Contact Info/Tracks
Track 1 HVAC&R Systems & Equipment
Track 1: HVAC&R Systems & Equipment
Track Chair: Jon Cohen
Selection of equipment and systems is paramount to HVAC&R design. Choosing the best combination for a building can be a daunting task. This track will discuss how to implement traditional, non-traditional, and hybrid systems to achieve successful HVAC&R systems design. Considerations for designing systems and equipment for high performance, LEED certified and sustainable buildings will be emphasized. Papers and programs in this track that will assist designers, engineers, and operators in the design, selection, and operation of HVAC&R systems and equipment.
Track 2 HVAC&R Fundamentals and Applications
Track 2: HVAC&R Fundamentals and Applications
Track Chair: Charlie Henck
From the basics of engineering and thermodynamics to the most specific of applications, this track will cover a vast array of topics. It will assist the newest of designers to grasp the basic understandings of the industry as well as aid the most experienced of engineers in their future designs. Papers and programs in this track that will provide engineering fundamentals to the HVAC&R engineer.
Track 3 Integrated Energy Systems
Track 3: Integrated Energy Systems
Track Chair: Mike McDermott
Buildings consume over 40% of energy produced and contribute to over a third of our CO2 emissions. Improving energy efficiency in conjunction with implementing technologies such as solar, wind, and combined heat and power, will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, thus reducing CO2 emissions. The series of sessions in this track illustrate the benefits of integrating multiple systems and technologies to minimize the impact buildings have on the environment.
Track 4 Building Modeling Applications
Track 4: Building Modeling Applications
Track Chair: Pam Androff
In our modern times, building design almost always demands some version of modeling, but the debate continues as to what is the most effective method to simulate various building systems. The stakes are especially high for building designs that require validation in effectiveness prior to installation. This track seeks papers and programs that focus on understanding, manipulating, and optimizing building design choices via modeling. The programs will cover modeling fundamentals, building component contributions, system right-sizing, 3-D computer simulation advantages, and advanced energy modeling techniques.
Track 5 Refrigeration Applications
Track 5: Refrigeration Applications
Track Chair: Monte Troutman
Refrigeration is such a huge part of our daily life. It satisfies our daily environmental comfort needs; it cools, freezes and aids in storing food; it makes ice for our drinks and the skating rinks; it is even used in medical environments such as cryogenics. With refrigeration having such an impact on our life, how much about it do you really know? Papers and programs in this track will educate everyone on the simplest of applications to the most difficult of systems.
Track 6 Indoor Environmental Applications
Track 6: Indoor Environmental Applications
Track Chair: Robert Baker
HVAC systems play a significant role in maintaining indoor environmental conditions. This track will seek papers and programs on developing, evaluating and predicting optimal indoor environmental conditions. Papers incorporating the interactions of thermal, acoustical, light and air quality for new or existing buildings are given special consideration.
Track 7 Integrated Building Controls
Track 7: Integrated Building Controls
Track Chair: Sarah Maston
The reach of building controls system has extended from just mechanical systems to now include lighting, water consumption, security, and other building systems, working toward the goal of "intelligent buildings". These systems are diverse by tradition, therefore; integration issues are of particular importance. Effective control of buildings systems requires integrated, flexible controls systems built on industry standards with the primary goal of achieving significant energy savings and reducing owner costs. Papers and programs in this track will investigate innovative building control systems technologies and integration systems, as well as lessons learned.
Conference Program Chair
Dunstan Macauley
Staff Support
For information on the technical program, special events, special sessions and general conference inquiries
Tiffany D. Cox
Conference Program Administrator
Technical Support
For technical problems or for help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support
Submission Process
The submission process consists of 5 steps.
1. Track
You will be asked to choose which track you are submitting to.
Enter the title of your paper, and your email address so that you can receive a submission confirmation email.
You will also be asked to indicate whether this paper has been previously submitted. If you choose, you can enter the name of your intended session chair, if your paper is to be part of a planned session. You may also optionally enter a techncial committee.
3. Author
You will be required to enter a presenting author, and may additionally enter co-authors.
4. Abstract Text
Enter the abstract text for your submission.
5. Confirmation
You will be asked to review all the information you have entered. Please make sure that everything is correct, then click the Conclude button.
Authors' Resources
Sample Paper
View a sample paper in PDF format.
Download the conference paper template in MS Word.
Publishment Agreement
Download the agreement to publish form in PDF format.
Description of Papers
There are two types of papers published in Transactions. Both must be submitted by September 26, 2011 in order to be considered for presentation at the 2012 Annual Conference in San Antonio. Please note the submission process is different for each paper type.
- Conference Papers: two step process - an abstract of the paper (400 words or less) is due for review by September 26. (please select the "Submission Process" tab for more details). The abstract must be approved prior to submitting the paper. If the abstract is approved, the paper will be due January 9, 2012.
Conference papers are shorter than technical papers, undergo a less stringent review and can be prepared closer to the conferences. Unlike technical papers, abstracts of conference papers are submitted first for review. Upon acceptance, papers are due three months after abstract acceptance and undergo a single-blind review and must be approved by two reviewers. Upon approval, papers are scheduled for oral presentation and are published in ASHRAE Transactions. Conference papers can be a maximum of eight single-spaced pages in length. Papers are submitted in 'final' form using a template.
Guidelines for Authors of Approved Conference Paper Abstracts
Below are some guidelines to consider when preparing your Conference Paper. Please note that the guidelines are significant factors in determining the acceptance of your Conference Paper.
- Adherence to the template. The Conference Paper template and paper sample are located on the Author's Resources tab for your reference. Per the conference paper template, please include an author's note at the bottom of page 1 of your manuscript.
- Paper is no more than 8 single-spaced pages in length total (includes text, tables, figures, etc.)
- Non-commercial (paper does not focus on a single product -- proprietary or not.)
- Paper has not been previously published.
- Equations are accurate.
- Paper includes dual units (I-P and SI). Both text and tables require the addition of dual units.
- Technical merit, effectiveness of the manuscript (organization & writing), originality.
- Relevance to ASHRAE members.
- Acknowledgment of the work of others by reference.
Additionally, your Conference Paper must be submitted as a PDF file, referencing your ID# as the file name. Please return the Agreement to Publish form(s) signed by all authors to Tiffany Cox, Conference Program Administrator (fax: 678 539 2137, e-mail: prior to January 9, 2012.
- Technical Papers: the full-length Technical Paper is due September 26, 2011 and must complete final review by February 13, 2012.
Technical papers are presented by authors at ASHRAE Winter and Annual conferences and then published in ASHRAE Transactions. Papers submitted for review must be both technically accurate and clearly written. Technical papers undergo a rigorous double-blind review and must be approved by three reviewers knowledgeable in the subject matter. Presentation is by poster or orally, if grouped into a session with related papers. Technical papers can be up to 30 double-spaced manuscript pages in length, including tables and charts, and a maximum of 12 figures (not counted in the page count).
Guidelines for Complete Submission of a Technical Paper for Review
To submit a full-length technical paper, go to .
- When writing your Technical Paper manuscript, please follow the guidelines in the ASHRAE Authors Manual.
- The author names do not appear on the document for review.
- Upload a title page with complete authors' listing (Word format). The author's listing should be submitted as a separate file (Word format), and must include:
- Title of the paper
- Author names in desired order, principal author first, with (if applicable) ASHRAE membership grade, academic degrees at the doctoral level (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc.), and professional certification (e.g., P.E.).
- Author note with job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) must be given for each author in the following form:
J.L. Doe is associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan. R.L. Roe is president at Consulting Engineers, Inc., Lawrence, Kans.
- Complete contact information for the corresponding author, including mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and email address.
- The paper has a maximum of 12 figures.
- The length of the text including tables is a maximum of 15 single spaced pages (and figures can be extra.)
- Upload your Agreement to Publish form(s) signed by every author.
- Include dual units of measurements in tables and text (I-P and SI Units)
Learning Objectives and Q&A
For the approval of continuing education units for the attendees at the conference, we need to provide Learning Objectives and Questions and Answers for each presentation. ASHRAE will submit this information for approval to receive NY PDHs, AIA Learning Units or USGBC LEED-AP continuing education credits.
In addition to uploading your Conference Paper for review, please include 3 learning objectives and 5 questions and answers related to your paper. Below are examples of each:
Learning Objectives: The Learning Objectives should complete the statement, “After attending this session, the attendees will be able to…” Learning Objectives need to be addressed by the speakers and should use measurable verbs such as “Explain,” “Describe,” “Distinguish,” “Design,” “Apply,” etc., such as the example below:
- Define Smart Grid functions, objectives and architecture
- Describe how the Smart Grid affects building operations
- Provide an overview of Smart Grid projects in North America
- Describe the federal policies and regulations promoting the Smart Grid
- Explain how building operators can obtain access to their energy use and usage profile information
- Describe how to use electricity use/profile information to reduce energy costs through features such as alerts, billing histories, graphs, usage histories for budgeting
Method of Assessment (Q&A): Please include questions and answers based on the Learning Objectives and what will be covered within your presentation.
Q1.Is 55F the desired coil leaving air temperature in Florida?
A1. No. Not enough moisture is removed from the airstream at 55 LAT.
Q2. Would you use a humidifier in a Florida Lab?
A2. Yes - for 100% Outside Air systems because it reaches less than 30% RH for periods of time which impact powdery substances.