8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Workshop 1
Are Rumors of MERV's Death Exaggerated?
HVAC Systems and Equipment

227 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Donald Thornburg Jr., Camfil USA
Technical Committee: 02.04 Particulate Air Contaminants and Particulate Contaminant Removal Equipment
Sponsor: SSPC 52.2
ISO 16890 the global filtration standard is due to be published in 2016 and could replace ASHRAE 52.2 as the air filtration laboratory test method. What is ISO 16890, how does it work and how does it affect ASHRAE Standards (62.1, 62.2, 90, 170, etc), members, users and the industry?
1 How Do ISO 16890 and ASHRAE 52.2 Compare?
This presentation dissects the major differences in the test methods and protocols of ASHRAE 52.2 and the soon to be published ISO 16890. These air filtration test methods use similar equipment, but handle their respective data products very differently. These differences can and will have some impact on other ASHRAE Standards, industry standards, and customer specifications. Thus, understanding these differences beforehand is very important to users and specifiers of air filtration equipment.
2 Impact of ISO 16890 on ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines
It is very likely that ISO 16890 will be published in 2016 and replace the EN779 in Europe. With a more globalized world this standard will also affect the evaluation of filter performance in the US, but how does this standard affect standards and guidelines published by ASHRAE? In this work, we will discuss: Which ASHRAE standards reference to ASHRAE 52.2 and would be affected if 52.2 was replaced by ISO 16890? What are the effects on filter manufacturers, filter laboratories and users of filtration products?
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Workshop 2
ASHRAE's Strategic Plan for Mobile and Web Apps
Fundamentals and Applications

226 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Stephen Roth, P.E., Carmel Software Corp.
Technical Committee: 01.05 Computer Applications
This workshop discusses ASHRAE's strategic plan for the development of mobile and web apps based upon the various standards and HoF chapters. Feedback is also solicited from Society about the types of mobile/web-based apps that ASHRAE should be offering. A representative from ASHRAE Publications solicits the following information: What do ASHRAE members think about the current list of apps offered on the ASHRAE bookstore? What types of apps should ASHRAE be offering that are not currently available? What are members' thoughts about the new ASHRAE 90.1 app? How should apps be priced?
1 ASHRAE's Mobile and Web App Agenda
Steve discusses ASHRAE Publication's philosophy behind its mobile and web app strategy and talks about its successes and issues so far. In addition, Steve discusses future mobile and web app plans and also solicit feedback from forum attendees.
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Workshop 3
Developing the Business Case for Submetering: Leveraging GSA’s Portfolio to Demonstrate Submeter Functionalities, Range of Benefits and Cost Savings
Smart Building Systems/Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics

228 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Kinga Hydras, U.S. General Services Administration
Technical Committee: 07.06 Building Energy Performance
The session provides an overview of current standards and Federal mandates around submetering and explores energy conservation opportunities through the usage of granular energy data. Recent industry trends show that installation of metering devices after the primary utility meter that measure actual resource consumption are bringing multiple benefits to commercial building owners. The GSA developed a Submeter Framework that provides a standardized means to map submeter functionalities to a range of benefits. The Framework is the basis of the newly introduced SFTool Submetering module and the interactive Submetering Wizard.
1 Developing the Business Case for Submetering: Leveraging GSA’s Portfolio to Demonstrate Submeter Functionalities, Range of Benefits and Cost Savings
Recent industry trends show that installation of metering devices after the primary utility meter that measure actual resource consumption are bringing multiple benefits to commercial building owners. These submetering systems could allow GSA to monitor energy usage for individual tenants, departments, whole floors, pieces of equipment or other loads individually to account for their actual energy usage.The GSA developed a Submeter Framework that provides a standardized means to map submeter functionalities to a range of benefits. The framework also assists stakeholders with identifying data needed to determine the associated costs and monetary savings resulting from submetering projects.
2 Developing the Business Case for Submetering: Standards and Mandates
The use of submeters has grown significantly in recent years at both the National and State level. As the value of submeters becomes more well known and practiced, the allowance and requirement of metering systems has increased tremendously to attain the wide array of benefits they offer. The presentation summarizes the current state of policies related to submetering at the National, State, and City level.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Workshop 4
DDC for Smart Buildings and Smart Grid
Smart Building Systems/Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics

227 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Cynthia Moreno, T&M Mechanical Sales Company
Technical Committee: 01.04 Control Theory and Application
CoSponsor: 07.05 Smart Building Systems
Not all energy dashboards are created equally. This seminar reviews the established classification of energy dashboards. Energy dashboards are a graphical user interface that resembles an automobile dashboard. A web-based energy dashboard allows for display of real-time building performance and external information. This workshop discusses the latest technology in energy dashboards and DDC monitoring. Learn about smart metering and how its integration into energy dashboards can become an invaluable tool for today's high performance green buildings.
1 Criteria for Building Automation Dashboards
All dashboards are not created equal. The term “dashboard” today continues to be flaunted when marketing any screen-based display with flashy graphics and energy related charts. But what do you get when you decide to purchase a dashboard? This workshop presents a rational method for categorizing building automation dashboards to indicate required features at each level so that owners, operators, designers, and contractors can discuss their needs in the same terms.
2 Smart Metering through Controls
The presentation will provide the latest available technology in smart grid interface through building automation systems. Practical scenarios and applicable "rule-of-thumb" checks in smart metering will be discussed. The presentation will include an overview of governing code and various ASHRAE and IEEE guidelines and standards.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Workshop 5
Answering the Call: How ASHRAE Standards Can Meet State and Local Demand for High Performance Green Building
Renewable Energy Systems and Net Zero Buildings

228 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Andrew Persily, Ph.D., National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sponsor: Grassroots Government Advocacy Committee
States and cities around the world are promoting construction of net zero energy and high performance green buildings as part of larger national and global efforts to reduce atmospheric emissions in pursuit of climate change mitigation efforts. ASHRAE standards, such as Standard 189.1 can help meet this demand. This workshop presents attendees with hands-on tools for educating policymakers and effecting positive change in the built environment based on sound technical research.
1 Standard 189.1: A Pathway to Achieving Emissions Reductions Goals
This presentation describes the role that Standard 189.1 plays in efforts by policymakers to achieve net zero energy and high performance green buildings.
2 European Activities on High Performance Green Buildings
This presentation describes the efforts in Europe to achieve net zero energy and high performance green buildings that have come as a result of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and related activities.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Workshop 7
Answering the Call: Encouraging Code Adoption and Enforcement with Policy Leaders
Renewable Energy Systems and Net Zero Buildings

228 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Keith H. Reihl, P.E., Reihl Engineering
Sponsor: Grassroots Government Advocacy Committee
Within the past several years legislation has been introduced in virtually every state which would extend current code cycles beyond the traditional three year cycle. It is important for ASHRAE members to work with policymakers to stress the importance of maintaining the three-year code cycle to ensure that states and local jurisdictions incorporate the latest techniques and practices into their minimum codes, while providing ease of application. This workshop informs members and conference attendees how they can educate policymakers at the state and local levels.
1 Demystifying State and Local Code Development and Adoption
This presentation describes the often misunderstood processes by which code officials adopt, amend, and implement building energy codes and model standards such as the International Energy Conservation Code and Standard 90.1. Tips will also be provided for how ASHRAE members can become involved with these processes.
2 Best Practices for Working with State Energy Officials
This presentation describes how ASHRAE members can effectively work with state energy officials to encourage the adoption and implementation of the most recent editions of the model building energy codes.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Workshop 8
How to Predict the Long-Term Success of Your Green Design: The Five Characteristics that Determine Technology Adoption
Professional Skills Beyond Engineering

227 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Kevin Brown, P.E., The Linc Group
Technical Committee: 02.08 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability
CoSponsor: 01.07 Business, Management & General Legal Education
Have you ever wondered why a new technology is readily accepted by some but resisted by others? In this workshop, discover the five characteristics of any technology or strategy that will determine its chances of being adopted successfully on projects. Based on technology adoption research from Everett Roger's "Diffusion of Innovations," learn to be more strategic when selecting design options for projects. The goal of this simple technique is to choose the best options for clients - ones that will be embraced and maintained for the life of the building.
1 How to Predict the Long-Term Success of Your Green Design: The Five Characteristics That Determine Technology Adoption
Have you ever wondered why a new technology is readily accepted by some, but resisted by others? In this workshop, you’ll discover the 5 characteristics of any technology or strategy that will determine its chances of being adopted successfully on your projects. Based on technology adoption research from Everett Roger’s "Diffusion of Innovations", you can learn to be more strategic when selecting design options for your projects. The goal of this simple technique is to choose the best options for your clients – ones that will be embraced and maintained for the life of the building.
2 Facilitator for Session
Mitchell Swann will assist in this workshop as a facilitator.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Workshop 9
The Busted BIM Building Blues
Fundamentals and Applications
228 (America's Center Convention Complex)
E. Mitchell Swann, P.E., MDCSystems
Technical Committee: 07.02 HVAC&R Contractors and Design Build Firms
Sponsor: TC 1.07 Business, Management and General Legal Education
CoSponsor: 07.01 Integrated Building Design
BIM has become a growing industry practice over the past 10 years. Inconsistencies in approach, application and intended use have made the realization of the theoretical benefits of BIM uneven. The lure of BIM is fewer field conflicts, fewer RFIs, fewer change orders and a better project. What can you do with BIM when you have it? How should an engineer "do“ BIM? A Contractor? An owner? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well then, you had better come to this program to find out! (But remember, the blues can be happy too!)
1 You’ve Got Friends: the Successful Execution of BIM for MEP Work
This presentation highlights a success story for BIM where a strong MEP Contractor took the lead on the model development effort and used the tool to advance a quality product and make for a happy customer. Key in this effort was the contractor integrating construction sequences to MEP layouts and design, thus truly integrating the building model into the construction process. Come and learn some tricks.
2 When You Believe in Things You Don’t Understand, You Suffer
BIM holds much promise as a powerful tool to improve and enhance the design and construction process. But experience tells us that any tool can be a weapon if you hold it right. This portion of the program looks at some of the features and facets of BIM, how they differ from what we ‘used to do’ and how you can get a hedge against some of those less than ideal outcomes that we all worry about but don’t want to talk about.