Call for Presentations

2025 ASHRAE Building Decarbonization Conference (October 22 - 24, 2025 | Chicago, IL, USA)

The conference will be an information and idea exchange between stakeholders in the built environment industry concerning the improvement of energy efficiency, health, comfort, and reduction of GHG emissions in new and existing buildings and systems. 

Potential presenters are invited to submit proposals for panel and seminar sessions (60 or 90 min):

  • Panel: 3-4 industry experts, including one moderator, on a current topic of interest or team case study. Only one slide deck per panel required.
  • Seminar: 2-4 speakers and session Chair, on one of the conference topics. Individual slide decks for each speaker required. 

Please note that presentation slots are very limited and selection will be based on a peer review process. 

Subtopics are provided under each track as examples, but submissions can include additional related subtopics. The conference is only accepting abstracts for full sessions. If you have an individual session, but are unable to find a group to present with, you can fill out a speaker interest form and you will be contacted if your topic is a fit for an existing session. 

Proposals are due February 14th, 2025 and acceptance notifications will be sent in March. For a full list of presentation topics and more information, visit: 

Contact Info

Conference Chair: Luke Leung

Conference Vice-Chair: Carrie Brown

Staff Support
For information on the technical program, special events, special sessions and general conference inquiries:

Chris Preyor
Conference Programs Assistant Manager

Technical Support

For technical problems or for help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support

Submission Process: Seminars and Panels

Please follow these steps:

To begin, please choose the program type that you would like to submit a program proposal to: Seminar (1-2 presentations - 60 minutes in length; 3-5 presentations - 90 minutes in length) or Panel (1 moderator; 3-4 panelists; 60-90 minutes in length).

Before beginning your submission, it may be a good idea to gather all the information that you will be required to submit.

There are six steps to the submission process:

  1. Session Description: Enter the title of the session. Also please provide a 100 word abstract.
  2. Additional Background and/or Scheduling Request for this session: Please provide any additional information that will be useful in describing the session that is being proposed. If you have any scheduling requests please state them here.
  3. People: Provide your name and contact information as the session organizer. Enter presenters by choosing the "Presenter" checkbox. You will need to enter the presentation title as well. Once a presenter has been entered, you will see the presentation title and presenter's name listed on the "People" step. Click on the icon in the Abstract text column to enter the abstract. Click on the author's name to add co-presenters and speaker bios.
  4. Objectives: Please include 4 Learning Objectives for the entire session (not required for Panels). The Learning Objectives should complete the statement, "After attending this session, the attendees will be able to..." All 4 Learning Objectives need to be addressed by the speakers. The Learning Objectives should use measurable verbs such as "Explain," "Describe," "Distinguish," "Design," "Apply," etc., such as the example below:
    1. Define Smart Grid functions, objectives and architecture
    2. Describe how the Smart Grid affects building operations
    3. Provide an overview of Smart Grid projects in North America
    4. Describe the federal policies and regulations promoting the Smart Grid
  1. Method of Assessment: Please include 10 questions and answers (in T/F, Yes/No, or multiple choice format only) for the entire session based on the Learning Objectives and what will be covered within the speakers' presentations (not required for Forums).
  2. Confirmation: When your submission is complete, click the "Conclude Submission" button. Note that you will still be able to make changes to your abstract up until the submission deadline.


Track 1: Beyond Decarbonization: Flattening Utility Demand, Considering Resilience and More

Track Chair:

  • Managing peak electric loads from building electrification – demand reduction, thermal storage, DER integration, demand flexibility
  • Pairing decarbonization with resiliency and enhanced IEQ
  • Critical facility challenges
  • Equity considerations in decarbonization

Track 2: Blueprints for Change: Policies, Standards and Programs

Track Chair:

  • Building decarbonization through utility programs – new construction, retrofits
  • Policies and Standards, including building energy codes and Building Performance Standards
  • Financing solutions for building decarbonization in new construction and retrofits – net zero as a service, ESPC, PACE, green mortgages

Track 3: Innovators' Showcase: Success Stories and Cutting-Edge Tech (Best Practices, Case Studies, and Evolving Technologies)

Track Chair:

  • Whole-life carbon best practices, resources, tools, and case studies
  • Cold climate design, construction, operation, and end of life considerations including hybrid heating solutions
  • Evolving heat pump technology roll-up, new refrigerants, new capabilities, etc.
  • Retrocommissioning with low-cost and scalable solutions 

Track 4: Scaling Decarbonization: Transitioning from Bespoke Solutions to Broad Implementation

Track Chair:

  • Scaling decarbonized new construction (residential and commercial)
  • Scaling building decarbonization retrofits
  • Scaling at the regional level or across multiple buildings (campus, portfolio) and systems
  • Special considerations in scaling building decarbonization in rural and underserved communities