11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Forum 1
Got Demand Response? How Should Buildings Be Designed to Connect to the Smart Grid?
Standards, Guidelines and Codes

Orange Ballroom E (Hilton Orlando)
Randall Higa, P.E., Southern California Edison
Technical Committee: 01.09 Electrical Systems
CoSponsor: 07.05 Smart Building Systems
Demand response (DR) is the ability to effect a short-term change in a facility’s electric demand due to actions on the building’s energy consuming systems. DR can provide value by addressing grid reliability or variations in renewable energy output. California’s Title 24 and IgCC Green Code require buildings to be capable of responding to DR events. There is interest in preparing a guideline for DR that could be incorporated into standards such as Standard 90.1 and 189.1. What should be the scope and structure of such a guideline? How should buildings be designed to connect to the smart grid?
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Forum 2
Air Change Rates: Friend or Foe?
The Great Debate

Orange Ballroom G (Hilton Orlando)
Kishor Khankari, Ph.D., AnSight LLC
Technical Committee: 09.11 Clean Spaces
Sponsor: TC 9.06, TC9.10
Air change rates (ACR) or air changes per hour (ACH) are often specified in many standards, codes and design guidelines as supply airflow requirements for healthcare, cleanrooms, laboratories and other similar facilities. A group of people who support such philosophy think it has been working successfully from several decades in making these spaces safe, comfortable and healthy. Another group thinks this legacy practice has a little scientific basis and is a burden on energy efficiency and cost of operation of HVAC systems. This session has an open debate on this issue. Active participation is required from the attendees.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Forum 3
How Can ASHRAE Help Provide Affordable High Performance Residential Buildings in Countries with Developing Economies?
Modern Residential Systems

Orange Ballroom A (Hilton Orlando)
Ashish Rakheja, P.E., AEON Integrated Building Design Consultants LLP
Sponsor: Residential Buildings Committee
ASHRAE has a wealth of talent that can be applied to the unique and challenging issues and opportunities in developing economies. One of the major opportunities is to provide design guidance for affordable, workable residential building solutions for these economies. This forum discusses activities of the Developing Economies Ad Hoc Committee and seeks guidance from forum participants on ways ASHRAE leadership and members can encourage and improve interactions with engineering professionals in developing economies.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Forum 4
What Can We Do to Manage CKV Odor and Keep our Favorite Restaurant from Becoming an Unwelcome Neighbor?
Fundamentals and Applications

Orange Ballroom C (Hilton Orlando)
Russell Robison, Gaylord Industries
Technical Committee: 05.10 Kitchen Ventilation
Sponsor: 02.3
CoSponsor: 04.03 Ventilation Requirements and Infiltration
With the increasing trend of mixed-use development allowing for greater housing variety and density, the collision of residential, commercial, cultural and institutional are starting to collide. This forum focuses on presenting the challenges in managing commercial kitchen exhaust odor in mixed-use developments.