Contact Info
Conference Chair: Aaron Boranian
Staff Support
For information on the technical program, special events, special sessions and general conference inquiries:
Haley Booker-Lauridson
Conference Programs Coordinator
Technical Support
For technical problems or for help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support
Track 1: Artificial Intelligence
Track Chair:
Email:Artificial intelligence (AI) is being adopted by many aspects in our life. As sensor systems, internet connectivity, building management software and data collection become more sophisticated and ubiquitous, substantial opportunities exist to make buildings and HVAC systems and equipment “smarter.” Implementation of AI in building automation and control systems offers the potential to improve operational energy efficiency, occupant comfort, security and maintenance, and to enhance utilization of renewable energy resources (e.g., wind, solar) and energy storage. Submissions in this track focus on applications for AI and machine learning technology in building automation and controls to enhance energy efficiency and comfort, cyber security, fault detection and diagnosis, operation of HVAC systems and equipment for load flexibility, and benefit from time-of-day energy prices.
Track 2: Energy Storage and Grid Resiliency
Track Chair:
Email:Thermal and electrical energy storage can alleviate the mismatch between renewable energy availability and peak building energy demands, enabling the incorporation of more renewable energy into the grid. Integration of thermal energy storage (TES) with residential and commercial building envelopes or HVAC systems would reduce buildings’ heating and cooling loads, level out peak energy demand, reduce HVAC size, increase energy savings, improve occupant thermal comfort and allow flexibility for shedding and shifting electricity demands associated with building loads. These benefits enable improved grid resiliency; thereby, enabling more cost-effective electrification of buildings. Papers and programs in this track focus on advances in cost-effective TES materials and systems, integration of thermal TES in building envelopes or HVAC systems and grid resiliency.
Track 3: Fundamentals and Applications
Track Chair:
Email:Fundamentals are the foundation for understanding applications in engineering. Key components of ASHRAE fundamentals include thermodynamics, psychrometrics, heat transfer and fluid flow. This track provides opportunities for papers and presentations of varying levels across a large topic base. Concepts, design elements and shared experiences for theoretical and applied concepts of HVAC&R design are included.
Track 4: Future-Proofing the Built Environment
Track Chair:
Email:In the face of climate change, weather extremes and energy supply disruptions and shortages, methods for designing, constructing and operating buildings and HVAC&R systems must be resilient and sustainable. In fact, resilience is a highlighted aspect of the current ASHRAE Strategic Plan. This track highlights innovative technologies and strategies that are evolving across the globe that reimagine our relationship with the built environment now and into the future, including design strategies for extreme climates and weather, appropriate responses to energy supply disruptions, and how all these factors are tied to resilience and energy conservation efforts.
Track 5: HVAC&R Systems and Equipment
Track Chair:
Email:HVAC&R Systems and Equipment are constantly evolving to address the changing requirements of the built environment. Papers and programs in this track focus on the development of new systems and equipment, novel applications of existing systems and equipment, improvements to existing systems and equipment and the proper application and operation of systems and equipment.
Track 6: Pathways to Building Decarbonization
Track Chair:
Email:Decarbonization is urgently needed to slow climate change that is affecting the planet. Approximately 10% of global CO2 emissions is attributable to embodied carbon in building materials and construction processes. Energy use in buildings accounts for about 40% of energy-related carbon emissions. Therefore, to accomplish building decarbonization goals, accounting for embodied carbon and carbon emissions from operational energy use is essential. ASHRAE and its members are leading the advancement of carbon neutral, net zero energy and decarbonization strategies in new construction, renovation and HVAC&R design for residential and commercial buildings.
This track highlights case studies and research across the globe on the methods being developed and policies being evolved to reduce carbon impacts on the global environment; tools and resources to make zero energy design and operation more easily achievable; innovative low-carbon materials and state-of-the-art technologies and strategies to achieve zero energy communities and campuses; and policies, regulations, codes, standards and utility and government programs for adoption and scale up of net zero (or net positive) energy building and community initiatives.
Track 7: Refrigeration and Refrigerants
Track Chair:
Email:Refrigeration systems generate and use cold for a range of processes, from food production and temperature-controlled storage to vaccine preservation, to long-term protection of fragile ancient inks of historic documents and others. Differences in technologies and equipment, performance, refrigerants, etc., may hide synergies from which both industrial and commercial systems might benefit. Refrigeration systems and the refrigerants also have environmental impacts including direct and indirect GHG emissions. Papers and programs in this track will focus on refrigeration systems of all types from process cooling to comfort cooling as well as best practices for refrigerants that are used in refrigeration systems.
Track 8: Research Summit
Track Chair:
Email:Active research, and the exchange of those research findings, are critical to the development of our HVAC&R industry and built environment. The 2023 Annual Research Summit invites researchers to share those results, including ASHRAE-sponsored research and research of interest to the ASHRAE community. Researchers are invited to present papers, extended abstracts, seminars, forums or participate in panel discussions. The Research Summit includes a partnership with ASHRAE's archival journal, Science and Technology for the Built Environment.
Track 9: Ventilation and Indoor Environmental Quality for Healthy Buildings
Track Chair:
Email:Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is a vital consideration during all phases of a building’s life because the indoor environment is closely linked to occupant comfort, satisfaction, productivity and health. Proper fire and smoke control design is also crucial for protecting building occupants. This track explores the design, operation and studies of ventilation, air distribution systems, and all IEQ aspects, including noise, vibration and lighting in residential and commercial buildings. Topics include aspects of ventilation and IEQ, such as filtration, changeovers, best practices for maintainability, fire ratings/dampers, detection and ventilation for toxic gases, operator safety in equipment rooms, OSHA requirements, industrial and hazardous spaces, additional occupant health and safety considerations and new building materials.
Submission Process
The Conference Paper submission process consists of 6 steps.
- Track: You will be asked to choose which track you are submitting to.
- Title: Enter the title of your paper, and your email address so that you can receive a submission confirmation email. You will also be asked to indicate whether this paper has been previously submitted. You can enter the name of your intended session chair, if your paper is to be part of a planned session. You will be asked to indicate if you are a student. You may also optionally enter a technical committee.
If you indicate you are a student, you will be prompted to enter additional student information after clicking "Save". - Author: You will be required to enter a presenting author, and may additionally enter co-authors.
- Review Abstract: Enter the abstract text for your submission (400 words or less).
- Short Abstract for Promotion: Provide a short abstract of what your presentation will cover. This information will be used in the online conference program and for promotion purposes (100 words or less).
- Confirmation: You will be asked to review all the information you have entered. Please make sure that everything is correct, then click the Conclude button.
Session Chairs: Please submit your request for Conference Paper Sessions to Haley Booker-Lauridson, Make sure to include the title and abstract for the session, sponsoring TC, and titles and authors for each paper within in your proposal e-mail. A Conference Organizer will reply to your request to organize a paper session for the conference. The Session Chair's responsibilities are extensive - please review them in the Session Chairs Handbook.
Examples of Abstracts of "Applications-type" Conference Papers Accepted for the Las Vegas Conference
Rehab of DDC at Corporate National Training Center: Three Years of Therapy (LV-11-C004) Alonzo Blalock, P.E., Member, Jacobs, Fort Worth, TX
Abstract Text:
Environmental conditioning or HVAC contributes to many aspects of a 'satisfactory worker environment'. One of the most significant aspects of a 'satisfactory worker environment' is getting the Building Automation System (BAS) to correctly manage the system operations. In some ways, the BAS represents the brain and nervous system for the building body. And thus, careful attention is required when attempting rehabilitation or performing 'brain surgery'.
When reviewing BAS systems in existing large buildings, it is important to evaluate the entire operation similar to the way a good doctor's plan includes a patient stress screening. Various operations can be tested in the Commissioning processes, including reviewing a listing of Hot-Cold calls and conducting a 'laptop' survey at the sensors to reveal details of system performance similar to an EEG.
This Paper will present details of the rehabilitation of a BAS system at a pharmaceutical company's National Training Center campus. Built in New Jersey in the early 90s, the campus is comprised of three, five-story buildings, with approximately 240,000 total square feet (22300 SM). Each building includes a low temperature air supply system with Series Fan Powered VAV units. Following three years of effort in the continuously occupied buildings, the project is now complete and already shows much improved living conditions for the Owner.
The information of this paper is intended to convey the aspects of a detailed replacement of BAS using descriptions similar to those used by a Medical Professional to treat a patient. The Owner expressed a desire in and found greater value in the improved reliability of system operations even more than generating minor energy savings. While the improvement in maintenance staff's ability to maintain occupant's comfort could not easily be calculated, the Owner believed it represented a major financial benefit.
ASHRAE Resources for LEED-Existing Buildings Certification (LV-11-C020) Barry Abramson, P.E. and Lung-Sing Wong, P.E., Member, Servidyne, Atlanta, GA
Abstract Text:
The US Green Building Council's LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) rating system relies upon several standards and procedures developed by ASHRAE. Some are well known, such as the ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 Ventilation Rate Procedure, but need to be applied under different circumstances than they have typically been in the past. Others, such as ASHRAE Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits, were lesser known several years ago, before LEED-EB was introduced. Such terms as "ASHRAE Level I" and "ASHRAE Level II" Energy Audits have now been popularized in the building industry. This paper will address the LEED-EB requirements that rely on these ASHRAE tools and resources and discuss the challenges to the engineer regarding proper application under various existing building scenarios. It will explain the pertinent concepts and definitions as presented in the ASHRAE resource documents, and present strategies for how these ASHRAE resources can most effectively be utilized in the LEED-EB certification process.
Demand Control Ventilation: Lessons from the Field: How to Avoid Common Problems (LV-11-C062) Brad Acker and Kevin van den Wymelenberg, University of Idaho, Boise, ID
Abstract Text:
Demand control ventilation (DCV) has the potential to save energy by reducing ventilation rates in accordance with occupancy levels provided by the surrogate indication of CO2 levels. However, improperly installed, designed, or operated systems may save energy at the expense of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) or enhance IAQ at the expense of energy. These outcomes may have the potential to foul the image of an otherwise viable energy efficiency measure. This paper reports what the authors believe to be common problems in the design, installation and operation of DCV systems which use CO2 as a surrogate for occupancy levels.
Six HVAC systems were investigated: two commercial offices, two medical offices, and two school environments. The design drawings, air balance reports, and current equipment set up were investigated. Four systems were controlled locally through roof top unit control logic and two systems were controlled by central building energy management systems. Functional testing of equipment was carried out and system parameters were logged including CO2 levels, fans states, and air stream temperatures. Functional testing was broken up into three system aspects. First, CO2 control signal functional testing was conducted to confirm that the control link between CO2 sensors and outside air damper positioning was in place. Second, sensor placement functional testing was conducted to confirm that the sensors placement could accurately report the CO2 levels of the controlled zone. Third, the Outside Air (OSA) level test was conducted by inspecting the air balance reports to determine the OSA rates and to confirm that the system was balanced in accordance with DCV standards.
The study found that no systems were functioning properly for a number of reasons, some of which were overlapping. Reasons for non-functionality included poor sensor placement, improper information provided in mechanical schedules or design documents, fan cycling issues, and poor installation. Details on failure modes will be presented. Proper engineering documentation requirements will be explained. Test, Adjust, Balance (TAB) specifications and DCV specific requirements for TAB along with information that building operators need to know about system operation will be presented.
Publication Schedule
This is the overall publication schedule for the 2026 ASHRAE Winter Conference. For specific details and questions regarding these dates, please contact the appropriate Track Chair.
Wednesday May 28, 2025 | Conference Paper Abstracts, Technical Papers, and Paper Session Requests Due |
Wednesday June 18, 2025 | Conference Paper Abstract Accept/Reject Notifications |
Friday August 1, 2025 | Conference Papers Due - Submitted for Review |
Wednesday September 3, 2025 | Debate, Panel, Seminar, Forum, Workshop Proposals Due |
Wednesday September 24, 2025 | Conference Paper Abstract Accept/Revise/Reject Notifications |
Friday October 3, 2025 | Debate, Panel, Seminar, Forum, Workshop Accept/Reject Notifications |
Wednesday October 8, 2025 | Revised Conference Papers, Technical Papers Due |
Monday October 27, 2025 | Conference Paper Accept/Reject Notifications |
Authors' Resources
Sample Paper
View a sample paper in PDF format.Templates
Download the conference paper template in MS Word.Agreement to Publish
Authors of approved Conference Paper abstracts are required to submit a signed Agreement to Publish form. A link will be in the acceptance letter to access and submit the form in electronic format.Description of Papers
There are two types of paper presentations: Conference Paper and Technical Paper. Both must be submitted by their respective deadlines in order to be considered for presentation at the 2021 ASHRAE Virtual Winter Conference in , . Please note the submission process is different for each paper type.
Conference Papers: two-step process - an abstract of the paper (400 words or less) is due for review by March 18, 2019. (Please select the "Submission Process" tab for more details and examples). The abstract must be approved prior to submitting the paper.
Conference papers are shorter than technical papers, undergo a less stringent review and can be prepared closer to the conferences. Unlike technical papers, abstracts of conference papers are submitted first for review. Upon acceptance of the abstract, papers are due July 8, 2019 and undergo a single-blind review and must be approved by two reviewers. Due to this shorter time frame for review as well as a single review cycle, Conference Papers being submitted should be considered "Final" by the author. "Final" means that it could be published on the internet the next day - which puts responsibility by the author to have quality checks prior to submitting. Conference papers can be a maximum of eight single-spaced pages in length. Papers are submitted in 'final' form using the template.
Guidelines for Authors of Approved Conference Paper Abstracts
Below are some guidelines to consider when preparing your Conference Paper. Please note that the guidelines are significant factors in determining the acceptance of your Conference Paper.- Adherence to the template.
The Conference Paper template and paper sample are located on the Author's Resources tab for your reference. Per the conference paper template, please include an author's note at the bottom of page 1 of your manuscript.
- Author note with job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) must be given for each author in the following form:
J.L. Doe is associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan. R.L. Roe is president at Consulting Engineers, Inc., Lawrence, Kans.
- Paper is no more than 8 single-spaced pages in length total (includes text, tables, figures, etc.)
- Non-commercial (paper does not focus on a single product -- proprietary or not.)
- Paper has not been previously published.
- Equations are accurate.
- Paper includes dual units (I-P and SI). Both text and tables require the addition of dual units.
- Technical merit, effectiveness of the manuscript (organization & writing), originality.
- Relevance to ASHRAE members.
- Acknowledgment of the work of others by reference.
- Ready to be published.
- Author note with job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) must be given for each author in the following form:
- Additionally, your Conference Paper must be submitted as a PDF file, referencing your ID# as the file name.
- Adherence to the template.
- Technical Papers: full-length Technical Papers are due March 18, 2019, and must complete final review by August 9, 2019.
Technical papers are presented by authors at ASHRAE Winter and Annual conferences and then published in ASHRAE Transactions. Papers submitted for review must be both technically accurate and clearly written. Technical papers undergo a rigorous double-blind review and must be approved by three reviewers knowledgeable in the subject matter. Presentation is by poster or orally, if grouped into a session with related papers. Technical papers can be up to 30 double-spaced manuscript pages in length, including tables and charts, and a maximum of 12 figures (not counted in the page count).Guidelines for Complete Submission of a Technical Paper for Review
To submit a full-length technical paper, go to The following items are mandatory for submission:
- When writing your Technical Paper manuscript, please follow the guidelines in the ASHRAE Authors Manual.
- Upload a title page with complete authors' listing (Word format). The author's listing should be submitted as a separate file (Word format), and must include:
- Title of the paper
- Author names in desired order, principal author first, with (if applicable) ASHRAE membership grade, academic degrees at the doctoral level (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc.), and professional certification (e.g., P.E., BEMP, BEAP, CPMP, HBDP, OPMP).
- Author note with job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) must be given for each author in the following form:
J.L. Doe is associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan. R.L. Roe is president at Consulting Engineers, Inc., Lawrence, Kans.
- Complete contact information for the corresponding author, including mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and email address.
- The paper has a maximum of 12 figures.
- The length of the text including tables is a maximum of 15 single spaced pages (and figures can be extra.)
- Upload your Agreement to Publish form(s) signed by every author.
- Upload in Word format 2 Learning Objectives and 4 Question and Answers (select the file designation "not for review".)
- Include dual units of measurements in tables and text (I-P and SI Units)
Learning Objectives and Q&A
ASHRAE submits its conference technical program for approval for NY PDHs, AIA Learning Units and GBCI LEED-AP continuing education credits. Among the requirements for approval are Learning Objectives and Questions and Answers for each of the sessions.
Seminar and Workshop Session Chairs are required to submit 4 Learning Objectives and 10 Questions and Answers. These cover the entire seminar.
Conference Paper and Technical Paper Authors are required to submit 2 Learning Objectives and 4 Question and Answers upon upload of the final paper.
Q&A sets should be in multiple choice or true-false format. These questions will be used for quizzing in the Virtual Conference to provide virtual attendance certificates to Virtual Conference users.
Following are examples of each:
Learning Objectives: The Learning Objectives should complete the statement, "After attending this session, the attendees will be able to..." Learning Objectives need to be addressed by the speakers and should use measurable verbs such as "Explain," "Describe," "Distinguish," "Design," "Apply," etc., such as the example below:
- Define Smart Grid functions, objectives and architecture
- Describe how the Smart Grid affects building operations
- Provide an overview of Smart Grid projects in North America
- Describe the federal policies and regulations promoting the Smart Grid
Method of Assessment (Q&A): Please include questions with answers based on the Learning Objectives and what will be covered within the Seminar.
- Is 55F the desired coil leaving air temperature in Florida?
- Yes
- No
- True or false: You should use a humidifier in a Florida Lab.
- True
- False