12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Forum 1
Behind the Curtain: A Discussion About How to Submit a Program, Mini-Track or Track Suggestion for the ASHRAE Biannual Conferences
Fundamentals and Applications

224 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Jon Cohen, ChemTreat, Inc.
Technical Committee: Conferences and Expositions Committee
The Conference and Expositions Committee is responsible for selecting the technical programs for the Biannual ASHRAE Conferences. If you have had difficulty submitting a program in the past, have a great track suggestion for a future conference, or just have questions on the process, please join us for a look into our selection process and learn how technical committees and members alike can proactively support the Technical Program. Speakers include Sarah Maston, CEC Chair; Jon Cohen, CEC Vice Chair; and Dave Claridge, incoming CEC Chair.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Forum 2
A Discussion of 185.1 and 185.2: The New Standards
Fundamentals and Applications

224 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Sam Guzman, American Ultraviolet Company
Technical Committee: 02.09 Ultraviolet Air and Surface Treatment
SPC 185 was organized in 2005 to develop a method of test to determine inactivation rates of airborne microorganisms in air-handling units and air ducts. In 2007 it was divided into SPC-185.1 which deals with Airborne Microorganisms while SPC-185.2 deals with Microorganisms on Irradiated Surfaces. These test method standards, are used to compare UVGI equipment on a standardized basis irrespective of their application. Results are used to give the design engineer an easy-to-use basis for specifying UV devices or estimating the relative performance of UVGI for a given application. This forum discusses the practical application of the new standards.
2:15 PM-3:00 PM
Forum 3
Financing for HVAC & Home Energy Improvements: Picking a Program That Works for You and Your Customers (WITHDRAWN - MODERATOR NOT PRESENT)
Professional Skills Beyond Engineering

226 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Emeline Minor, Spruce Finance
Homeowners often put off home improvements such as upgrading an HVAC unit because they lack financing options. The right financing program can help you close more sales. This session looks at various financing options available to HVAC contractors and anyone working in the home environment industry, and explain how to pick a financing program that supports your business and helps you close more deals.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Forum 4
To Centralize or Decentralize a Thermal Energy System: The Great Debate Continues
HVAC Systems and Equipment

224 (America's Center Convention Complex)
Alan Neely, Pittsburgh Corning Corporation
Technical Committee: 06.02 District Energy
This forum panel comprised of a manufacturer, a design consultant and a district energy provider, provides a short presentation of their opinion on the pros/cons of the centralized vs a decentralized thermal system. A question and answer period will then follow. Questions presented by the moderator will be directed to get into the detail of the benefits of each system. The panelists are John Andrepont representing a Consulting Engineer, Michael Marr P.E. representing a District Energy Developer, and Brian Huibregtse representing an Equipment Manufacturer.
To Centralize or Decentralize a Thermal Energy System: The Great Debate Continues
These are the session slides.