
Monday, September 12, 2016

9:15 AM-10:45 AM
Forum 1C
Developing a Target Indoor Pollutants (TIP) List

Presidential Ballroom (Crowne Plaza Old Town Alexandria)
Chair: Bob Thompson, EPA
Developing a TIP list (Target Indoor Pollutants): Getting the benefits of the NAAQS but with consensus development and voluntary compliance. Given that the US population spends 90% of its day indoors where pollutant levels are often 2-5 times higher than outdoors, the choice of which building materials and consumer products to use, and how the indoor air is cleaned and ventilated, have a significant role on human health and well-being and climate change. A consensus driven TIP list is critically needed to ensure a strategic and effective approach to reducing sources and developing mitigation technologies.

1.00  Presenter 1

Chris Pyke, U.S. Green Building Council

2.00  Panelist 2

David Rowson, US Environmental Protection Agency

3.00  Panelist 3

Bud Offerman, P.E., Indoor Environmental Engineering

4.00  Panelist 4

Andrew Persily, Ph.D., National Institute of Standards and Technology

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