Focuses on Research & Integrated Project Delivery
ASHRAE 2013 Annual Conference, June 22-26, Denver, Colorado
ATLANTA – ASHRAE is accepting presentation submissions for its 2013 Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado, June 22-26.
The conference currently seeks seminar and forum proposals on current research worldwide; core HVAC&R applications and systems; and, featured for this conference, Integrated Project Design, Energy Modeling, and Building Efficiency Performance. The steering committee has already accepted 163 conference paper abstracts and some 60 technical papers. The conference headquarters hotel is Denver Sheraton and the technical program takes place at the hotel.
The Research Summit track seeks presentations that report on all aspects pertaining to HVAC&R and attempts to bring together researchers to present and discuss the latest research. The Research Summit track has an emphasis on the industry's movement toward a clean energy economy. Also, highlights on ongoing ASHRAE funded research will be presented. For more information about the Research Summit, click here.
The Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) track addresses the evolving method of managing a design project from conceptual design through to the operation and maintenance phase, based on the concept of shared risk/ shared profit and teamwork. This track will focus on success and lessons learned with IPD, as well as individual roles in IPD collaboration.
The Building Energy Modeling vs. Measurement & Verification track seeks to discuss the accuracy of building energy modeling programs compared to utility usage in the actual building after one to two years of occupancy. It also investigates trends in building modeling, and/or the realities of construction and O&M, such as systemic construction issues that lead to long term non-performance and training staff to operate a building as it was designed to perform.
The Mile-High Efficiency & Equipment Track highlights new breakthroughs in equipment and building systems that contribute to a building's overall high-efficiency performance.
Renewable & Alternative Energy Sources looks past wind, hydroelectric, and solar power to find even more alternative and/or renewable energy sources that are being utilized in HVAC design to work toward net-zero and high-efficiency buildings.
As with past ASHRAE conferences, the Denver Conference seeks to address core HVAC&R Systems and Equipment as well as
See tabs below for more information on tracks and track chairs, due dates, submission requirements for seminars and forums, and authors’ resources for papers.
Contact Info/Tracks
Track 1: Research Summit
Track Chair: Walid Chakroun / Bill Dean / Reinhard Radermacher / Yunho Hwang / Jelena Srebric / Rachel Romero
Email: / / / / /
The 1st Annual ASHRAE Research Track seeks to present innovations in HVAC&R research with particular emphasis on Renewable Energy Research and its role as we strive towards a clean energy economy. Researchers are invited to present papers, seminars, forums or participate in panel discussions. Also, highlights on ongoing ASHRAE funded research will be presented. Join us in this comprehensive compilation of research-related papers and programs that peer into what the future holds.
Track 2: Integrated Project Delivery
Track Chair: Dunstan Macauley / Kevin Gallen
Email: /
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is an evolving method of managing a design project from conceptual design through to the operation & maintenance phase, based on the concept of shared risk/ shared profit and teamwork. True teamwork is a culture change for all parties, beginning with the owner trusting the designers, builders (including the major trade contractors), and facility management. IPD is gaining ground on traditional design-bid-build or contractor-at-risk project management scenarios, as successful IPD projects see condensed schedules, on-time delivery, managed costs and sustainable buildings. What does it take to succeed with IPD? Programs and papers in this track will focus on success and lessons learned with IPD, as well as individual roles in IPD collaboration. Entire team presentations are encouraged.
Track 3: Building Energy Modeling vs. Measurement & Verification- Closing the Gap
Track Chair: Charles E. Henck / Steven Rosen
Email: /
The debate rages on… how accurate are building energy modeling programs compared to utility usage in the actual building after one year of occupancy? After two years? Building owners expect the theoretical and therefore the calculated payback that is presented in the design, but what happens with reality falls short of goal? Join us to investigate trends in building modeling and the realities of construction and O&M, such as systemic construction issues that lead to long term non-performance and training staff to operate a building as it was designed to perform.
Track 4: Mile-High Efficiency & Equipment
Track Chair: Pam Androff / Thomas H. Kuehn
Email: /
As Denver is known as the "mile-high" city, this track will look into new breakthroughs in equipment and building systems that contribute to a building’s overall high-efficiency performance.
Track 5: Renewable & Alternative Energy Sources
Track Chair: Monte Troutman / David E. Claridge
Email: /
Wind, hydroelectric, and solar are just a few alternative and/or renewable energy sources that are being utilized in HVAC design, as we strive for Net-zero and high-efficiency buildings. This track will look into new advances in alternative energy equipment and new design strategies for engineers…
Track 6: HVAC&R Systems & Equipment
Track Chair: Keith Newcomer / Douglas C. Cochrane
Email: /
An HVAC&R system is a combination of equipment engineered and duct and/or pipe distribution to operate in concert to provide the desired results for the space or process. Whether simple, standard, or unconventional – the equipment and system distribution must be designed, installed, operated and maintained to achieve those results. The series of programs and papers in this track will highlight the basic to advanced options for designers, contractors and operators to deliver effective, efficient, and sustainable systems.
Track 7: HVAC&R Fundamentals & Applications
Track Chair: Mike McDermott / Jeffrey Spitler
Email: /
Fundamentals are the building blocks for understanding their applications. Thermodynamics, fluid flow and psychrometrics are key components to evaluating the basic to advanced applications. The intent of this track is to provide papers and programs that cover varying levels of fundamentals for the designer in a wide array of topics, including how theoretical concepts can be applied to common designer dilemmas, such as value engineering and other common trade-offs in HVAC&R design.
Track 8: Building Energy Quotient
Track Chair:
Conference Program Chair: Sarah E. Maston
Staff Support
For information on the technical program, special events, special sessions and general conference inquiries
Tiffany D. Cox
Conference Program Administrator
Technical Support
For technical problems or for help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support
Submission Process
Submission Instructions
To begin, please choose the program type that you would like to submit a program proposal to.
Submissions for this meeting are no longer being accepted.
Before beginning your submission, it may be a good idea to gather all the information that you will be required to submit.
There are five steps to the submission process:
- Session Description: Enter the title of the session. Also please provide a 100 word abstract. Please complete the rest of information, including TC sponsors (if any), estimate of the size of audience, etc.
- People: Provide your name and contact information as the session organizer.
Enter presenters by choosing the "Presenter" checkbox. You will need to enter the presentation title as well. Once a presenter has been entered, you will see the presentation title and presenter's name listed on the "People" step. Click on the icon in the Abstract text column to enter the abstract. Click on the author's name to add co-presenters and speaker bios. - Objectives: Please include six Learning Objectives for the entire session. The Learning Objectives should complete the statement, "After attending this session, the attendees will be able to..." All six Learning Objectives need to be addressed by the speakers. The Learning Objectives should use measurable verbs such as "Explain," "Describe," "Distinguish," "Design," "Apply," etc., such as the example below:
- Define Smart Grid functions, objectives and architecture
- Describe how the Smart Grid affects building operations
- Provide an overview of Smart Grid projects in North America
- Describe the federal policies and regulations promoting the Smart Grid
- Explain how building operators can obtain access to their energy use and usage profile information
- Describe how to use electricity use/profile information to reduce energy costs through features such as alerts, billing histories, graphs, usage histories for budgeting
- Method of Assessment: Please include 10 questions and answers for the entire session based on the Learning Objectives and what will be covered within the speakers' presentations.
- Confirmation: When you are happy with your submission, click the "Conclude Submission" button. Note that you will still be able to make changes to your abstract up until the submission deadline.
Publication Schedule
This is the overall publication schedule for the 2013 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Denver. For specific details and questions regarding these dates, please contact the appropriate Track Chair.
Sept. 24 | Conference Paper Abstracts, Full Technical Papers and Chair Request for Paper Sessions Due |
Oct. 16 | Conference Paper Abstract Accept/Reject Notifications |
Jan. 7, 2013 | Web Site Opens for Seminar and Forum Proposals |
Jan. 7 | Final Conference Paper Due (Includes Bio, LO and Q&A) |
Feb. 11 | Seminar, Forum TPS and CPS Proposals Due |
Feb. 25 | Technical Paper Final Review Due |
March 15 | Final Technical Papers Due |
March 25 | Conference Papers Accept/Reject Notifications and Notifications of Seminar and Forum Accept/Reject Distributed |
May 6 | Upload of PPTs Begin |
June 3 | All PPTs Due Online |
June 22 | Speaker's Lounge Opens |
Authors' Resources
Sample Paper
View a sample paper in PDF format.Templates
Download the conference paper template in MS Word.Publishment Agreement
Download the agreement to publish form in PDF format.Description of Papers
There are two types of paper presentations: Conference Paper and Technical Paper. Both must be submitted by their respective deadlines in order to be considered for presentation at the 2013 ASHRAE Annual Conference in Denver, CO. Please note the submission process is different for each paper type.
Conference Papers: two-step process - an abstract of the paper (400 words or less) is due for review by September 24, 2012. (Please select the "Submission Process" tab for more details and examples). The abstract must be approved prior to submitting the paper.
Conference papers are shorter than technical papers, undergo a less stringent review and can be prepared closer to the conferences. Unlike technical papers, abstracts of conference papers are submitted first for review. Upon acceptance of the abstract, papers are due January 7, 2013 and undergo a single-blind review and must be approved by two reviewers.
Guidelines for Authors of Approved Conference Paper Abstracts
Below are some guidelines to consider when preparing your Conference Paper. Please note that the guidelines are significant factors in determining the acceptance of your Conference Paper.- Adherence to the template.
The Conference Paper template and paper sample are located on the Author's Resources tab for your reference. Per the conference paper template, please include an author's note at the bottom of page 1 of your manuscript.
- Author note with job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) must be given for each author in the following form:
J.L. Doe is associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan. R.L. Roe is president at Consulting Engineers, Inc., Lawrence, Kans.
- Paper is no more than 8 pages in length total (including text, tables, figures, etc.), formatted with line spacing as used in template: 1.1 for intro and abstract and 1.2 for the body.
- Non-commercial (paper does not focus on a single product -- proprietary or not.)
- Paper has not been previously published.
- Equations are accurate.
- Paper includes dual units (I-P and SI). Both text and tables require the addition of dual units.
- Technical merit, effectiveness of the manuscript (organization & writing), originality.
- Relevance to ASHRAE members.
- Acknowledgment of the work of others by reference.
- Ready to be published.
- Author note with job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) must be given for each author in the following form:
- Additionally, your Conference Paper must be submitted as a PDF file, referencing your ID# as the file name.
Please return the Agreement to Publish form(s) signed by all authors to Tiffany Cox, Conference Program Administrator (fax: 678 539 2137, e-mail: prior to July 9, 2012.
- Adherence to the template.
- Technical Papers: full-length Technical Papers are due September 24, 2012 and must complete final review by February 25, 2013.
Technical papers are presented by authors at ASHRAE Winter and Annual conferences and then published in ASHRAE Transactions. Papers submitted for review must be both technically accurate and clearly written. Technical papers undergo a rigorous double-blind review and must be approved by three reviewers knowledgeable in the subject matter. Presentation is by poster or orally, if grouped into a session with related papers. Technical papers can be up to 30 double-spaced manuscript pages in length, including tables and charts, and a maximum of 12 figures (not counted in the page count).Guidelines for Complete Submission of a Technical Paper for Review
To submit a full-length technical paper, go to The following items are mandatory for submission:
- When writing your Technical Paper manuscript, please follow the guidelines in the ASHRAE Authors Manual.
- Upload a title page with complete authors' listing (Word format). The author's listing should be submitted as a separate file (Word format), and must include:
- Title of the paper
- Author names in desired order, principal author first, with (if applicable) ASHRAE membership grade, academic degrees at the doctoral level (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc.), and professional certification (e.g., P.E.).
- Author note with job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) must be given for each author in the following form:
J.L. Doe is associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan. R.L. Roe is president at Consulting Engineers, Inc., Lawrence, Kans.
- Complete contact information for the corresponding author, including mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and email address.
- The paper has a maximum of 12 figures.
- The length of the text including tables is a maximum of 15 single spaced pages (and figures can be extra.)
- Upload your Agreement to Publish form(s) signed by every author.
- Include dual units of measurements in tables and text (I-P and SI Units)
Learning Objectives and Q&A
ASHRAE submits its conference technical program for approval for NY PDHs, AIA Learning Units and GBCI LEED-AP continuing education credits. Among the requirements for approval are Learning Objectives and Questions and Answers for each of the sessions.
As a part of the Seminar program submittal process, please include 6 Learning Objectives and 10 Questions with Answers. These are for the entire seminar as opposed to providing that number for each presentation.
Following are examples of each:
Learning Objectives: The Learning Objectives should complete the statement, "After attending this session, the attendees will be able to…" Learning Objectives need to be addressed by the speakers and should use measurable verbs such as "Explain," "Describe," "Distinguish," "Design," "Apply," etc., such as the example below:
- Define Smart Grid functions, objectives and architecture
- Describe how the Smart Grid affects building operations
- Provide an overview of Smart Grid projects in North America
- Describe the federal policies and regulations promoting the Smart Grid
- Explain how building operators can obtain access to their energy use and usage profile information
- Describe how to use electricity use/profile information to reduce energy costs through features such as alerts, billing histories, graphs, usage histories for budgeting
Method of Assessment (Q&A): Please include questions with answers based on the Learning Objectives and what will be covered within the Seminar.
Q1.Is 55F the desired coil leaving air temperature in Florida?
A1. No. Not enough moisture is removed from the airstream at 55 LAT.
Q2. Would you use a humidifier in a Florida Lab?
A2. Yes - for 100% Outside Air systems because it reaches less than 30% RH for periods of time which impact powdery substances.