3 The Performance of an Auxiliary Heat Pump Water Heater Installed in a Dual-Tank System in a Net Zero Energy Residence (OR-16-C059)

Tania Ullah, National Institute of Standards and Technology
William M. Healy, Ph.D., National Institute of Standards and Technology
In the effort to achieve net-zero operation of residential buildings, advanced water heating technologies are vitally important.  Solar thermal is the most cost and energy efficient, renewable energy alternative for water heating, but the use of electric resistance as the backup to solar thermal may no longer be the most suitable option. This paper explores the year-long performance of a 189 liter (50 gallon) heat pump water heater (HPWH) serving as an auxiliary unit to an active indirect solar thermal water heater with a 303 liter (80 gallon) storage tank in a net-zero energy test home at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg campus.

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