environmental quality are explained, as well as the strategies to promote more environmental friendly behaviors.
4 Environmental Performance of a Building Translated into Financial Performance
Besides the positive impacts on environment and the reduction of exploitation coss of buildings, the environmental certification of buildings may contribute to rise their value. The methods to translate the environmental performance into finantial benefits are discussed in this presentation.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 67
Simulation for Cutting-Edge Building Design
Cutting-Edge Technologies

Orange Ballroom F (Hilton Orlando)
Nathaniel Jones, MIT
Technical Committee: 04.07 Energy Calculations
Cutting-edge simulation techniques have the power to expose design ideas that can radically reduce energy demands starting from an early point in the design process. However, integrating new simulation methods into existing design practices requires both creativity and depth of knowledge on the part of designers. This seminar brings together three experts from the industry to present how they have integrated advanced simulation techniques to increase energy efficiency, reduce resource consumption and further the design goals of a number of projects.
1.00 Modeling a Building Before It Has Been Designed: Cloud-Based Pre-Simulation to Build a Multi-Parameter Design Space
In the field of numerical optimization, there a concept called design space, a collection of parameter values that meet externally imposed criteria of acceptability. Designers are increasingly interested in understanding the extents of a design space prior to initiating any design studies. How can we run optimization studies on a building before it has been designed? This situation has led to the development of decision guiding mechanisms in our design studios that employs pre-simulated datasets to construct a multi-parameter design space to inform the conceptualization of the guiding concepts of an architectural design.
2.00 Designing an Energy and Water Efficient Hotel Using an Equation-Based Modeling Approach
In this project, we are designing an energy and water efficient hotel in Miami, Florida, by combining heat recovery and rainwater collection systems. The waste heat from space cooling is used to preheat the domestic hot water. The boilers for domestic hot water system also provide heat source for space heating when needed. The rainwater is collected, stored, and processed for non-potable usage, including cooling tower makeup water. Modelica, which is an equation based modeling language, is adopted to enable the fast modeling of the combined energy and water system as well as their controls.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 68
Net Zero Energy Home Strategies from Coast to Coast
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Dianne Griffiths, P.E., Steven Winter Assoc.
Technical Committee: 04.03 Ventilation Requirements and Infiltration
Sponsor: Residential Buildings Committee
CoSponsor: 02.08 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability
Affordable and healthy high performance net zero energy (NZE) homes that combine energy efficiency improvements with onsite renewable energy production are possible throughout the country. However, it can be difficult to determine the appropriate strategy for achieving NZE performance while maintaining acceptable occupant comfort and indoor air quality. This seminar discusses technology issues and local conditions and practices and provides design guidance and cost-optimal performance packages that are applicable locally, regionally and nationally. Modeling tools, an experimental facility and real-world examples of affordable net zero energy home design packages are reviewed.
1 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in a Net Zero Energy Residential Test Facility
A net-zero energy (NZE) residential test facility is used to evaluate options for achieving NZE performance on a home similar in size, aesthetics, and amenities to those in the surrounding communities while meeting the average electricity and water use needs of a family of four. The facility incorporates renewable energy and energy efficient technologies, including a heat recovery ventilator sized to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 ventilation requirements, because ventilation is a significant portion of the energy requirement in a NZE home. This presentation will discuss the operation of the HRV and its impact on the indoor air quality and energy use.
2 Least-Cost Pathway to Net Zero Energy Homes
Net zero energy (NZE) homes require additional investments in improving energy efficiency and adding rooftop PV. It can be challenging to determine the most cost effective way to reach NZE because it depends on climate, energy costs and relative costs of energy efficiency and PV technology options. BEopt software can be used to evaluate residential building designs, identifying cost-optimal performance packages at various levels of whole-house energy savings. This presentation will provide a brief overview of BEopt capabilities along with several case studies of NZE homes designed and built using information from BEopt.
3 Natural Gas Options for Net Zero Energy Homes
As net zero energy (NZE) construction gains momentum, so does the number of stakeholders who believe electrification is the best way to achieve NZE performance. However, natural gas provides a clean, affordable and domestic energy option for NZE homes that is often overlooked when stakeholders think only in terms of site energy performance. This presentation will focus on California’s ambitious NZE goals, describe how NZE is calculated in California, and showcase the societal benefits of including high efficiency natural gas direct use as a viable alternative to electric technology options for NZE homes in California.
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Seminar 69
The Future of Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation (DCKV) and the Impact of Recent Significant Changes to Relevant Codes and Standards
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Michael Watz Jr., P.E., Accurex a Greenheck Company
Technical Committee: 05.10 Kitchen Ventilation
This seminar describes case studies of integrating demand control kitchen ventilation (DCKV) with energy management system (EMS). In addition, the session covers changes related to DCKV in California Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1 and updates to UL 710 Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations.
1 Integrating DCKV with EMS: A Field-Study Perspective!
Demand-controlled kitchen ventilation (DCKV) had gained traction and market adoption within the world of commercial foodservice, stimulated by recent changes to Standard 90.1 and Title 24. Similarly, energy management systems (EMS) have secured renewed interest by major restaurant chains in North America. While both systems derive savings from the HVAC piece of the “energy pie”, they compete for a piece of the capital budget. At this stage in product offerings, there has been little integration of the two technologies. Based on three field studies, this presentation discusses the benefits of combining the two technologies within one platform.
2 The Role DCKV Plays within the Energy Efficiency Goals of Standard 90.1, California Title 24 and the Model Codes
This seminar will discuss the present and future roles that Demand Controlled Kitchen Ventilation (DCKV) systems play as a viable energy efficiency measure in food service facilities. It will be presented within the framework of Standard 90.1, California’s Title 24, the IMC and UMC.
3 Impacts of Changes in Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Codes and Standards with a Focus on UL710, "Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment"
There are several recent and upcoming changes to codes and testing standards that impact the performance, installation and commissioning of commercial kitchen ventilation equipment. This session will focus on the relationship between various UL test standards and code requirements, and address some of the frequently asked technical questions received by UL. This session will also focus on the significant changes in UL Standard ANSI/UL710, “Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment”, that were published in 2012, and have an upcoming effective date of September 2017.
4 Recent Updates to ASHRAE Standard 154 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations
The SSPC recently completed revisions, updates, public review and submission for publication of ASHRAE Standard 154, Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations.