8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Forum 1
Commissioning Experience with California Title 24 VAV Lab Exhaust
Commissioning: Optimizing New and Existing Buildings and their Operation

101A (Long Beach Convention)
Victor Neuman, P.E., Laboratory Exhaust Certification LLC
Technical Committee: 9.10 Laboratory Systems
California Title 24 Regulation has mandated for the first time that all new laboratories in the state have variable air volume (VAV) exhausts. This provides a wide variety of experiences from owners, engineers, contractors and commissioning agents. This forum confidentially discusses real world results in California for VAV lab exhausts and discusses the upcoming 2018-2019 revisions to California Title 24 for VAV lab exhausts.
Commissioning Experience with California Title 24 VAV Lab Exhaust
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Forum 2
Great Minds Don't Always Think Alike: What Is Needed for a "Good" Project Specification?
Fundamentals and Applications

201B (Long Beach Convention)
Heather Schopplein, P.E., Haldeman Inc.
Technical Committee: 9.8 Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems
Engineers, manufacturers, contractors and architects have different and valuable ideas on what constitutes a good specification. This forum addresses the needs from each discipline and helps communicate what makes the document valuable for the whole project team.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Forum 3
Accreditation of HVAC&R Engineering Programs: Who Cares?
Fundamentals and Applications

202AB (Long Beach Convention)
Michael Brandemuehl, University of Colorado
Sponsor: Student Activities Committee
Graduates from engineering and engineering technology programs, both two-year and four-year, comprise the next generation of ASHRAE members and HVAC&R practitioners. The purpose of this forum is to guide ASHRAE’s input on accrediting these programs. What do we expect graduates to know? What do we expect them to be able to do? What are the differences in expectations between engineering and engineering technology graduates? What are the differences in expectations between two-year and four-year graduates? What is the role of program accreditation to ensure the desired outcomes?
Presentation Placeholder for Brandemuehl
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Forum 4
What the FPT Is Commissioning for Design Build Projects?
Commissioning: Optimizing New and Existing Buildings and their Operation

103AB (Long Beach Convention)
Will Mak, P.E., Cyclone Energy Group
Technical Committee: 7.9 Building Commissioning
CoSponsor: 7.2 HVAC&R Construction & Design Build Technologies
Methods for commissioning building projects with traditional design-bid-build delivery methods are well established. However, projects using the design build delivery method have become more popular and require a different approach for implementing the commissioning process on these types of projects. This forum opens the discussion between engineers, architects, contractors and owners on how design build projects should be commissioned. The goals after the forum are to develop a guideline on commissioning for design build projects and to conduct a seminar / workshop on the guideline at a future ASHRAE conference.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Forum 5
Future Smart Buildings: What Data Do We Need to Collect and How?

202AB (Long Beach Convention)
Kristen Cetin, Ph.D., P.E., Iowa State University
Technical Committee: 7.5 Smart Building Systems
The future of smart buildings and smart homes face challenges of integrating data from multiple sources and systems for smart decisions to achieve better comfort and energy/cost savings. Future buildings also should be able to communicate and transact with the smart grid. What data should be collected and how should they be integrated using a common communication platform? This forum discusses the state of the industry (smart meters, smart thermostats, connected appliances, IoT, BEMOSS, VOLTTRON...) and determines a path that the ASHRAE community can contribute towards moving forward.
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Forum 6
Best Practices For Low Energy Residential Buildings Across the Globe
Residential Buildings: Standards Guidelines and Codes

201B (Long Beach Convention)
Ashish Rakheja, P.E., AEON Integrated Building Design Consultants LLP
Sponsor: AASA, MTG.HCDG Hot Climate Design Guide
CoSponsor: 2.8 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability
ASHRAE Associate Society Alliance (AASA) has members from over 50 global HVAC&R societies. AASA also has a large representation from Developing Countries where due to rapid urbanization, the demand for homes is growing exponentially (India alone will add 50 billion sq. ft. of constructed space in next two decades). The Forum discusses the case studies and best practices followed in design of cost effective homes. This Forum has international flavor with representatives from more than 20 countries and provides an opportunity to the attendees to interact & learn from each other.