Optimizing the combustion performance and reduction of emissions of Methane gas by varying excess air has been and continues to be an area of interest for researchers, manufacturers and operators. With the aim of developing more energy efficient systems meeting stricter environmental emission controls. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive graphical presentation for easier optimization of the combustion process in relation to; energy, temperature, and pollutants. Easy to use equations were developed with guidance on how to accurately optimize combustion.
Methodology; numerical software tools were used in analyzing injected; Methane gas and – variable excess air ratios. Emissions such as; Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Nitrogen Oxides, were also recorded, and analyzed for optimum energy output versus lower emissions. .
Results; were tabulated and graphs generated. Equations were derived using industry established software tools. The accuracy of the developed equations was assessed on statistical basis. Discussions on advantages and disadvantaged on excess air are included.
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